Wednesday, July 29, 2009

But First, This Message.....

Back home from a wonderful and much needed mini vacay. Dena and I had a blast at the Hyatt Hill Country in San Antonio. I still need to download pictures and get some pictures from Dena to use as I post about our very fun time.

I was abruptly reminded that I was home by a loved one yesterday. I wasn't even home yet when I had a phone message with the dooming last sentence of, call and we will visit and discuss some issues. Welcome Home Nancy! Man, I hate that I let that message put a damper on the official remaining time of my trip. That black cloud, diminished as it has been, is never too far off in the distance. I returned the call once Roy was home in case of a needed phone pass off to him. Sure enough the conversation went south quickly and the conversation was finished up by my hero Roy. This morning I am fighting this thing off because it is a joy stealer, this person is a joy stealer. They live a most miserable existence and the goal is to bring everyone down to their level. It is so full of the enemy's tactics, rob and steal any good seed planted so it will not take root and grow.

That is why I am writing about this first, to get this stinking, dang, stupid black cloud kicked back to it's hellish home. The enemy is seeking whom he can devour and I am not letting this person devour the peace and joy of God in my life. Like Ephesians say, having done all to stand, stand.

This little mini vacay to San Antonio was so much fun. We shopped, ate, ate, and ate. We sat by the pool two days and were entertained by the little kids and we had a great two day dramatic story unfold in the row of chairs in front of us. I am so thankful for dark sunglasses. No one knows if you are really looking that way or not. Have I mentioned the food? Dena and I had some great laughs. One of the best was opening the world of Bon Qui Qui to Dena, who was oft to call her Bon Oui Oui. She introduced me to the TV show The Bachelorette and she filled me in on the details as we watched the finale on Monday night. Great coffee and conversations. God did some showing off with His birds and animals. We are so thankful to Him.

To be so opposite of one another, we travel together beautifully. In fact, she and Roy share very similar personalities and quirks, so it is no wonder why she is my favorite person to travel with after Roy.

Today I am meeting some of my favorite friends for lunch. Then I need to get to the grocery store. To be gone only 3 and a half days and Roy has polished off just about everything in the refrigerator and snack shelf. He must have really missed me. Buddy was thrilled to see me come through the door last night. She has been my constant shadow. She never left my side last night.

It is always good to return home with a heart filled with good times and great memories.


Ali said...

Good for you nancy - dwell on the positive and don't let the trumps get you down! I'm with you on that one :-)

Ali said...

Trumps?? Should be GGGrumps

Lauren said...

Ugh, what do you do about those joy stealers? It's hard when you can't just say goodbye and good luck (like when they're family).