Friday, March 1, 2019

Way More Than Normal

Last night I stayed up way later than normal. Yesterday, I talked on the phone way more than normal. Yesterday, I cooked...way more than normal. Yet, yesterday was a typically normal day that included errands and taking care of a few necessary things here at the house. Today starts out with a heavy layer of fog that is more like August fog and hopefully it will be clearing soon. Have a much needed trip to the dump due to the partial garage clean out. So for now, after having a delicious breakfast of yogurt and probiotic cereal, I came upstairs to write a little, but decided to write a blog post which is normally easy to do but this morning Buddy wants to help a lot, a whole lot.

Yesterday morning, for the longest period of time, none of the regulars were out back waiting for breakfast. Only the gray and white cat showed up and his presence doesn't move me. In fact, he thwarted the first real interest of Riley coming back into the garage on Wednesday morning, so he is on my list. He went up under the tree near the gravel road, checked all around and began this mournful meowing. It rattle me a bit that maybe something had happened. I tried to go about the morning but kept looking out the window. Toward the later part of the morning, I saw a blip of a white tipped tail as Riley ran across the yard. Before leaving the house on errands, I put out food for her and Strawyer showed up as well as Mr. Meany. No Punky... When I got back home, she was out back, so all present and accounted for.

I am horrible at goodbyes especially when emotions involving goodbye are right there, beneath the surface of an ugly cry, I do my best to avoid the ugly cry. Last Sunday, Gene and Angela's last day on staff at Newfound. Such wonderful and beloved people who serve the Lord, under the radar, going the extra mile with people. Newfound people who are no longer able to attend services, people who are ill or in the hospital, Gene and Angela were there, encouraging and praying for those they were serving in love. Gene always found a way to make choir rehearsal fun but always worshipful. Angela, being an alto, helped her fellow altos, hit the note spot on or see intricacies in the measures and always appreciate the words being expressed by the musician who penned the song. After the service last Sunday a reception was held for them. Gene encouraged us, reminded us of the mission statement of Newfound and that we always need to be ready... Even in the goodbye, he was like Paul reminding the believers he wrote to, stay strong, be in Christ, be ready and go....out and share the good news. The luncheon held such an emotional sway, seconds from ugly cry...that I walked out and didn't express my personal goodbye. It was overwhelming and too much. I am hoping to see them before they move from the area, but they are two of the finest people I have ever met and the next church they serve in will be so fortunate.

Roy attended a conference on his birthday...oh the joys of continued learning and keeping skills sharp. It was an IT conference. He learned why, when our gas credit cards have been compromised by a skimmer, that the fraudulent charges begin in Miami. Learning that was just a serendipity, he heard more useful things for the office.

Yesterday, being a normal, not normal day, I saw a recent picture of the neighborhood boy I had the biggest crush on from late elementary school till about the 7th grade. He lived next door to my best friend and we all hung out together...sitting around, listening to our transistor radios, all tuned to the same station for that stereophonic experience. Or we would play wiffle ball or touch football. This neighborhood boy was drop dead gorgeous! But you know how things go, I haven't thought of him at all until yesterday when I saw a post on our alumni page on Facebook and someone tagged him in an old photo of Little League days or maybe Pop Warner days. So, I looked at his FB page and his profile pic is of his family. There right in the center of the pic was that good looking neighborhood boy....but no, wait...he wouldn't be that young...neighborhood boy was a year or two ahead of us in eyes moved to the right at the old, bald, scruffy, wearied looking old guy....uh, oops, there was neighborhood boy...he hadn't aged well. In fact, I vaguely remember what his father looked like...yep, looked a lot like dad. Neighborhood boy had a high school pic on his timeline...yep, that is how I remember him...young, good looking and long surfer hair after his stint with being athletic was over....Of course, I have not changed a bit.

While firming up March, April and May plans yesterday, that led me to be on the phone more than normal. At the end of the day, and into today, the last phone conversation was with my brother. We talked and laughed for over two hours. We covered a lot of ground...When we hung up, it wasn't just going to be go wash your face, take your meds and hit the hay. No, I had cooked yesterday afternoon. Wednesday was Brenda's mom's birthday and she loves taco soup. So, I made her some soup and when it was finished, took it over to her. When I got back home, ate a quick bite and then began the evening of phone conversations. So, I needed to go clean up the kitchen and get it somewhat straight. It didn't take as long as expected and for that fact much happiness. With things wrapped up and Buddy treated, we could go to sleep.

This past week the joy of discovering some frozen peaches from last summer has been a delightful foodie experience. Sadly, they are gone. Growers of peaches are little concerned about next week and the cold weather. Our plum tree is blooming which means when the freeze comes, it is doubtful the tree will produce fruit. It hasn't for the past couple of years. Yesterday, I bought some peach trees and more seeds and bulbs for the spring planting.

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