Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Break Time

It was a gray and foggy morning.  Although the fog is dissipating rather quickly.  I need to go feed the birds and get started on the rest of the day.  We've had a red headed house finch vising the feeder.  He is beautiful! 

Yesterday was my last leadership council for the Genesis year.  What a true blessing it has been to be with these other women serving God together.  Each year and it can seem this way with core groups too, you start out with one thing in common, the desire to study God's Word and at the end you have more friends with whom you have laughed, questioned, answered and cried together.  One of my favorite parts of our meetings is the devotional.  We all take turns and we learn about each other and what God is speaking into our lives.  None of the professional devo offerings that seem to be the trend right now. 

After leadership council I had tons of errands to run.  Roy needs two belts and two ties so I went to Joseph A Bank.  When did belts and ties start selling for $100.00 each?  You could buy two belts and two ties and come out of the store spending $400.00 on two belts and two ties.  I went over to Eddie Bauer and bought Roy two belts and today I am going over to the mall and try to find two ties.  Wow!  With my trusty pack of cheese and peanut butter crackers for lunch, I headed over to KT Antiques.  Mimi Bella has a shop in Bill's store and there was a new shipment of FLAX coming in.  FLAX clothes are my go to clothes in the summer around here.  I ended up with two shirts not from FLAX and several old hymnals, one is hymns and songs for men's church meetings.  How fun is that?  Next on the list dropping off a prescription and then mailing a package.  I came home and rested.  One of the side effects of going into afib and racing heart rate seems to be a few panic attacks in the days following an event.  Right on cue I had one of those times when leaving Eddie Bauer and going to my car.  Nothing like A/C on full blast for a few minutes to cool things down. 

I met Dena for sushi last night.  I had her masking tape which Roy had commandeered, she bought on our trip to San Antonio and she knowing my weakness for pens, had brought me a fancy smancy feather pen from Cracker Barrel.  And because we are exciting like that, we went to the Kroger afterwards.  She had never been to the one close by and she had a pressing need for corn dogs and Skinny Cow ice cream.   I needed a gift card. 

Monday night we had a Diet CheerWine explosion in our laundry room.  Diet CheerWine in our area can only be found in glass bottles but in North Carolina CheerWine runs the gamut of cans, liters and plastic bottles.  In fact I am to bring home lots of bottled Diet CheerWine from my trip for Roy.  Back to our explosion of cherry goodness.  Two bottles got knocked over and the glass and soda splattered everywhere.  We have mopped, swept and vacuumed the laundry room and we still find minute pieces of glass.  CheerWine on the wall, tile and a few little drips found their way onto two white shirts....of mine.... 

Little by little I am trying to get things taken care of and wrapped up but it is time to take a break. 


Etta said...

Skinny Cow ice cream? Seriously? What a brilliant name. We have Laughing Cow cheese here but I think I'd rather have that ice cream.

And Cheerwine is what??!

Nancy Mon said...

Etta, we have Laughing Cow too but Skinny Cow has wonderful low calorie treats. CheerWine is a soda water from North Carolina. If you have ever tasted a Dr Pepper, it tastes a little like that with a little more cherry flavor. Been wondering how you are doing. We are planning to come that way some day and I hope to meet you and see Ali.