Thursday, June 18, 2020

Catching Up With This Week

WNC is enjoying a brief respite from summer temps. In the 50s at night and only in the 60s during the day. Last night it felt so chilly in the bonus room that it was tempting to pull out a small heater but I resisted. That is what sweatshirts are for.

So many things to blog on and those thoughts have been rumbling about in my head but what happens is this, it is best to work in the flowerbeds earlier in the day. By the time I get into the house sitting down to write just isn't that appealing. The front flowerbed is just about done and now my attention has turned toward perennials for the backyard. Reems Creek is having a sale on perennials and pollinator plants through the month of June. With rain threatening yesterday, it was the perfect time to go there because the crowds are there mainly on sunny, let's plant something kind of days. While picking up a few plants yesterday I overheard a conversation that tickled me. The staff is so helpful at Reems Creek and they give you pointers and info while you are looking at plants. Being in the pollinator section, divided into native and non native plants, this gentleman who had been sent by his wife most probably, because there was that constant phone contact weighing over on plant decisions, asked a couple of questions to the staff lady about how these plants would do in the higher elevations. He went on quite a bit about living in the higher the lady asked him, what is your elevation? He said oh we are up there at 2500 feet. She and I both about spit, but we didn't cause we had on masks and spit would just return to us...she kindly responded, sir, our location is at about 2500 feet. Around here, the higher elevations are considered 3200 and beyond. Must be a new Floridian to the area. Weaverville is a Floridian attraction point.

Buddy had her vet appointment and I am so much happier with this practice rather than the zen one closer to Asheville. All the Covid 19 protocols are in place, so they ask questions over the phone, then come out and get the pet, examine them and then call you in the car to tell you their findings. Buddy was not a well behaved cat yesterday and she was giving them a little bit of grief. They were not able to give her a full examination but after a little time in a darkened room to calm down, they were able to give her a mani/pedi and get the steroid shot in her. We are looking at options for Buddy to be examined and of course that includes getting meds into her. I told the vet gabapentin doesn't calm Buddy down one iota.

Last year I began collecting old ladders and benches. Didn't do much with them except put flower pots on them. This year I have spray painted them various colors but mainly going with a teal and red color theme. Last year the plant man by the river sold me a couple of apple crates and those have been spray painted and one so far has been stenciled. Nice work on cool afternoons on the back porch.

Mama Cat is keeping control of the backyard. Boo, Punky's kitten from the last litter is slowly but surely being accepted by, I have lost count, but its cousins or aunts and uncles...who knows. Until they totally tear them up, I am keeping the cushions that were on the rocking chairs back there for them. Has to be better than lying on the hard or wet ground. It is also a great play area as the kittens on the cushion defend from any aggressor trying to get up there with them. Guess it is like King of the Hill game. I got an up close look into the face of Boo when putting some treats out, dark eyes, really such a beautiful cat. This last litter of Mama Cat is about the best looking litter in the history of the feral fam claiming their home back in 2017. This particular litter are very fluffy, so I'm not too sure how many males and females there are. This is the jumpingest group of kittens. They hop around like bunnies in the evenings.
It is getting a little rowdy in the backyard. Mama Cat doesn't like Strawyer, Punky these days doesn't seem to like anyone, Beanie is great with childs and the kittens are moving beyond their sacred spots and taking on adventure. So, two kittens were eating when Punky arrived. She made that low growling sound...didn't phase the kittens, so she took a swipe at it and the room so to speak scattered. One of the twin kittens came over to protect Mama Cat and there for a few seconds...I didn't know if an all out brawl would take place or what. Such hopes for peace as Mama Cat has taken in Boo. Punky is done with him. But Mama Cat remains a tried and true feral. She will eat every bit of food so that no other cat or rival can have any. There have been spats in the garage and by the food bowls. These ferals...they are entertaining though.

Of course none of the things I've contemplated or thought about have not been included on this post. Tomorrow is the long awaited haircut. Have to wear a mask. Sometimes I can get it adjusted right and no bother but other times...such a bother.

Buddy is feeling better. She is the happy wanderer. She goes from place to place but now has finally settled down in the window of the bonus room. She was a wanderer last night thus I had to take a short nap this afternoon.

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