Friday, August 21, 2009

Can't Talk....Coming Down

My best intentions this morning: get up early, take Roy to work, and go workout. None of that happened. You see yesterday I accidentally took my night time extended relief pain pill at 9:00 am instead of 9:00 pm. This pill knocks me out and with that extended relief option, I had a lot of pain medication in me yesterday.

How did this happen yesterday? It was like any other morning except instead of my usual delicious breakfast of a banana and 2 slices of raisin toast, I just had the banana. I was having lunch at Grand Lux with Cynthia so I wanted to tackle lunch on an almost empty stomach. So, ate the banana, got a Diet Coke out of the refrigerator, came over to the counter, opened cabinet and took pill. Nothing unusual except, I took my Ultram ER 200, my extended release pain pill that I take at NIGHT instead of my usual 5 morning pills! I realized my mistake right after taking the pill. This pill knocks me out and I am usually fast asleep in about an hour. Man, I drank like 4 Diet Cokes to combat the sleepys. Took a tepid shower….tepid is a funny sounding word. Or maybe it is just the drugs thinking that. Anyway, I also used the cool setting on my hair dryer to help combat that oh so relaxing sleep that comes from taking that pill. In the car the A/C was on max power and all the vents directed toward my face. To keep myself awake I began a conversation with myself and gave other drivers a voice when their driving behavior aggravated me. There must have been 7 conversations going on in that car, with only one person giving voice to the conversations.

I made it through lunch and had a great time with Cynthia. My plans were to run to the Container Store and then on to Central Market. I made it to CS but upon leaving I knew I didn't have it in me for Central Market and I had better get myself home to take a nap. For good measure, I went through the drive through at Starbucks.

For good measure, I did not take a pain pill last night. One of the side effects of too much Ultram is, the heart slows down. I am already on pills that take care of that and I didn't want my heart to come to a slow and complete stop and I would deplane to heaven. Not that I don't want to go to heaven, but it seems there is still stuff for me to do on earth.

Which brings us back to this morning. When I awoke at 6:00 am, I told Roy I believe some sort of truck came through the bedroom last night and ran over me several times. There is no way I can get up now and do all that I planned. I turned over, went promptly back to sleep and awoke fresh as a daisy at 9:00 am. You better believe me when I tell you, this morning I so paid attention to what I was taking.

I will say, yesterday was very fun. The day held everything happening in slow motion with intermittent bouts of hyperness and silly thinking. Uh, now that I think about was pretty much like any other day for me. Maybe the difference being, a lot more yawning.

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