Friday, July 12, 2024

Cats, Appointments and Being Older

 Good Morning from the Inn on the Catmore Estate. This is a much better morning than yesterday. The kittens were lethargic and had that look. We ran through anything that we had changed in their diet and we narrowed down what we thought might be the problem. Last night we fed them just a bit of milk to tide them over through the night. It seems to have done the trick. This morning I was greeted with a exuberant greeting by all three. We did a little milk and then had morning playtime on the front porch. GMoey took part once again but still ignores These Three for the most part. When the gray kitten tried to nurse from him, GMoey gave it such a look! Just gave them the second round of milk and they have settled down into nap time. At lunch time we will give the two who eat solid wet kitten food a little bit of lunch. I read this morning that the little guy who has trouble eating out of the bowl might be due to eyesight not being fully developed. This is my first time working with kittens so young so I am trying to learn all that I can. 

 This time two Saturdays ago I never planned nor imagined that we would have little kittens in the house. It has been our practice to help only when it seems like the mom or moms in this case need help. Everything seemed to be going well with the exception of the eye matting. That Saturday afternoon when I picked up the first kitten, she was covered in maggots. I hate those things. Anyway, that opened up the opportunity for These Three on Sunday. They are fun to watch and all three have the sweetest personalities. I had my doubts with the gray one because his linage is Mr Meany, Frankie and Nimbus...all mean, all nasty in temperament. He is just the sweetest thing, purrs and he loves that solid food topped with salmon lil soups as a chaser. I just gave them their milk feeding and then brought the above mentioned fav of the lil gray one. He and the orange kitten that loves wet food, fought to the death I mean fought to the nap to clean out the bowl, although there right beside the grudge match of the morning was a bowl with the same food in it.

We are more and more becoming "that" couple who go to Dr appointments together. Although, we have not stepped over the line of going back as a couple behind the golden door. The nurse asked if I would like Roy to come back and I said no way. Not there at that point. Success with the three words, yay! Drew the clock but with just a second of hesitation. She said draw the clock with no hands. Okay, I replied, it might take a while since I don't usually draw with my mouth holding a pen. I put my pen in my mouth, it was my pen, and she cracked up. Of course she must have seen that a million times, but she said I am the first who ever did that. Got to see Dr Andy and always a joy to talk with him. I have had some concerns and we talked though what they could be. This thing, whatever it is has been going on for a little more than two years. The process of getting an orthopedic is in process. Andy sent a referral and  I got a text that I am now in their portal system. Everything moves slowly here, especially anything in the medical profession. 

Our blackberries are producing much fruit this season. Some of those berries are huge! Both Roy and I picked yesterday. Birds are getting to the tomatoes, so we hung red Christmas ball ornaments among the branches. We planted purple Cherokee cherry tomatoes and they are producing like crazy. All his tomato plants are. I haven't been over to the other side of the yard to see the bell peppers but Roy says they are doing good. 


 Getting a mammogram here is one of the only not slow timing medical things one can get here. They contacted me yesterday to set up my appointment and I could have gone in today, but since we have a car in the shop I turned down the immediacy of getting in so quickly. I chose another date a couple of weeks out. Now, here is the thing I learned yesterday. For a brief moment that maybe I'll start calling Bidenbrain, not a political comment just keeping up with world events, I had Bidenbrain and couldn't remember the word, mammogram. Imagining, resolution all came to mind but finally at the last minute, the word came forth into the brain and out of my mouth. This little slip up caused the conversation to go really slow and be given instructions very slowly and at least five times telling me the address. Yes, I have been there before but now the mammogram office takes up the whole second floor instead of being on the first floor. Yep, after about the third time I know where to go. I am at that age and I know it comes with the territory but some of the questions you are asked are borderline ageist.  Do I live at home rather than in a home, can I bathe myself...? Yes, it is my preference. Can I walk by myself? Yes, that is my preference as well. Do I know what time I am supposed to arrive at the center? Why yes, I can even draw a clock for you and show my work that I understand the concept of noon. The lady asking me all these questions was so kind but I was painfully aware she had or as singers and worship leaders are wont to say, let's bring it down a little, cause I had a bit of a stumble at first. I thought I was never going to get off the phone with her, though. Must be a sensitive subject to me cause of those types of questions in the checkup this week. Do we have throw rugs? WE also have cats, so we do have throw up. Do we have cords and wires I have to step over? Do we have stairs and if so, are there items on the steps. Well, technically yes but I answered no cause they are neatly organized in a stair basket and one of these years, the contents will finally make it upstairs. The new question this year along with the smoking, drinking and stepping over cord questions and the nurse prefaced it with kind of a blush, was a question about s#x. Yes, this is all important information that the government and hospitals need to know. Oh to have had a pack of candy ciggies in my purse, to pull out the pack and retrieve a candy ciggie from it. Then tap it on my thumb nail like my Aunt Amy used to do, act like I am lighting it, take a long draw and respond with a witty answer. Like, we just did it in the parking lot waiting for your office to open after lunch time. 🎜Sky rockets in sight, afternoon delight . 🎜 I will have to remember this for next year's check up. 

