Monday, March 28, 2016

Don't We All Have Some Mornings When We Are Crankier Than Usual?

Nothing quite like a 6:00 am wake up when you would really like to sleep in till 6:30 am but something got Buddy stirred up and feisty. She was taking little nips at me so I did what all the experts say to do, I put her in the hallway and shut the door. Didn't seem to phase her, she was either down the hall or downstairs and took her time about coming back, but she did. Since I was wide awake now, I went ahead and got ready for the day and then came downstairs for coffee and breakfast. I then left for the Toyota dealership for SequishShawn's 5000 mile checkup. I was in and out in less than an hour so I went over to Biltmore Park...which is an outdoor shopping area not a park. I found a couple of things at that Barnes and Noble that I had been looking for and since the morning had been so efficient I headed over to Moose Cafe before the lunch crowd arrived. It was feeling like a veggie day today. After a delicious lunch it was a quick trip over to The Fresh Market for a few things and then I headed home.

The fog yesterday on I 26 was really bad and some of the most difficult driving I've ever experienced. In those gorges and areas around water, the fog is thick and almost impossible to see the road. Of course driving over bridges in that stuff wasn't fun and the people who do not use their headlights...well there ought to be a law and there is one here in NC. Rain, and it had been raining, those headlights better make an appearance. Most of the fog was on that steep grade where trucks become whimpering wienies because altitude plus steep grade makes engines work too hard.  
This morning in that very same area, there was fog and a huge wreck. It didn't affect the drive to the dealership at all. In fact I got there sooner than expected because it is spring break up here and not as much traffic.

I finished reading Dimestore by Lee Smith. She has a chapter dedicated to being older or getting older and what does that mean? She refers to these years as her porch years. Well, I have always been a porch girl so that doesn't work for me but I do know that Madeline LeEngle says we never grow up in her book Walking on Water. She divulges the secret to staying young and that is to stay engrossed with wonder and playfulness. Be childlike not childish. Madeline was writing this book when she was 61 which happens to be my age and has wonderful insight as we find it more difficult some days to move around but on the inside we still feel like we are 18 or whatever age we dream about. I can see Facebook pictures of friends whom I have known since high school and I am immediately taken back to those high school days and remember the fun we had in the everyday life of being teenagers. So many friends are grandparents and it still throws me sometime to see them with family while still remember them fondly from days gone. Who would have thought? We have all gone through difficult times and seasons, we all have found joy in something or somethings and we are managing the best we can but did we ever see us and how we have lived now with most of us being in our 60's?  I have been in the Miss Nancy stage for a bit and really I don't mind being called Miss Nancy...I will take it as a sign of love or respect.  I think Buddy too is in her Miss Buddy stage of life and the reality of that is hitting me kind of hard after taking her to the vet for the much needed nail trimming and for a well, let's see, how do I put cat was constipated. That can signal health issues but I felt sure and since I am not a professional, I still felt sure that it was emotionally related to me being gone for seven weeks and then suddenly I am here. Each time I left the house during those first days at home, she would become an anxious Nellie. The new vet didn't buy into my whole anxious thing and is keeping a watch on any outcome and thankfully Buddy is responding well to her new fiber
-licicious food that costs $40.00 a bag. Roy picked it up at the vet last Thursday and paid for it thus making him check Amazon when he got home for the food and it is $20.00 higher than the vet. So now he is over the cost somewhat. I still see Buddy as a young cat even though she has slowed down. The vet said her eyes are looking a little cloudy and her back teeth shows gingivitis. Buddy can still jump up and off our jacked up by about seven inches bed. I can get all emotional thinking about this and then I remember her this morning and I come back to reality. We all can be a little cranky in the mornings...don't respond to that Roy.

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