Saturday, May 5, 2018

Welcome Spring, Landscaping and Good News

So happy to report I came out of mammogram thing unscathed. Got the gown on correctly and everything. My waiting room group were a bit of the grumpy sort. When I came in I said, well, I must be in the right place cause we are all wearing the same thing. Crickets....  Oh well, I was in and out of there in a jiff and being so close to Target, it seemed like a good decision to make a Target run. Then a stop at the ol' Barnes and Noble. The thought of eating supper out crossed my mind but decided a salad at home would be the best option.

Nathan and Andrew are here this morning working on the ground beside the driveway. While at Target I bought a new hose because the one attached to add length to get to the front flowerbed weighs a hundred million pounds and it is difficult to maneuver. It was a good workout but with the yard on a slope and uneven, it was an accident ready to happen. Target had a lightweight hose and it is teal in color so Mike the Mower Man will see it when he mows in case I don't get it put up before he returns. He mowed yesterday so the yard out front is looking good!

Last night when I laid down to go to sleep, a medium high episode of afib hit. It kind of shocked me for it to be that strong and it wasn't easing back into normal rhythm so Buddy and I came downstairs for me to cut a pill in half and take it. After about fifteen minutes everything settled back down into normalcy. They told me to expect a few bouts with afib but they wouldn't be strong ones. So, I'll keep an eye on the situation.
So Wednesday turned out more afibby than I anticipated. It seemed like my heart was hovering too close to a bad rhythm. I stayed calm and worked around here and took care of some not stressful things that needed to be done. I went to bed early last night cause I was exhausted. I also had the beginnings of a sore throat that turned out to be the size of Texas and it carried into today. Hoarse and stopped up kind of wears one out as well.

Now it is early Friday morning. Once again I went to bed early, coughing and blowing my nose but at least the sore throat is gone. A friend told me it is an upper respiratory thing that is going around. I texted Taylor this morning letting him know I am a no go today. No need to infect others with this junk.

It finally feels like we have turned a corner and leaving winter behind this week. We are having warmer than normal temps which brings out the buds on flowers and the trees are greening up nicely. The birds are plentiful this year and even have hummingbirds coming to their feeder off the front deck. Both times, once when Carole was here and then yesterday, the drives through the rolling hills of eastern TN are delightfully beautiful. Last Friday we took a rather winding and curvy road and yesterday's drive to find the most direct route to the Kroger on State of Franklin Road. Saw some beautiful horses along the way. Along the drive you could tell that the rolling hills dotted with farms became newer homes on maybe two or three acres...then boom, you were on the outskirts of Johnson City.
My attention span for writing, which is usually good, has been shorter this week. Nothing like hacking up a lung or blowing my nose to distract me from something that I love doing. Really, how much snot can one person have? I'm guess the count so far would be eight gallons. After a long Friday of not feeling chipper, I decided last night to make a hot toddy. It worked! It cut the coughing and the runny nose down to a manageable bit to sleep last night. I thought I had pulled a muscle from all the coughing on my left side of my lower rib cage but thankfully it went away as quickly as it had shown up. This morning, happily not coughing as much and the snot factory has slowed considerably.

I did  have foray into the world yesterday, only for a brief time, to take some stuff to the post office. I totally sanitized anything I touched cause nobody needs to have this stuff. I'm doubtful about church tomorrow cause I don't want to bring illness there and it would be ironic that after avoiding church for most of the winter so I wouldn't get this stuff during the critical dental surgery and heart procedure times.

Yesterday, Lisa called as well as Peggy. Nice to get caught up with them, although Lisa and I stay in contact on a regular basis. Peggy and I grab time every few weeks. She was coming home from Ft Worth.

It was supposed to rain most of the day but that is looking less likely. Hopefully, we get a few showers later this afternoon so I don't have to water the plants this evening. The groundhog that lives off the gravel road was having his supper later last night up close to where the tent of napping used to be. I didn't chase him off because the grass is so overgrown up there but keeping a close eye on his patterns.

So Tuesday was the good ol' mammogram. I had gone longer than I should have in getting one but as I explained it to the nurse, sometimes to the determent of keeping up with regular health requirements, heart issues overshadowed taking care of other things....  The nurse told me that it was not unusual for me to receive a call back for an ultrasound and not to be alarmed. She also said that the results would be available toward the end of next week. So much to my surprise the encrypted email came on Wednesday...first sentence of the breast cancer! Woohoo! Such welcomed news! 

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