Our neighbors made another hornet removal attempt and it cut short our watering, pruning and picking of fruit last night. Just as well, cause we needed to stop and let the little ones out on the front porch for playtime. Third kitty is eating from a bowl and gray kitty is drinking water from a saucer. They'll be leaving for college before you know it. 

This has been a hard week in some ways yet a very joyous week as well. Rejoicing with a friend with a new job and passing a certification in her line of career. Praying for friends here as well as praying for friends in Houston after hurricane Beryl. So many do not have power yet and the heat index is over 100 degrees. 

We did something new this morning, we fed These Three on the front porch while cleaning out their playpen. GMoey came out for a while but just watched the yard for birds. Now the kittens are fast asleep in their clean bed and playpen. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth

 Happy Fourth of July! Hopefully, some of our neighbors in the distance will put on a great show of fireworks but sometimes we can see the official firework shows from our front porch. I think from about ninth grade till a little after high school, Westbury Square had a wonderful firework display. Westbury Square holds many good memories for those of us who grew up in southwest Houston. It really was ahead of its time with quaint shops and restaurants. Sharpstown Mall began its downfall. It felt like a European village with winding walkways, not that I had ever been to Europe back then. Candle making shop, bookstore, perfume shops, and Cargo Houston. Large store with international merchandise. Hey in the late 60s and 70s, it was our first experience with international shopping. Kind of leaned to the hippy influence. Being young, the walk from our home to the Square was easy so many a fourth either as a family or with friends walk over to the Patton's home and sit in their front yard for a front row seat of brilliance and flashes of light in the sky. Ooooh, ahhhhhh....could be heard all throughout the neighborhood. One year I wasn't feeling particularly interested in being with others watching the show. I climbed up one of the big trees in the backyard and ooooohed and ahhhhhhed by myself. I remember thinking as I easily climbed up the tree that this might be the last time I would climb a tree cause you know one didn't do that as they got older. Had a perfect view for fireworks near the top of that tree. 

We press onward taking care of These Three. We've had them out sitting on our laps. Uh, I mean climbing up our shirts and digging into our necks. We've been changing out the blankets in the playpen but I found a little cat bed in the garage. I put that in the playpen about an hour ago and they love it. Their appetite and kitten milk consumption is up and that makes them energetic and being a little more playful. We will go out to the front porch again this evening and let them run and wrestle or just investigate this new area in their lives. 

