Saturday, January 13, 2018

2018 Word

It has been a steady rain for most of the day, well at times it is more like a mist but non the less it is damp and wet. I ran a few errands today, not the ones originally planned for the day because the different routes had wrecks which makes for some long road time...just sitting. When I left the house and began down the road, there were some big trucks in the middle of the road by the community store. A truck had gone off the road and needed to be pulled out of the mud. The first truck trying to help was a regular pick up truck and it couldn't get him up onto the road. A huge industrial truck made its way up to the truck, they hooked up the chain and he was able to get the truck back onto the road. When the big truck went by I applauded him. The truck off the road was no sissy truck either, it was a dually.
The rain continues into Friday but not so much a heavy rain as consistent. I headed out early to do a couple of errands before meeting Taylor for our first workout of the year. It was a struggle getting back into the routine and my body didn't want to start back but I pushed through and made it. Feeling pretty good I headed over to Target, Home Goods and Whole Foods. I was in luck because WF had sliced and peeled oranges. With more people living in Asheville compounded with rain, the traffic getting back home was wild and crazy. Happy to arrived home safe and sound. I really hadn't eaten lunch and had a light breakfast so a late lunch/early supper seemed to be in order. 67 Street BBQ is really good, easy to find in grocery stores and that sounded good over a baked potato with sour cream and jalapenos. Two oatmeal raisin cookies fit the dessert bill and then a happy little nap got worked into the afternoon. Perfect day for napping cloudy and rainy. I have a feeling the sunset was stunning because the sky colored everything with a sepia color, then suddenly became gold and then the sun set with the golden hue. It was beautiful! Tonight the temps are supposed to drop and all this moisture on roads and surfaces could turn to ice by in the morning.

I think I have finally come to rest with my word for the year. In another blog post I wrote about leaning toward archaic to fulfill the word and then I saw a word that seemed to hold so much promise but it felt like a look back kind of word and this year, instead of looking back at the effects I want to gaze forward with a word that fits life and just what it might hold in this year ahead. So those effects turn to "effect brought about by something." At the gym today one of the boards had the word results on it with Dream Big,  BIG)Begin in Gratitude...and the emotions, work, thoughts and feelings bring about results. So this year my word is Results. From all the work to improve, have functional fitness and trying to keep a sharp mind...this is a year for results.

Here is the word origin of Result:

Word Origin & History

result early 15c., from M.L. resultare "toresult," in classical L. "to spring forward,rebound," frequentative of pp. of resilire"to rebound" (see resilience). The noun is1620s, from the verb.

So this feels right for 2018

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