Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Let's Go Over to the Other Side of the Lake

One day Jesus said to his disciples, "Let's go over to the other side of the lake." So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, they fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. Luke 8:22-23

What a great Bible passage to begin this post. Of course we didn't go to the other side of the lake on a boat, we didn't fall asleep, the only squall on the placid lake was Peggy but there were times Emily and I thought we were in great danger, but we weren't. We had a blast last night playing on the lake. This evening was especially fun because in all the years that Peggy has been pulling people around on her jet ski, this was my first time to ride the raft and hopefully it will not be my last. I always thought I was too old and too fat. Since losing weight, being too old wasn't a very good excuse anymore. It had been a long day on the lake for Peggy. She had a camp group of autistic children out there for the day. The camp's name is Camp Journey. I coveted Peggy's t-shirt that the group had given her. Before making our life changing ride, we had dinner. We ate leftover Ethiopian food... Did I have you there for a moment? Actually, we ate left over grilled hamburgers from a group that had been out there on Sunday. One of the couples that was there are missionaries from Ethiopia. After eating we golf carted over to the cabin by the dock to earn our rides for the night. Emily and I helped Peggy make up the bunk beds for any upcoming overnight visitors.

I have to admit, I was a little nervous about riding, but I recently put this on my bucket list. So, it was much easier going to Peggy's home and riding on the lake verses making a trip to England, Ireland and Scotland or any of the other various places I would someday like to visit. Even more special about the ride, we were celebrating Emily's birthday. That wild ride on the raft was just so much fun. Jet ski spray in the face, riding in the midst of the wake and being slung side to side across the water was absolutely, tremendously, excitingly fun! We made several trips up and down the lake. We stopped a couple of times to watch the sun set and well I can't speak for Emily, but I was happy for the time to rest my hands and elbows.

Here we are having our before picture taken. We never attempted this pose while in the midst of the ride.

This is after our wild ride. Now I'm attempting to get on the jet ski for the much calmer ride on the lake. I hate getting my hair wet other than when washing it.

Of course good friends take pictures that put our best assets in a positive light. Emily, because of this picture, has now been downgraded to OK friend. Just joking Emily! But this picture is proof positive of why I don't tell Satan to get behind me when he is tempting me. Because he just makes rude remarks about my rear. Oh and that white patch belongs to the life jacket. That is not my attempt to have a plumber butt.
That home in the background is for sale. Only 2.5 million. Several of us friends are talking about buying it together and turning it into an old but fun retirement home for us. Yea, right.
After helping Peggy put up everything nautical, we headed to the cabin to change clothes and then golf carted back to the house for angel food cake, strawberries and whipped cream. Delicious! Even came home with some home grown tomatoes. Oh, they are from Peggy but she didn't grow them. On the drive home I could feel the muscles tightening up. My shoulders are a little sore this morning, but that's about it. Of course I slept like a log except for the middle of the night attack on my arm by Buddy, who was banished immediately from the bedroom.
Note to self: next time schedule massage the day after riding, not the day of.


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

looks like a day of fun.....

Milton Stanley said...

Found your blog by hitting the random "next blog" button on my own. Wouldn't have left a comment except I was already caught on the live feed thingy in the right column and though I would wish you well before next blogging onto the next place. Actually, I've enjoyed reading your blog. I'm always on the lookout for new blogs to read and am following some of your favorite links right now. Peace.