Been working on the lesson today. We get to see this how big picture of a life, Jacob's, and watch his growth and trust in God. His birth, hanging onto his brother to be the first one born. He deceives his brother and father, then shipped off to reform school at Uncle Laban's. There he perfects some of his most deceptive and manipulative maneuvers but Uncle Laban is a little better than him at the beginning. God is with him but he wrestles with Him to get that blessing. Did the family tradition thing and showed favoritism. His other sons were not too happy about that and hated Joseph. Took his coat, threw him in a pit and then sold him to be a slave in Egypt. That's where we lose about twenty years of Jacob's life but we see in between that it has not been a happy twenty years for anyone except maybe Benjamin. We have the details of Joseph and we know he is second in all the land. The seven years of plenty have come and gone and now Egypt and the surrounding countries find themselves in famine and lack of food. Here come the brothers, with empty sacks, money in their pockets, donkeys to carry everything back but they meet a prime minister who accuses them of being spies. Joseph recognizes them but they don't have a clue who they are dealing with now. We are looking at the big reveal and the trip to live with his son in Egypt. We see Jacob's total life, mistakes and all as well as the good and godly. There around chapter 46 we see Jacob reacting in fear, well we see that in-between the lines until verse 3 when God addresses the issue with Jacob. Fear, good fear keeps us safe and healthy but oppressive fear of going, coming, learning or trying something new can stop us dead in our tracks and we find out that we are not experiencing joy or relying on God's strength. 


Our new neighbors as well as our long time neighbors put on great firework displays last night. The one across the street was a short program but dazzling to be so close to the display. For only about fifteen minutes did it sound like a war zone outside. That's what I like great shows compacted into a little bit of time and not all night and then all week. Our area is in a bit of a drought so hopefully everyone was careful and haven't heard of any fires in our area. 

These Three are doing well this morning. Two milk feedings and one soupy solid food. Two of them love it and the other one wants to be biblical...not desiring solid food but wanting the milk. 

 You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. Hebrews 5:12

We added something new to the day, a morning trip to the front porch. While they explored Roy cleaned out their playpen and litter box. Food and fun leads to nap time at this stage of the game and although I would love to take a nap, that SS lesson isn't going to write itself.

The blackberries we are growing this year are huge. Roy took a look at the peaches and they are ripening up. It is the time for free stone peaches and we haven't bought any, yet. Strawberry season is just about done. Apples are ripening and well that means that apple cider donut season is less than a month away. 


Our oak tree toppled in the storm yesterday. If Mike can work it in today, he will at least cut it up. Lots of lightning and hard rain with the storm. We are thankful it fell into the yard and not across the road. Some damage to the raised galvanized metal flowerbed, but think the metal can be popped back into place. We are picking some of the biggest blackberries and Roy's tomatoes are producing well. 

Roy helped me with bath time for the kittens. They all did well and they are fluffy and clean. He took them out on the front porch after we dried them so I could vacuum and change out playpens and bedding. Mike came by and he went out to help get the trunk of the tree off the metal flowerbed. Mike will come back next week and cut it down to manageable pieces. 

Been up since 4:45 and it is now just a bit after 10:00 am. I'm exhausted and need a nap. Oh, I do think one of the orange kittens is a girl now that some swelling has gone down and so I am thinking to call them Buster, Baxter and Betty. Baptist alteration as well as having a kitten named after a friend. 💕 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

These Three

 While being on the back porch with our little tribe I noticed how good the zinnias we planted in an old tree stump look so beautiful. I think it is one of my favorite flower decisions we've made. Our area received a brief shower last night and the next morning all the plants have perked up.

Speaking of perked up, I am kind of perked up. Well, let's see, I am up early and running on coffee that was brewed not percolated. But, you get the idea.  Rescuing the kittens of BBKitty and Cami has been emotionally exhausting. Those little mamas tried but they are merely older kittens themselves. I think most of the kittens we have from the litter are Cami's. The adventure began on Saturday. I picked up a kitten to check its eyes for matting. That little ones rear end was covered in wiggly, squiggly maggots that will be referred as fly eggs. Got that baby a bath and got it cleaned up. Put some Wondercide flea and tick spray on it and we brought a playpen to the back porch. Got some kitten milk in it and kept cleaning up any evidence of vermin. When we came home from church yesterday, an orange kitty was sitting by the recycle bin and seemed to be saying, I'm ready, what took y'all so long? Got him settled in after de-lousing him or at least first treatment. The babies cuddled up quickly and cat #1 seemed very happy to have company. Got a little food in him and then I settled down for a two and a half hour nap. I rarely do this but Roy said you needed the sleep and rest. Uh, I did. We were getting ready to go to the fellowship supper at church when Roy came to the back porch with two more kitties. Same procedure but the second orange kitten didn't look like it was in that good of health. Our evening plans changed and we got about the business of taking care of four young kittens. We moved them into a more spacious playpen, got rid of the stuffed animal and made a different litter pan for them. Then we used a lighter colored blanket so that we can observe them better. This morning Roy called into the vet office and we are waiting on a call back. Just called back and can't see them until tomorrow. Since we discovered that if both of us do the feeding, the resistant ones are a little less combative and will eat. Again, the two orange cats are the concern. The other two are doing better as the hours go by. For sure, not battling the heat and flies is a huge help for them. We just had a Spotty sighting and he ate really well. His wounds are healing and Fido was happy to see his bro. All in all that is good. 

