Monday, July 21, 2014

Friends and Mission 55:6-7

It's kind of appropriate that one of my favorite bloggers and authors wrote a post that spoke so directly to the core of my being.  I read it this morning and thanked God that she was able to pen the words that have rumbled about in my spirit and mind but the words weren't building and crafting the thoughts and emotions I have felt so deeply in the past couple of weeks.   Then in the inbox this morning,here comes Ann Marie Miller with, Redefining Friendship. Several years ago I found myself overwhelmed and weary from trying to treat every friend the same as I do my closest friends.  Even Jesus didn't do that!  He had his three, then the disciples, the women, Mary, Martha, Lazarus and all the other followers.  Jesus spoke and experienced life on a deeper level with Peter, James and John.  Learning how to do this was life and energy changing.  We all have a lot of people we call friends and they call us friends as well...but we all know each one of us has a core group that we are not a part of with each other, but dang that doesn't stop us from having wonderful conversations and great times together.  Here is the link to her blog post.  For those who don't have time to read her post, here is a brief part of what she wrote.  OK, in my world the following is brief....

To me, the word friend has become as sacred as the word love. 
This is not an attempt for exclusivity; rather it's an attempt to define expectations. I have met Billy Bob and perhaps we've even shared a conversation about Africa or Jack Bauer. He's a great person. I will speak well of him. But I will not call him my friend because he does not know the secrets my heart keeps or the fears my mind perpetuates. I do not tell him when my mom is sick or when I got accepted into school nor does he know my regular drink at Starbucks.
I do have friends that know these things. They are a small group: humble, beautiful, diverse and there is nothing loud or proud about them. But they love and they know and they reach and I reach back.
And I think this is okay. Choosing to use the word friend carefully is wise.
It does not mean you love less or even that you love fewer and it does not mean a new acquaintance cannot become a friend. It simply means your relationships are more intentional, more vulnerable, and more committed. It reaches far beyond clicking a button on a website and is about sharing life instead of sharing a status.

Social media aside, a friend is a thing to cherish, to lavish love on, and to lean on (or sometimes give the gift of being somebody to lean on.)
Thursday dinner with Dena and Peggy, Roy and I had dinner with Emily and David Saturday, took Peggy to the airport Sunday and are you ready for this....had a home cooked meal Sunday evening at Dena's.  Lisa P and I talked and texted over the weekend about all kinds of subject matter from the sacred to the sucky.   I love doing life with these friends and I am so thankful for them.  Now if we could only get Malcolm and Lisa out here to Rancho De would be a perfect world in the burbs.  
These friends have been on the "let's find a house in Asheville" journey with me.  They've known the highs and the lows, the ifs and whens, and the sadness when any one of the homes we like goes off the market or is sold. The count is three, so it is not as high as 9 when we found our lot and builder finally.  Roy and I are having more and more House Hunter type conversations.  What will it be like once we are finally there and walking through the homes?  Yesterday at Willie G's we were talking about a particular home that is in the top part of our budget and if we did buy it, we would have to delay some of the remodeling to save up some bucks to do the extras.  What is strange is Roy and I have changed places.  He is all about, let's get it if it lives up to online pics and I am like...well...I don't know... the budget.  Our named budget like the one at our church is Mission (Psalm) 55:6-7
“Who will give me wings,” I ask—
    “wings like a dove?”
Get me out of here on dove wings;
    I want some peace and quiet.
I want a walk in the country,
    I want a cabin in the woods.
I’m desperate for a change
    from rage and stormy weather.
Yes, for once it is me talking budget.  That in itself is a miracle!  
Yes, thankful for the best hubby, the best close friends and Mission 55:6-7.

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