Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mildred and Gertrude

Last night Mildred and Gertrude did their thing for a Sunday School Department from Second Baptist. Of course we always have fun saying the things that everyone thinks about stuff that happens at church. We helped those fine Second folks learn how to have a budgetary Christmas and using your Nativity Christmas cookies all year long to tell other much loved Bible stories.

Looks like we are singing here. Notice John Bolin's influence on our style. OK, we're getting there.
Who knows?
Here is Gertrude coming down the steps stopping Millie from telling the much loved and changed Bible story, Josephine and her hat of many colors.

Gerti showing off what can be done with candy corns for Halloween....I mean Fall Festival Day...or Harvest Festival Day or as CourtneyS daughter calls it Fall Vegetable.

The finished product of our much loved and so delicious, SPAM Turkey. You'll never host another holiday dinner again.

Since the group from Second was having their party at Gerti's home it was great to be able to do our thing and then Ed and I were out the door after I changed clothes. Oh Ed is the name of Millie's husband. Gerti's husband is Charlie.


Anonymous said...

what fun!!! after all these costumed fall vegetable events i'll never recognize you in street clothes!!!!- unless they are the $2.88 shorts from academy!!! Do i need the spamkey recipe?????

marty h said...

Loved it - especially the spam turkey to get out of having to host holiday dinners - too good. Of course Johnny loves spam! Yuck!

Ali said...

looking good ladies ;-) your singing extravaganza for my ears only whilst I visited Texas was amongst the highlights of the trip.

recipe please for spam turkey. serving that at Christmas this year will ensure I have the quiet holiday I always dreamed of next year :-)