Friday, August 13, 2010

Quiet Thoughts

On Monday I had lunch with two friends from my tennis playing days. Only Patt is still playing tennis. Seems like so many that were so gung ho about tennis, myself included, no longer play. Many have taken up bridge or golf. There is only so much pounding you can take and I'm not talking about feet on the tennis court. At the time I played, tennis politics took up too much time and energy. At the end of our lunch we pulled out our calendars and made another date for lunch. Loved that! Typically, that is how every match ended when everyone would pull out their calendars and start throwing out dates months in advance to make games. Roy told me when I was in the early days of recovering from myocarditis that he was so glad he didn't have to make phone calls finding subs for all my tennis games.

This week I've been easing back into a routine of having "something" every day. A lot of my summer schedule has been numerous Dr visits for various reasons. Most days I'm able to ease into the day and most importantly keep stress to a minimum. It has been good for the body and mind but it tends to make me a little more boring. Oh well... This week I was scheduled to go back to the specialist but he had to reschedule due to a conflict. That is fine by me because it is giving me more time to adjust to the new meds.

The journey I've been on has created quiet in me. I am content. The unnecessary "fight" in me has dissipated. That is not to say there isn't "fight" in me to function, live and be healthy, there is. It is the unnecessary "fight", nothing more than an energy thief that now seems to ebb more than it flows these days. In Isiah it says in quiet and confidence is your peace. The New Testament encourages us many times to seek peace, to pursue peace. So peace is a hard sought state and if it is going to be experienced consistently, it it pursued constantly. I've come to realize it is not a balance but a rhythm. I was telling a friend last night that these days I feel more like who God really created me to be. I'm comfortable in who I am in Christ and that overflow has helped put to rest all those things I thought I had to be. A little example is this: God created me that doesn't sound right, let's see...He created me to be humorous. That's better! I don't crave the stage, never really have, I'm more comfortable being humorous in conversations or in writing. Wednesday night Peggy and I did a promotional thing for the choir. It was fun but while I was on the stage I remember thinking, "what in the Sam Hill am I doing up here?" On the physical side of things the next morning I found myself with several large and painful bruises from the slap stick. I knew that since part of the parameters given to me health wise is to stay away from bruising, that for this season I will need to step back and let others take to the stage. And I'm not upset about that at all.

The idea that my blog has to be intentional in delivering biblical truths or holding forth a lesson for others is found in this quiet. If God uses anything here, to Him be the glory. I'm just sitting here sharing life and not waiting to be discovered by the thousands. This is a pleasant avenue to put some thoughts together, sometimes serious, sometimes random, sometimes funny and sometimes unnecessary. Then I have them put into book form and they are in the midst of my journals and the blog presence is to take the edge off. I would like my descendants to know that life wasn't always about the hard and difficult, which journal writing tends to drift toward, but there are many more days of joy, gratitude and experiencing generous days.

There are other areas that God is creating a change in but those aren't for the old Monablog. But the quiet going on inside of me is quite refreshing and welcomed.

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