The Sisters discovered their kittos on the back porch so operation move them inside began in earnest this evening. All four had a bath and a new scent of Wondercide to take care of those pesky varmints. They are asleep after all that water and change. Gave them some salmon/tuna bisque and two of them chowed down. I am concerned about the one orange one but we are getting kitten milk in it. The others as well. Did a milk feeding and tucked them in for a good night. 


This morning the little bowl of salmon bisque was licked dry. Put more in the bowl and set it in the playpen. Mama had some coffee and then set about the early morning milk meal. They all ate well and drifted back to sleep. Had two of them wake up meowing and Roy said, hey they need more breakfast and I kiddingly responded, not my table. I'm on a break. We will get them a snack for sure a little later in the morning but quiet time for them is also quiet time for us.

Mr Mo is not happy at all with the presence of these kittens. He is taking it personally. Barely lets me pet him and stays upstairs for the most part. The other two while not thrilled are not as upset. 

Just had a moment...we could only see three kittens. Oh my, searched through the blankets and that stinker avoided detection twice. Finally, we found him all wrapped up and alive. So, got him back on the top of the blanket with the sibs. That also prompted gray and Camo Jr kitten to eat food from the bowl. Now they are all back together sleeping on this bright Tuesday morning. 


We lost Little Bit last night. Her siblings gathered round her in that wake position that I have seen over the years of loving The Feral Fam. Each time there is a loss, it is difficult. Both Roy and I teared up at the loss. We are watching an orange kitten that is lively but does a lot of that face plant sleep into a blanket. It might like sleeping that way. GMoey has an appointment tomorrow so we can ask a few questions of what we might need to do to help Little Bit. Both GMoey and Willie have sat by the playpen to watch the kittos. GMoey even got up on the cat tree to look down and keep an eye on these little ones. I was so hoping for a better outcome. 

Seems like our attention has been directed to cats, The Four Amigos, The Boys, and The Feral Fam. Who knows, but probably something about cats will be in the lesson for Sunday. Oh I hope not but will work diligently today and tomorrow. Have an outline, which is good. 

The babies are sound asleep full of kitten milk. So, guess it is a good time to get the day started before the next meal for these three. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Herding Kitties

 There are hard mornings and this morning is one of those. BBKitty and her sister Cami are letting the youngsters run amuck. We gathered them up this morning from off the driveway and put them in a box for the moms to pick up the kittens and take them back to wherever they had moved them. Last night they had them under the front porch. At least Cami is by the box but since they are quiet and napping she might not be so inclined to move them. I think one or two kittens are missing but we aren't too sure. We were able to help another kitten with their eyes, so that is always a good thing. All the other cat chores went well but chasing little kittens, while not hard is heart breaking. They are related to Camo and she always stopped caring at some point for her kittens so she let them fend for themselves, we assure, or she dropped them here. 

I am kind of struggling with this week's lesson. So many things to cover but I need to find those things that fit together and make sense in able to apply the lessons to our lives. 

Well, it is almost twelve hours later and we are doing the same thing that we were doing about this time this morning. Herding kittens. When we left the kittens this morning, we left them in a box that the mothers can get them out of. Late morning when we arrived back home the box was tipped over and the moms had them under a tree. This evening kittens have been moved hither and yon but it feels like their preferred gathering place is on the porch in the corner. We put a bed there for them. They are good moms but they have a lot on their paws for being first time mamas. Round 2, we just came in after finding the orange kittens and we think they have been among the blackberries all day. Family is now under the porch again. 


