Sunday, February 9, 2014

Saturday and Sunday

This past year as I have driven to Sealy and beyond bridges, brick and stone work, and fields that I saw along the drive were noted for the day I could get Roy to come with me and take pictures.  Yesterday was that day.  Roy had planned that we would start out for our day when he returned from Bible study but we didn't leave as quickly as we had planned.  I have been fighting off this sore throat for several days and Saturday it took me some time to get moving.  We hit the road around 11:00 and our first stop would be the bridge on I 10.  Over the years this bridge has frequently spoken to me...not like with a voice but with its beauty and design.  I've never known if the red was rust or paint and I'm still not sure but Roy captured the beauty of steel, wood and stone against the overcast sky.  He wanted there to be more sunlight but in my heart I knew the lighting for the pictures was perfect for what I envisioned. I hope we go back to this spot in the spring so that Roy can take the pictures he envisioned.  I am a sucker for dormant trees and vegetation. 
After Roy downloaded his pictures I played around with a few of them.  Taking the graffiti off the stone foundation and playing around with sepia and black and white. 


After spending time at the bridge that happens to go over the Brazos River, we got back on the road.  Since we were heading Brenham way, I called Mimi to see if she and Mike wanted to meet us at Nathan's for lunch.  I love God's timing, well not always but in this case, because she was writing me an email at the moment we called her.  

I love these drainage ditches or whatever they are beneath the railroad track between Sealy and Bellville.  We had just returned from a trip to the Biltmore and the workmanship  here reminded me of the workmanship of the bricks and stones there.  There are four different layouts with this style and we were able to stop at two of them to get the pictures.  Right after Roy took this picture, he got in the car and we headed on down the road.  Then we saw the train coming.  I wish Roy had been still out there taking pictures.  Those would have been so good to have. 
Mimi met us at Nathan's.  Channel 11 had just done a report of how great the food is there and the place was packed.  It is kind of like a smaller Buc-cees.  Afterwards we had to do the photo op and we normally take our pics by the Nathan's sign but it was too cold to take pictures outdoors.   
Roy and I went on to downtown Brenham where he took pictures while I shopped in a few stores.  Since we were so close to Round Top, we drove on over.
We didn't do a whole lot there except pick up some pie for later.  I only went into a couple of shops and Roy took pictures. 

On our way home we stopped at this drainage area to get some pictures.  Now, finally, the sun was out and it did add some brightness.  We stopped at the DQ in Bellville for a snack to sustain us for our drive home. 

It was a very fun day!  I enjoyed it so much on many different levels.  Seeing the beauty on our familiar roads is challenging some days and other times, the scenery along the way jumps out at us and grabs our attention.  But it is finding those little things....

I started this post this morning listening to our church service on the web.  Now it is afternoon and we just got back home.  Roy is out riding his trek.  We met Dena for brunch and then we went to Francesca's while Roy went to Rocket Fizz, newest and coolest candy and soda pop place in La Centerra.  Then Roy and I did a Whole Foods run and a quick pick up in World Market.  Oh, I feel a nap coming on and I have homework.  It has been a good weekend. 

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