Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Calm Before The Storm

It has been a while since posting on the blog but I had written a post that was taking way too long, so it was ditched and tonight, a new beginning. Today while roaming about the countryside thinking of what would be good to write...well, as those brilliant thoughts must still be out there in the countryside where there was quite a bit of snow.

We are experiencing the calm before the storm. So reminiscent of days before a hurricane hitting the coast. Beautiful skies and the temps here warmer than they've been gives a false sense of well being, that there isn't anything barreling across the country, following I 40. I am prepared as well as I know how to prepare. Got the snow shovel last year and still have some de-ice stuff. Grocery shopped and have all the particulars for staying in for several days. Just in case there isn't anything interesting here to read I made two stops at Barnes and Noble, but I am getting ahead of myself. This morning I decided to do the unusual for me, once all the prep has been done, I stay around the house...waiting. Not today. Once it warmed up, the roads were not wet, but still didn't need to take a chance, I drove over to the Barnes and Noble on Tunnel Road and then went to Whole Foods. Since I forgot to take the cooler, yes I know it is cold out but one doesn't take a chance with milk products, I headed back home, put up the milk and headed out to Tennessee. Wow, there was a good amount of snow in the fields and along the road once crossing the line into Madison County. Tennessee had also been blessed with lingering snow and it looked so beautiful in the mountains. I decided the first stop would be Mountain View Country Store. Time was always in the back of my mind because I wanted to be near home at least by dusk. The shopping trip was faster than anticipated so then it was off to Johnson City on the back roads. With the leaves decorating the ground houses that are usually hid by them were in plain view. Quite lovely. For a storm heading this way and maybe not as bad up that way or not but the Kroger wasn't all that busy. Got the things I came for and once again stopped at a Barnes and Noble. The drive home with the clouds and sky, with the snow and the last lingering bit of fall, were a sensory overload. Being concerned with getting home in a timely manner, the temptation to stop and take pictures had to be overcome but with so few cars and trucks on the road, I was able to grab a few without endangering others or myself.

In that small break at home, before leaving I went to check on Riley. She had been on the front deck sleeping when I left earlier. She was now hanging out in the back and she was quite talkative. In fact, I came over to her, she was on the deck. Carefully and very slowly, I put my hand through the slats and she came forward to my fingers and sniffed my hand, then touched her nose on one of my fingers. Just then she made a dash under the deck and our moment was over. That is major headway that's for sure.

When leaving the Johnson City Barnes and Noble, I got out two cookies from Mountain View...I didn't take a bite of a cookie until back on the freeway and that delicious bite of an iced sugar cookie took me back...because that cookie tasted just like the ones my mom always made at Christmas. Wow! That was such a pleasant surprise and eating that cookie gave a few minutes of memory. Then...the clouds and sky grabbed my attention...

Sometimes, not always, but sometimes miscommunication turns what would have been a meaningful yet fun day into something you never expected to experience. Our Sunday School class was to go to the veterans nursing home and give wrapped hand cream. There are several stories out there to why and who cancelled the event but none of us, Inez, Velda or me knew that it had been cancelled. Quick shout out to Jennell and her daughter for making sure it got there and then handed out. Thank you for doing that...They also had decorated for the Friday night Embrace event...again, thank you so much...anyway, once the three of found out the event had been cancelled, we decided to go see our friend Gwen who is in the rehab hospital after having back surgery. We were going to do that anyway but our timeline moved up. I have such a blast with those two, Velda and Inez. They are long time friends of each other who have graciously welcomed me into their friendship with open arms. We laughed a whole lot on the way to see Gwen. We laughed a lot trying to find her room and we left before they kicked us out. Gwen looked fabulous and it looks like she is kicking butt in rehab. Since we were so close to La Cantina that is where we stopped for a late lunch and then a look see in Soft Surroundings. That whole day, minus the miscommunication, felt like I was with Dena and Lisa...that kind of joking and talking, that kind of easy and effortless friendship. I am so blessed with friends in Houston and friends here.

Sunday was our Christmas Luncheon after church. The food delicious and the fellowship even better. I sat with Betty, Jennell, Louise, Ruth and Ann. I loved hearing their stories of growing up, attending Newfound, some for over fifty years, and the weddings that took place there and VBS and the like.

Well, it is getting late or later than I usually stay up. Just like last night I watched CSPAN to see the services and tributes to 41. Dena was able to get away from the office and find a good place to watch the train with the President pass by. Her video along with others brings tears to my eyes. So does Hail to Chief and I hate to admit this cause A&M is on my bad list...that has to do with football...but playing the Aggie War Hymn while bringing the casket off the train was a great moment. Maybe I'll write again or at least put a link to my encounters with the Bush family. Good memories, but they don't know me from Adam.

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