And now for the latest update on kittens. Family has moved from under the front porch to under the back porch. Although it is noisier they are safer there. We've heard a few meows but the sisters are near so that is a great sign. I am not confident all the kittens will make it. Two look a little lethargic but we shall see. Maybe the older cuzbros will help reign in the younger ones with play. One of the little ones is bigger than the others and I believe that he/she is from BBKitty's litter which will be one month on July 1st. Last night we discovered that the kittens have once again been moved by the moms. We saw two of them yesterday when we fed the Feral Fam. The moms are around so that is a good sign. 

We don't know the places where the sisters take the kittens because they did not grow up here in the yard. With Cutie we pretty much know the progression. She has her kittens finding out about the gravel road and that is my least favorite growing up test that she gives her babies. By next week she will have moved on paying just a little attention to them. 


Yes, this week it is all about the Feral Fam and the newest members. Last night one of the little ones ran freely about the food bowls. I checked on her eyes and she had one matted again. Since Roy had gone to church for a men's fellowship supper, I had to remember how to help a kitty without the extra set of hands. Brought her in the house, got some meds in her and got that eye cleaned up. GMoey was happy to see her and she scared Willie. These little ones are eating food. They are at the age but I think all the moving and such has them a little smaller than their age would show. We are seeing three kittens, Roy thinks maybe four. 

All the Feral Fam is on edge. They are keeping out of the way and hidden. Think their arch enemy is frustrated and attacking. We have not seen Spotty for three days. He does that but with the tension in the air, we just wonder. When Roy got home last night, he heard the sound of a brutal cat fight. He tried to find it but too far over past Mary Joyce's house. Cutie has kind of moved her tribe near the fence and on the rocks. That gives three ways to exit or hide. Thankfully, all four of her showed up for breakfast. 


I'll wrap this up because this is going to be a longer story I have a feeling. Now four kitties on the back porch in a pet playpen. This morning around 4:30 when I was feeding the first guest I heard the mournful wail up toward the neighbors and the church of a cat. I hope it wasn't hurt or being stalked by the mean cat. We think he finally did Spotty in. We have not seen him since last Monday night. That Spotty was getting so close to trusting us. Now, we have these little ones to help. Calling the vet in the morning to see if we can get them in and on the way to health. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Herding, Securing and Watering

 Oh these warm days but thankful for cool mornings and evenings. The other night we put the top down on Mustang Sam and took a ride through the country. Just so beautiful taking in the sights and fragrances. Saturday morning the Women's Ministry had a canvas paint party and we had a blast. Came with breakfast, devotion and planning. Such a joy to be around friends on a summer Saturday morning. 

Once again I saw birds in training from the front bedroom window. A hawk and a much smaller hawk enjoying their ride on the wind. Circling and floating all the while keeping an eye out for something moving on the ground that could become supper. Hawks don't really teach their young to hunt but the kiddos learn by watching their parents hunt and soon learn it is better to perch in an area to find accessible food. While the hawks glided in their circular pattern two of the young blackbirds were training and developing skills to keep hawks away from nests. Mockingbirds and blackbirds will chase hawks in the sky and it seems like the hawk should be the one in control and not being bothered by this distraction. 

Cutie is in the process of getting in the last lessons for the four kittens before releasing them to make it on their own. She is taking them near the gravel road and showing the escape route under the fence. She sits back and waits for the kittens to start eating at the dish of food in the morning and evenings. They have grown and they are healthy from the looks of them. Before leaving for church yesterday, we were treated to a front row view of the BBKitty and Cami litters. Oh my, that's a whole lot of kittens. Two orange, a calico, two black and white, one gray...maybe two and a black kitten. Some of them are nearing four weeks and the others look to be three weeks. Cutie knows the lay of the land and uses it to the best situations because she grew up in our backyard. She learned her motherhood tips from Punky. Camo just dropped off kittens when she was tired of raising them. Such is the case of the two sisters...they don't know the crannies of safety but they have done rather well with what they see. I don't think any kittens have died under their watch...well, we helped a couple of times with the wandering ones. There seems to be something outside that is bothering The Feral Fam. Coco doesn't really want to leave the garage. The vet told me long ago with Riley, if they want to stay in they have survived a traumatic experience. Of course Fido comes and goes but he has wanted to be in the garage more than usual. Beanie is here for a few days and then he is off to wherever he goes for several days. He wanted in the garage this morning as well. Nimbus, our neighbors intact male cat is causing some of this trauma, I think but there could be wildlife in the mix too. 

