Monday, September 12, 2016

Weekend and Monday Morning Recap

Getting the trash ready and rolled down to the road is a struggle...Not so much physically but my neighbors have become such early birds with getting their trash to the road, it makes bin placement precarious with traffic and with rocky/rolling terrain. Most weeks I can just bag it and take it down in the truck but this week we did some cleaning out and thus a little more trash than usual. If this is the biggest problem I face, then life is pretty dang good.

The red roof is still a work in progress. I so hoped they would be finished on Friday but we are probably looking at Monday or Tuesday. I love the change it has made to the outside of our house, giving more of a farm house look.

Yesterday was a very social day, a very fun day that took a lot of energy but it was so worth it. Lois and Judy did the annual Breakfast on the Porch and it was fabulous as usual. Several of us stuck around afterwards and had a wonderful time laughing and talking. I returned home and took a little nap and then began looking around the house for something to take to the choir social that evening. There for a bit I thought I would be bringing only peppermint M&;M's but I had some goat cheese and Triscuits...found my cheese server and I was in business. We heard the Christmas music the choir will be doing and I loved every song but sadly, I will not be able to participate since I'll be recovering from knee surgery.

It was difficult to get going this morning but love of my Sunday School class and oh well yes, God, got me going. We are in I Kings and we are studying some of my favorite stories in the Bible. My favorite study of the Divided Kingdom was several years ago in Community Bible Study. Loved the indepth look and all that we learned. Gale brought a great lesson this morning. The quarterly took a different take of the Elijah, Ahab and Jezebel story...heard it taught many ways but the view was after a "mountain top experience" Elijah"s view of what he thought would happen and then didn't meet his expectations, he turned inward and became very self absorbed and self centered. I left and didn't attend the service because of the whole 9/11 emphasis. I have been so careful not to see certain pictures of that day fifteen years ago and have been successful for about fourteen years, that is until today. The pictures of the people falling or jumping out of the World Trade Center wrecks me.

So, I went to the grocery store before all the church folk were released from their sanctuaries. Still, there were a lot of folks at the Ingle's. That whole trip might have been a divine appointment because of the conversation with the produce clerk. Think a seed was planted this morning. I came home, had lunch and a nap. Did some reading and then some trash gathering and trash toting and now I'm working on this post.

The other day on Facebook my friend Lisa Mullins posted Romans 12:9-10 and it was one of those moments were something in those verses grabs your attention and you find yourself thinking and meditating on the words that took you over. "Hold tightly to what is good." You know, I never thought about this much...but there is the need to remind us...hold tightly to what is good because it is so much easier to grab onto what is bad. We can trend bad, not like robbing a bank or taking a life, but hurtful words and actions. Hold tightly to what is good is so important and in turn helping other to hold tightly to what is good is what the rest of the verse is about, taking delight in one another and honoring each other.
Good Monday Morning! The morning holds the wonderfully cool temp of 59. The low clouds and fog drape the valleys. The dogs next door are barking and a cardinal is sounding his call. I overslept a bit but it doesn't matter because the roofers are not here yet. I hope they arrive soon and get started and get this project wrapped up.

I'm thinking about making an excursion this morning. It is such a beautiful day. Once I got home yesterday afternoon I was pretty much ensconced. I napped and read. I also did some work but being a sabbath and all, I restrained. My energy depleted and needed refilling. I also require a lot of alone time and yesterday afternoon and evening is just what I needed.

Well, breakfast time is a calling. I just heard a truck door close...maybe the roofers are here.

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