Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Brief Wednesday Word

Yesterday morning I was writing by 5:30 am and when I finished around 7:00 am and reread the blog post, I realized it had been a writing exercise for my my eyes only.  At first I was a little disappointed in making that decision because it seemed to be some of the best writing I had done in a while but that's when I knew.  The writing was too near and dear to my heart, even if it helped someone, it is not time to post it yet or if ever.

I also got caught up on homework yesterday morning.  Sometimes I have to come back to the first day's questions so it is on to days two and three and then a return back to day one.  It is more helpful at times to do it that way.  For a needed break from writing and homework, a trip to Home Goods seemed to be in order.  Apparently, many felt that way.  It was the day after a three day weekend and moms were out in force shopping and on their phones talking.  When it comes to Home Goods, it is a full attention store for me, don't want phone distractions.

This has been a week of scanning and returning.  Another skill mastered this week.  All kinds of papers in need of signatures for the new home.  Hopefully, we hear something today as all systems seem to be go.  Last night Roy had to write an affidavit explaining his last tax client from private firm days and for me, explaining the check of our one paying Mildred and Gertrude gig at Living Proof last December.  It is a good thing our Pastor didn't want Mildred and Gertrude for the deacon's Christmas Dinner last year, because that would have been fun to explain as well to a lender.  Roy did a really good job description because really, how do you explain M and G?

This past weekend the search and rescue for winter/fall clothes was on.  Only Roy and Buddy are able to reach into the dark recesses under the beds.  Thankfully, Roy is helpful while Buddy is not.  Because of Roy's excellent arm reach, he found everything that has been stored under the bed.  Now is the fun part of getting things switched out yet hanging onto enough when the temps go back up which will be sooner than later.  The project is about halfway finished, but oh what to do with sweaters until the time they are needed?

Half the pantry has been organized and a few other projects have been marked of the to do list.  Better review homework and no cooking....Roy's bringing home dinner.

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