It's kind of funny, well not funny, but I saw that a girl I went to jr high and high school with passed away last September. We didn't talk or anything in school nor did we ever after. She was popular and in all the popular things. She married her high school sweetheart and have been around the Houston area all this time. No obituary that I can find and not much about her. But, it makes me always wonder how it all turned out for her. Well, I know the ending but before that. 

We are still in Genesis studying the life of Joseph. After a 20 year period of time the brothers meet the brother that is no more, well in their minds. Joseph is second in command in Egypt. One description I read was this, we are in a unique position to see all that makes up the story in these chapters. We know Joseph is safe and the Lord is with him, Jacob and fam have probably had not the greatest of twenty years, we see God changing the brothers, and we know the plan that was for good. 


This morning we have been herding kittens. The sisters are having trouble with a couple of the happy wanderers. One of the kittens on the run has the eyes matted shut problem so I was able to get him and get his eyes cleaned up and get some meds in him. The Camo III kitten has that wild streak that comes with their cat family line. We have discovered if we put the kittens we capture and recapture in a box that mom or aunt will come get them and go back to the pile. Except they are lively and don't want to be fenced in. Roy tackled the big tomato plant that needs more support. We did minimal work on it last night but today got everything secured. Now is cooling off and resting from herding, securing and watering. He had to finish out the last little bit of watering this morning cause we ran out of daylight. 

All in all, we are punting our plans for the day which is fine. Roy has leftover BBQ for lunch since 6 Pigs was in our area yesterday instead of Wednesday. Getting a few more boxes ready to take to Habitat. Another hot day is forecast but the evening should cool down. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Finally Finishing Up On Friday

 While looking back at FB memories the other day a lot of things have happened on June 14th. The first time eating at The Blue Rooster, the beginning of the homes built across the road and the official home day of Mr Mo. Well, the official day not the leading up days bringing him into the house. Soon the pics of GMoey will hit the memories because he came in not too long after that. 

Some of the hardest lessons to teach on Sunday are the lessons that hit me hard during the week. Too many personal memories and stories seem to make it into the the lessons and then I spend a few days aggravated with myself over that fact. Also, in my personal study and reading the topics, while not chosen by me specifically, all have to do with do not become legalistic. It is very easy to step into that trap while covering it over with a false sense of spirituality. Like a description of P Pressler's in the New York Times obituary made by Dwight McKissic, a black pastor in the Dallas area, P Pressler operated under a cloak of control on many levels without anyone realizing there was rot at the root. My paraphrase of the quote. We were at First Baptist Houston in the "heyday" of all this upheaval to bring in all the conservatism. I am not political for the most part so when friends outside of the Baptist church asked me which church I would attend, conservative or moderate, my answer was I am going to a church with a gym. Can you see that strong spirituality in play here. Ha! I am only mentioning this obit because it supports my thoughts on legalism on steroids. We have all participated in legalism at some point and guilty of rule making just for the heck of rule making. Only the obit reminds us that the legalism on steroids hurt and damaged people. 

Haircut, BBQ at Pig and Grits and a few errands. I had planned on going on over to The Find Vintage Market but truly like clockwork, the energy stopped thus meaning no trip to the new place. I was so disappointed but all these years I have learned to live within my parameters. With my heartbeat lowered it doesn't take much to drain me. We got home and Roy noticed one of the youngest kittens under the pallet. Both Cami and BBKitty will put them there if they are nervous for danger. In hindsight this is one that just got away. Later when Roy went outside it had moved out a bit and was crying. Beanie, such a sweet cat, was trying to comfort it as our presence was making the moms nervous. I picked up the little gray and white kitten. Eyes matted shut so I ran inside and got the cream to loosen up the mess. Got his eyes open and the kittens were in a big pile back under the tree, we got him back with the fam. Fed the moms and all the others that eat supper with us. Radley was up on one of the big rocks, so I got a bowl of food out to him. He protects this little family from the gray cat that can be so mean. He is just cranky cause his harem is diminishing. 


