Thursday, September 17, 2015

Another Fun Day in the Mountains

Things are quiet this morning. Buddy was a little rowdy this morning but of course now I am fully awake and she is blissfully napping in the sunny window. I woke up with a sore throat which is my immune systems way of telling me to take it easy. So, that is what I plan to do this morning which means I will try to finish up a few projects around here before even thinking about a couple of errands I need to run.

I had such a fun day with Vivian, Velda and Inez in East Flat Rock yesterday. Another great day of BBQ, shopping and apple orcharding. Last August I went to East Flat Rock to see the Carl Sandburg home but when I saw the sign leading up to the house, snakes live here...I turned around. My gimpy knee was acting worse than usual, so I didn't want to take any chances. I remember the scenery being so vibrant and all that came back to me yesterday as we pulled onto the back roads. We all agreed that it is a must re-visit and I think it will be a great place to take friends who come and visit. Only the apple orchards are open in the fall thus we wouldn't be getting any apple cider donuts, but that's okay. The Wrinkled Egg was such a fun place too. Great little shop with all kinds of things for all kinds of interests. Lots of neat jewelry, clothes, art, and of course my personal fav journals. I did buy a cute Wrinkled Egg t-shirt because I need another t-shirt. You know to go with the sweatshirt I bought last week...that I really needed.

Last evening the black and white cat was back seeking whom it could devour. He was hiding in the bushes and I thought, since noise doesn't scare him off, I will go outside and check it out. He came running to me and rubbed around my legs. I petted him and then turned to go back into the garage and he ran ahead of me. I did at least get a hold of him before he could find a hiding place in there. He let me carry him but he wasn't too happy about it. He felt so thin. I told Roy last night this might be the addition we need, an outdoor cat to keep the chipmunks at bay. If I see him again I might bring out some food but I am not going to get emotionally attached, famous last words of declaration. I think he is the neighbor's cat but I'm not too sure if he is or not. What got my attention to his presence last night was the sound of this; is what is sounds like when a dove flies...into a window.  Didn't kill it but it was rather stunned.

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