After carrying an iPhone 4 around way past its prime, entering the world of iPhone 6 Plus wasn't the smooth journey one always hopes it will be. It doesn't help that Roy went to the dark side of Android and is almost no help when it comes to trying to figure out the this and that of what seems totally counter-intuitive to my logical guess with that statement the truth is, operator error. With all the improvements made every time a new phone is introduced to the world, it seems they could upgrade the experience of switching phones. Wouldn't it be great if everything could just be switched over? Without any fuss? Without any frustration? In hindsight my recommendation would be, don't get the new phone after a long day when one or both of you are so very, very tired. Over the years Roy just asks me to stay home near a phone store and he takes care of the details. Love him for that! But after the eight phone calls within minutes of each other, impatience on my part sets in and I know he is experiencing it at the store. Only difference, he can't act like a baby while I am afforded that opportunity to do so in the privacy of our home. Now here is the kiss of death statement when the associate tells you, 'its so easy, everything will show up eventually and you'll have almost everything you had on the previous phone.' So I'm thinking these things will just magically show up. Ha! Once we plugged in the phone to my iTunes account, it did become a little easier but then I am instructed to update the phone...uh, couldn't it have come totally updated? When I do that a screen pops up on our computer telling me that there is a problem with the phone and with iTunes or something. I have no clue but I did figure out how to begin adding my apps back to the phone. I may or may not have pounded my fist on the desk and lamented loudly of losing my journal, nostalgic musings (app), magazine subscriptions and snap chat. For the record, I didn't lose them. Once the drama abated, Roy settled in with a bowl of ice cream and I updated apps until I couldn't update one more.
All of it was worth it last night as I finally have emojies to harass my s-i-l the way she has harassed me with their overuse in texting. She and Erin were at the Nord Rack shopping...yes, teach a child in the way she should go.... Right before turning in for the night Erin texted me and asked if I was still awake...why yes. Then, the phone rang, my first call on my new phone and Erin and I had a fun conversation in a not too fun circumstance for she and Nancy in the Chicky parking lot.
Chris needed to change days this week, so I was out and about early on Friday morning. Breakfast at Black Walnut, Target run, Barnes and Noble stop, trip to the bank, prescription pick up, Academy killing some time stop and finally fill up the car stop until it was time to go to Emmanuel for a haircut and highlights. **** And this is where I stopped on Friday night.*****
It is now Monday morning and seeing the sun coming through the windows is a welcomed sight. I do like an overcast day though. Thankfully, this is an ease into the day type morning and and ease into the week type day. We had a good weekend getting several projects taken care of and off the to do list. We watched a lot of football in between and while doing our projects. Roy fixed ribs on Saturday which were delicious and we heard Natalie Grant Sunday morning at church which was fabulous. Peggy texted me Saturday night for us to make plans to watch the I Love Lucy Christmas special together and that came complete with my choice of soup or her chicken enchiladas. You can't say no that kind of offer. We had the chips and dips and Bill and Peggy came over last night for all of us to watch the show together. What a great time! The colorized version of the candy factory episode added a lot of detail I had never noticed in the black and white version. All my I Love Lucy factoids and trivia came back to me as we watched like, the teleprompter was invented by one of the writers on the show. Ricky was the one who thought to use three cameras to film the show and that is pretty much how sitcoms are shot today.
Since Friday night's phone debacle Monday morning proves to be I am better with the new iPhone now, only thing...getting used to the larger size and where it fits in my travel purse...thankfully it works and I won't have to carry my usual everyday purse which is a little heavy for travel.
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