Monday, August 8, 2022

Updates on The Feral Fam and The Boys

 We are exhausted with all our cat and kitten care. The third day in a row we have punted our original plans and adjusted accordingly. When spending time with the boys on the back porch I have been writing out and working on tomorrows lesson. Hopefully, I will not say so Elisha, Mr Mo and G Mo went out into the desert. Just an example, no desert in the lesson. The boys are conked out in sleep after a vigorous morning of play. We are too but the luxury of a nap isn't in the plans right now. The first check of the morning was on the little one that I didn't think would last the night. He did. He was really bad off yesterday and we worked very hard to get all those things off of him. I brought him to the back porch to dry off and much to my surprise he took several syringes of milk. I put him in the carrier with Lamp Chop and some water. Such a great surprise and joy to see him moving about. So, food was brought to him and he ate most of it. A little later he joined his sibcousins for inspection and the bucket brigade. In the garage we hunted down the deadly foes, flies. Just some small ones so the weapons of our warfare are fly swatters. We took out about five of them. Think there might be one or two more for the hunt. So, set free a few played then they all went to the cardboard box. Then some ate. Like I said a lethargic group for sure. We will get more kitten milk on our errands today. 

Last night we had just fallen into bed and almost fast asleep, the electricity went out. I jumped up to check and see if it was an area thing or just us. Looked to be area. It didn't last long but the generator kicked in. Such a good investment that's for sure. Soon enough power restored and we checked around and in the garage to see how the troops were doing. They slept right through it. Now a funny thought came to mind. When I was in the 7th grade or so, we went on vacation to Cherokee Village, Arkansas. We stayed with my grandparents in their air stream, which is already cramped with just two people. My mom and I drew the lucky straw and we both had to sleep up in the bunk in the back of the air stream. It was like sleeping in a crowded coffin. My brother and father slept in the table that makes out into a bed below us. Can I tell you it was stinkin' hot. No AC, no breeze and we are up in the heat sleeping in the size of a little wider space than a twin bed. My mother asked that a fan be turned on to keep the air moving up there, but my grandmother was hesitant, she just knew if the fan ran, it would blow a fuse. Finally, she gave in to our request and wouldn't you know it, the power went out about fifteen minutes later. Not just the trailer but the whole area. My grandmother wasn't a bit too happy and she berated my mom for causing the whole camping area to lose electricity. Now, it wasn't the fan at all but I cannot help but tell you that last night this story of the fans came to me as we left them on in the garage. I asked Roy do you think the fans did this? Uh, no.  


All this began on July 29th and now it is August 8th. What a week! It has been a hard week with good interspersed throughout. The saddest news is five of the little kitties did not make it thus forcing us to make the decision to take the remaining ones to the humane shelter to give them a chance. Our neighbor had taken one from the crew to see if she could help it and thus helping us know how to fight the battle of flies and fleas. She had help from the vet friend and Peanut didn't make it but like ours passed away clean and loved. We had put up two more playpens in the house to help them but the four who made it regularly ate both from the bottle and wet food. The kittens were weaned but took both kinds of food. Cutie and the cat who abandoned her babies to her sister finally figured out their kids were on the front porch from time to time. Cutie sat and watched and cooed to them. Tupac watched for a bit and she was off. Both Roy and I shed some tears over these babies. Wednesday Roy took Beulah, Busby, Bizby and Joey B to the shelter. At the same time Sweetie is declining. I think she has a bacterial infection and since she won't let me near her, never has let me, we are limited in helping her. This is the result and work of one KH with his signature hip injury but this time he went after her throat and that seems to be what has caused her decline. On Saturday she briefly let me touch her back in a petting way but it was one touch and she moved away. Several days earlier she did the kitty eye blink which is an honor to receive from a kitty. She did it over and over. Highly unusual because I never could get her to respond to my eye blink in all this time. The Feral Fam has taken a hit this summer. The Fam is not happy they are being fed outside and not in the garage. Insult to injury, we are mostly giving them dry food and we sneak wet food to Sweetie. In these summer months they didn't really use the garage and for one, I am happy to have a lot less flies around. 

The Boys are doing well and even sleeping and cuddling up together for some naps. They both fell asleep on my lap last night. We are introducing them to house life and freedom a little bit at a time, well hours at a time but I do want them to sleep at night in the playpen cause mama here, needs her sleep. That time schedule got pushed back when the kittens came in and so much of our attention was deflected. Mr Mo now greets me on the back porch after I place them down. He comes running with or to me and sits for a quick minute before he is off to eat or conquer the cat tree/condo. G Mo is a very healthy eater and is an equal rival for Mr Mo. They are so fun to watch. 

There was so much more to the week but since this has mainly been themed around The Feral Fam and The Boys, I decided to begin another post later today or tomorrow. 

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