Monday, June 10, 2013

Nannie Get Your Gun or Nannie Oakly in Rancho De Five


A beautiful morning after a Sunday afternoon rain.  The sun is shinning, the foliage is a deeper green and I'm excited about a lunch on Thursday.  But all of that happiness in the morning came to a screeching halt while gazing out our back windows taking in a This is My Father's World kind of moment when I saw this little bitty movement among my flowers.  I drew closer by going to our back door to see if this little bit of movement among the snapdragons was one of my guard mockingbirds that have grown up at our bird feeder.  NO!  Dang!  It was a little bitty tiny baby rat.  Now before you think we live in the hood I will remind you we live in Rancho De Five, you know where these kind of creatures shouldn't be admitted, but we live off a green space, a beautiful green space to the eye, but me thinks lurking underneath all the beauty of the verdant view are skunks, rats, snakes and cute little bunny rabbits.  Our neighbor next door is dealing with the rabbits eating his plants.  I would gladly trade with him.  I emailed Roy to let him know of my  I spy with my little eye finding and I was this close to calling a real estate agent and putting a For Sale sign in the yard.  That disturbed him somewhat and he made the call to our home pest defense to make sure they were REALLY bringing the professional box with poison as not to harm birds, cats or cute bunnies coming into our yard.  He also called the HOA and told them they need to do something about the infestation, well in my mind one vermin is an infestation, on the green space.  They were not too cooperative because children and adults walk along that space.  HELLO!  All it is going to take is Mighty or Mickey's great big rat uncle to jump out and scare or bite or take candy away from a baby.  Roy said, buy a box like we are!  I have a feeling he will be out staining our fence again since he isn't getting any cooperation from the HOA.  Why I have a good mind to go out front and pull up a plant so we don't have the required number.  Oh yea, that would mean I would have to go outside.  With all the land being cleared around us for new homes these..."things" are migrating looking for a new home.  Hey, vermin, just keep moving, nothing to move into here.  This is what I don't understand, for the life of me I have the greatest difficulty finding my way back to our bed in the middle of the night and I many times I can't see something I'm looking for and it's right in front of me.  But, I see one little movement of a flower petal in a bed of flowers and I instantly can identify the the encroachment of a unwanted preferably dead pest.  I regret that we did not open up the new BB gun and take some target practice over the weekend but I also know one would have to go outside to make the shot, it can't happen from the inside of the house.  Also, because I just feel safer and I feel certain that everything remains outside, I have put on my trusty rat..I mean rain boots. 
I feel like the kid who wears cowboy boots with their shorts.  Hey, it works for me, even though my feet are getting a little sweaty.  I'm sure the boots will not stay on all day but I will have them placed in a strategic location for easy access.  I am also happy to see that Buddy must be feeling my concern.  Instead of her usual morning spot of sleeping under the bed or her new secret place, she is so talented that she takes the rug by the back door, folds it in half and lays or lies there, guarding the door.  (Don't arrest me grammar police, I'm experiencing PTSD)

Here is something else that I have found to be interesting in my observations of the great side yard and it has to do with the birds and the bees.  From my observation it seems like we should find another example other than birds for the birds and the bees, maybe rabbits and bees.   None of the female birds I have watched at the feeder and bath are too interested "in doing it, let's fall in love."  It is a constant chase and it is funny to watch how the females are kind of like, 'can I just eat my dinner first or give me a moment at the water and stop chasing me for just one second."   Another observation that the symbol of peace, doves, have become the more aggressive bird at the feeder.  Lot of beak to the head action while feigning they are eating. 

Bear with me one more moment while I tell of my exciting lunch on Thursday.  I got an email last week from that someone had organized a high school reunion for classes 69-73 from Bellaire and Westbury.  Last year, my class did not have a reunion because we elected druggies and disenfranchised with the establishment class officers.  So cool in '72, so lame in 2012.  Anyway, I saw on the RSVP that a friend from high school was coming.  I found out that I could send her one email and respond to one email before upgrading to platinum classmates or something.  Anyway, we have been in touch and she is coming into town on Thursday for an appointment, so we are having lunch before it.  So like the last time she saw me I was 6' and weighed 120 pounds so I sent a current picture cause you know I have gotten shorter. 

Oh for the record, the title using Nannie, I hate being called Nannie, Nanner, or Nan.  I didn't want a bunch of musical theatre types Googling Annie Get Your Gun and be disappointed that I am writing about vermin and their ultimate demise, hopefully.  Also note to self, put socks on before rain boots.  I thought I was going to have to call in help for removal. 

***Update, the reinforcement has arrived with the bait box.  He is coming back tomorrow to put more poison in it because the box only has half the usual amount.  Reason, all the bait at their office is gone. Hmmm....sounds like we are not the only ones being visited by unwanteds. ***  Line from Greater Tuna, "I just sleep better knowing there is strychnine in the house."  But that would be yard.  Glad I took off my rat...I mean rain boots before he came.  The pest guy always sees me at my best little makeup, hair not fixed.  He probably would like to suggest for me just to go out in the backyard and scare the unwanteds away.***

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