Thursday, July 4, 2024

These Three

 While being on the back porch with our little tribe I noticed how good the zinnias we planted in an old tree stump look so beautiful. I think it is one of my favorite flower decisions we've made. Our area received a brief shower last night and the next morning all the plants have perked up.

Speaking of perked up, I am kind of perked up. Well, let's see, I am up early and running on coffee that was brewed not percolated. But, you get the idea.  Rescuing the kittens of BBKitty and Cami has been emotionally exhausting. Those little mamas tried but they are merely older kittens themselves. I think most of the kittens we have from the litter are Cami's. The adventure began on Saturday. I picked up a kitten to check its eyes for matting. That little ones rear end was covered in wiggly, squiggly maggots that will be referred as fly eggs. Got that baby a bath and got it cleaned up. Put some Wondercide flea and tick spray on it and we brought a playpen to the back porch. Got some kitten milk in it and kept cleaning up any evidence of vermin. When we came home from church yesterday, an orange kitty was sitting by the recycle bin and seemed to be saying, I'm ready, what took y'all so long? Got him settled in after de-lousing him or at least first treatment. The babies cuddled up quickly and cat #1 seemed very happy to have company. Got a little food in him and then I settled down for a two and a half hour nap. I rarely do this but Roy said you needed the sleep and rest. Uh, I did. We were getting ready to go to the fellowship supper at church when Roy came to the back porch with two more kitties. Same procedure but the second orange kitten didn't look like it was in that good of health. Our evening plans changed and we got about the business of taking care of four young kittens. We moved them into a more spacious playpen, got rid of the stuffed animal and made a different litter pan for them. Then we used a lighter colored blanket so that we can observe them better. This morning Roy called into the vet office and we are waiting on a call back. Just called back and can't see them until tomorrow. Since we discovered that if both of us do the feeding, the resistant ones are a little less combative and will eat. Again, the two orange cats are the concern. The other two are doing better as the hours go by. For sure, not battling the heat and flies is a huge help for them. We just had a Spotty sighting and he ate really well. His wounds are healing and Fido was happy to see his bro. All in all that is good. 

The Sisters discovered their kittos on the back porch so operation move them inside began in earnest this evening. All four had a bath and a new scent of Wondercide to take care of those pesky varmints. They are asleep after all that water and change. Gave them some salmon/tuna bisque and two of them chowed down. I am concerned about the one orange one but we are getting kitten milk in it. The others as well. Did a milk feeding and tucked them in for a good night. 


This morning the little bowl of salmon bisque was licked dry. Put more in the bowl and set it in the playpen. Mama had some coffee and then set about the early morning milk meal. They all ate well and drifted back to sleep. Had two of them wake up meowing and Roy said, hey they need more breakfast and I kiddingly responded, not my table. I'm on a break. We will get them a snack for sure a little later in the morning but quiet time for them is also quiet time for us.

Mr Mo is not happy at all with the presence of these kittens. He is taking it personally. Barely lets me pet him and stays upstairs for the most part. The other two while not thrilled are not as upset. 

Just had a moment...we could only see three kittens. Oh my, searched through the blankets and that stinker avoided detection twice. Finally, we found him all wrapped up and alive. So, got him back on the top of the blanket with the sibs. That also prompted gray and Camo Jr kitten to eat food from the bowl. Now they are all back together sleeping on this bright Tuesday morning. 


We lost Little Bit last night. Her siblings gathered round her in that wake position that I have seen over the years of loving The Feral Fam. Each time there is a loss, it is difficult. Both Roy and I teared up at the loss. We are watching an orange kitten that is lively but does a lot of that face plant sleep into a blanket. It might like sleeping that way. GMoey has an appointment tomorrow so we can ask a few questions of what we might need to do to help Little Bit. Both GMoey and Willie have sat by the playpen to watch the kittos. GMoey even got up on the cat tree to look down and keep an eye on these little ones. I was so hoping for a better outcome. 

Seems like our attention has been directed to cats, The Four Amigos, The Boys, and The Feral Fam. Who knows, but probably something about cats will be in the lesson for Sunday. Oh I hope not but will work diligently today and tomorrow. Have an outline, which is good. 

The babies are sound asleep full of kitten milk. So, guess it is a good time to get the day started before the next meal for these three. 

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