I watched something magical from the front bedroom window the other morning. A black bird had two little ones being taught how to fly onto wires and stick the landing. Mom pulled back a bit and let her two kiddos have fun learning and flying. A mockingbird chased mom off the perch but she landed on a spot behind the mockingbird. The little ones became ineffective dive bombers trying to scare off the mockingbird. They have not perfected their style yet. Blackbirds leave and the two kiddos of the mockingbird land on the wire and the whole process is created again by a different species of birds. Blackbird came back and let the kiddos of the mockingbird attempt swarm procedures and like before mama mockingbird sits behind the blackbird. It looked like cooperation between two bird groups that really don't like each other. I felt fortunate to see the learning process for those baby birds who will soon be on their own. We see grownup cats act scared when a kitten arches its back and hisses. 

We picked up our order of Amish beef this week. Also had a dentist appointment and having a crown replaced is my first major dental work for the last three years. So that will begin in August. Again, we are dealing with the Mustang. Roy took it over to a shop that balanced the wheels and the thumping noise we heard was the sound of a tire cupping not the rims that we had straightened. Basically, we have two tires not even a year old, cupping because of the rims. One other issue has not resolved itself but we believe that there is an answer and it will come after the mechanic gets back from vacation.

Another baby kitten got lost but Roy found her. Got some meds in for respiration issue and cleaned out the eye boogers. Saw the orange kitten we helped at the first of the week and eyes are doing better.  

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Blade, The Cut and The Cats...Blade and Cats Have Nothing To Do With Each Other

 A little excitement was added to the day on Tuesday. Roy was going to workout but on his way he stopped in the nail salon close to the gym. He worked out for about an hour and then went back for his appointment. He likes them to trim his toe nails but he is not interested in the best part of the pedicure, the softening of the feet, massage and lotion but he does let them use a pumice stone on his feet to smooth things out. Thought it was all going well until Roy phoned. His voice was a bit panicked as well as weak. He tells me, they cut my foot and we cannot get the bleeding to stop and then he mumbled something, who knows what, and he hung up. He calls back and says pray. I offered to come over that way but he turned me down. Well, yes I began talking to the Lord immediately. You have to understand this is not regular Roy. Nothing flusters him. In 2008 when he had a possible diagnosis of ALS, he wasn't phased. In fact all his tests were during the time I was on a cruise. He wanted me to go and not to worry about a thing. He didn't have ALS, PTL, but something else that mimics it in the blood. The name is too long and too hard to pronounce. With this, I sent a text on our class group text asking prayer for Roy. He calls again, but it must have been a butt call. So, I call him back. His voice is sounding more normal but he is concerned with the bleeding and now this doesn't make any sense but he tells me he is going to walk over to the Sisters of Mercy Urgent Care. Uh, two bloody towels, bleeding foot, pressure...take the car. I talked him into that. His foot finally wrapped in gauze, bleeding stopped. He goes over to the Sisters of Mercy. Now, he will excel and overachieve there if he happens to run into any real sisters. Raised Catholic and it comes back to him in a heartbeat. He was a tad embarrassed. It was the tiniest cut. The nurse cleaned it up and put a little bitty round band aid on the cut. Then the doctor came in to see it and said she would need a bigger bandage cause the little dot would be too difficult to remove the next morning. The doctor did say the bleeding was more than usual in that he was nicked by a vein. I think it is and I will put this in a form of a math question, long leg + short person applying pressure = lots of bleeding.  Once things settled down and he was waiting to be released, I told him that The Joy Class was praying for him. He sounded a little choked up and asked me to thank them. I could not help think of one of the funniest stories I have ever heard and is told by Lisa P. The time she was given a gift certificate for a mani/pedi in a not so like normal place. The conversation she had between...and see, I cannot remember the name of the nail tech nor can I remember some of the things that happened, but I do remember this. Lisa P being asked if she wanted the blade. I asked Roy if they used the blade on him cause even about ten years ago salons still used the blade here. When the blade was applied I could not stop laughing thinking of the story that I remembered better back then than now. The Blade story is one I never thought I would ever forget and I haven't. It is just so many of the details and how those details come together to make one of the funniest stories. 

