Sunday, December 31, 2017

Last Day of 2017...Ice...Cubed or Crushed?

Looking outside both from the north and south views it looks like a gray/silver snow/winter sky. I see little flakes of snow and ice but nothing much and nothing much in accumulation. Just watched a live update of a local weather guy on FB. He is like Ray's Weather, a go to source of information. I had watched him this morning and he was the first to think there might be icy roads this afternoon. So, I got dressed and headed out to the grocery stores while the church crowd was churching. I was taking a sabbatical Sunday, and had planned that in advance but Roy's late night phone call on the way from the airport prevented me from going back to sleep soon. I stayed on the phone with him until he got home and I was Googling info for him...that is once I woke up enough to do so. I was able to pick up everything on my list and filled up the truck with gas since they say that is something you should do for cold, icy weather.

I just went out and fed the birds again and broke through some of the frozen water for them to keep hydrated. The last day of 2017 found me throwing bad fruit at some squirrels that had parked themselves in the bird feeder. Plunked one on the behind. I picked up the orange and two lemons and left them outside for easy access but alas, no more fruit throwing was needed the rest of the afternoon into evening. I haven't seen the Feral Fam but when it gets this cold they have somewhere else they stay, I think in the barns above us, but I left some food out till the evening just in case they would come on down.

Brenda and Inez are keeping watch over me reminding me not to go out with slick roads. No, this child is happy and ensconced. I had scrambled eggs and biscuits for supper. Just looked out the window and it is snowing. Nice way to end 2017. When Malcolm and Lisa P were here, we went to Grandfather Mountain. Malcolm and I crossed the mile high bridge and he talked about it this morning in his Life Bible Study class as an accomplishment for the year. I feel the same way but the picture that Grandfather Mountain had on FB today, no thank you. Ice, ice, ice on ice....Who was brave enough to go up that winding, curving road to get that pic? I don't know!

Just imagine these views with ice and snow and far distant white out conditions....and the temps? Well, here it is 20 degrees. It is probably in single digits there.

So it is the last evening of 2017 and I haven't found my one word for the year. 2017 the word for me was flourish and it was a good word for the year. 2017 held victories and it also held battles with emotions that I didn't expect when my father passed away in April. Recovery was good from bilateral knee replacements but afib and atrial flutter were worse than in any recent past. In spite of that I have felt good and had more energy. In all things God has been faithful and has been with me every step. So now, I am looking forward to the new year.

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