Monday, October 6, 2014

Mostly Monday

Sometimes when skipping around Sirius, I stop for a bit on the 60's and then the 70's music stations.  So many times while running errands or going to the next stop on the list, a song will come up in the rotation and in a split second I can see the moment and where I was when the song playing made an impact upon me.  Strangely enough, I can also feel the song in place and time.  Songs like Cherish, at a boy/girl dance party, Jumping Jack Flash...playing the 45 on my record player in my room complete with dance moves and uncontrollable jumping, although not on the bed...severe punishment broke me of that habit after only one experience.  Sometimes an oldie goldie from early Christian Contemporary affects me like secular music from the 60's and 70's but it is a rare occurrence.   This weekend when I heard that Paul Revere, from Paul Revere and the Raiders, had died at the age of 76 and in my mind I was immediately transferred back to my bedroom with the wall of Paul Revere and the Raiders posters.  Each night I kissed Mark Lindsey on a poster goodnight, because he was just so cute.  Kind of embarrassing to admit now but while I am sharing I will also admit to entering a contest to win a date with Davey Jones of the Monkees when I was in the 7th grade.  Little did I know I would tower over him in height if my essay had won the contest.

If I ever come home with more crafty stuff for artful journaling, I may just kick myself.  Good grief, I have more stuff that I can ever use.  This is a new past time for me so it came after the purging I did of stuff when we moved out here to Rancho De Five.  I want some of this to go to our Alex House, that's what we call our home in NC, but storage is a bit more limited there than here.  On a good note I found three candles that are mulled cider fragrance and that is just about one of my all time favorite scents.  So I believe the house is going to be fragrance filled with the aroma of fall, even though it feels and looks like summer outdoors.  My postcard collection was in one of the boxes, so those are always fun to go through.  It felt like snack time, so this is the break time for apple slices and blogging some more.  I'm gathering together journals I have bought and never used.  I haven't even hit the mother lode out in the casita bedroom.

This afternoon we never had much rain but lots and lots of wind.  In the midst of all that wind the power went out.  This is the first time I have been home when the power goes out and the generator kicks in.  It was really nice but kind of noisy but I am not complaining, a natural gas generator running the electricity for about an hour is something to be thankful for.

On a sad note, earlier today I heard a bird hit a window.  We hear it enough but usually the bird is stunned and groggily makes its way to the air.  Not today, I heard the bang but didn't realize until I went out the front door later, that the little dove had survived the impact.  Peggy told me to call her when a dove does this and I texted her but she's not in the mood to fix dinner.  So Roy, gets to have this lovely job when he gets home.  I am sitting here crying because I am watching a lone dove look for its mate.  It is more than the usual dove head bobbing, it is a bird going here and there looking and when another dove flies near, it cranes its head to see if it is their little love bird.  I can't believe I am crying over this...I better move to another room so my tears can dry.

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