Keeping in mind Roy's cut and blood, I practiced precaution and didn't take my blood thinner this morning. Nor my horse chestnut extract. The lab opens at 8:30 and we arrived just about at that time. The lady that takes the blood and such is a great vein finder. So no incidents. We went to our favorite breakfast spot. Tried the California omelet and it was delicious.  Comes with pancakes, so what's not to like. After brunch, we made a quick run through Sam's and it truly was quick. Onward back north but it is called west, up the river road into Marshall where we pulled right in to park in front of the tag office and didn't have to wait in line. No entertainment this year by the hordes of people with title transfers etc... Once we hit the driveway I felt the tiredness hit. Like I had been drugged. Know it is the stress of things, driving and all but I did get a little bity nap out of it all this afternoon. 


Each group of kittens over the years have a distinct personality yet very similar in growth cycles. This week the kittens are venturing out a little in the backyard. Of course, most of the time, under Cutie's vigilant watch. In the mornings when I serve a plate, a buffet of beef, chicken and seafood the little ones know when the sound of a door unlocking that most probably food will be presented soon enough. Now the two most reluctant kittens are not taking their time in approaching breakfast. Because we are trying to help these little ones, most of the time the plate is served with the big cat tunnel shielding their meal from other cats. We are working in more pate rather than flakes or grilled cat food. They are at that fun age and two of them are letting me get closer, especially when food is involved. 

After the two week break it feels good and right to be back studying for a lesson. We are back with Joseph and we find him in prison. Soon he will meet the butler and baker. Sounds like a law firm. Anyway, butler has a good result of his dream being interpreted, the baker...not so much. Anyway, Joseph asks to be remembered once the butler begins in Pharoah's service. But, the most supernatural and divine thing that ever happened in the butler's life doesn't even become a memory...he forgets Joseph. Two years Joseph does his job, well I might add, in prison maybe even wondering why he hasn't heard anything. Kind of like back in the day when packages were mostly delivered without tracking, you wait and hope but never knew the arrival. Joseph had that attitude...still serving yet still hoping. This time around studying Joseph, I am seeing how the wisdom he received from the Lord as well as natural talents got him the job overseeing the collection and then distribution of food for the people of Egypt as well as others in the world. It takes both parts all which unite in God's glory. Pharoah saw God was with Joseph. It took the miracle of telling what the dream meant to Pharoah and those God given natural, everyday insights on how something should be done or ran. Believe me, I am married to a plan man. My planning is more on the common sense side but Roy sees and within a magnitude and range with the tedious. I cannot remember if I have ever heard anyone teach or preach on this, it took both miracle and talent. Some church leaders don't like plans or programs, some church leaders say the days of miracles is over...some church leaders are high and dry stuck in the middle. 

I have found that I am studying in the front bedroom with the double windows that a huge hawk and I are on the same schedule. The hawk is looking for something for supper and is out floating on the wind currents to do so. The wind must be a rather consistent ride cause the patterns look to be the same. There are times the shadow of the hawk is what gets my attention especially if it flies closely to the window when one of The Boys naps close by. I think Cutie knows the timing of that flight each day because she will pull those kittens out of their full on play underneath shrubs and plants. 

One last cat thing. Willie did not want to go into the bonus room last night with his cuz bros. He stayed out all night and out of the three he is the best suited for that. He never came into our bedroom until 3:30 am and he didn't stay long. He wanted one of us to get up and let him in the bonus room but that was a no go. We shall see how things go this evening. It has been a while since one of the boys doesn't want to go to bed and be fed. 

Nancy's Monablog