Monday, July 9, 2018

Phone Home...No Can Do

The day began very early and most Sundays are early days but this morning was especially because we needed to get to Charlotte. We left just as the sun was coming up and the drive eastward which is always beautiful was accentuated by a stunning sunrise through clouds and mist and fog. It is difficult to focus on the road when the scenery beckons to gaze and the one who is driving cannot afford to take their eyes off of I 40.

Thankfully, the appointment for auto butler at the Ford dealership has been rescheduled. I was feeling a tad stressed over all the things going on this week. With appointments and such happening in the next few months I asked for a September appointment and just received confirmation that it has been rescheduled for then.

It is looking like the original Feral Fam might have finally broken ranks. MJ has flown the coup since he recovered from a fight where he experienced what looks to be the losing end of the fight. Camo, that stocky girl, hasn't been around either and there is evidence she has moved on. Mama Cat shows up once in a while for a quick meal. Cali, well, she has remained here....with her three kittens. Yes, Roy and I are grandparents. I haven't mentioned them but several weeks ago, early one morning I caught a glance of them as the three played on the deck and ground covered rocks, just like their mom and her siblings did...not that long ago. Orange kitten, probably Dead Beat Dad played a part, a black and white kitten, either MJ or the old beat up black and white cat and a black/white/ calico kitten... Orange cats are usually males and the other two, haven't got a clue yet but I do have names for them and they are names that can work either for male or female. Robbie, Ronnie and Riley. Last night we couldn't get anything done because we watched the antics of these kittens as they play and explore. Cali has acted like she hasn't felt well and since I have become the mistress of the mixed drink...for cats...adding Mira-lax to their liquids to help with that age old problem for man and beast. Buddy has done better since we began lacing her water with the stuff. Good grief, I have just given the care and constipation report instead of a death and diarrhea report. Cali has seemed a bit more spritely as they say this morning. She is probably thrilled with sunshine instead of rain. Yesterday, turned out to be a rainy day and the forecast had called for lower temps but no rain. It is true that I have fallen in love with these cats who happened upon the premises in November. Cali's kittens are much younger than she was when she showed up and Mama Cat needed help getting them through the winter. Cali keeps getting closer and closer to me but will not let me pet her. If she is hungry she comes running around the corner of the garage and greets me with meows that sound a little impatient. Sometimes she comes when I call her, not always though.

Roy made biscuits for breakfast yesterday and they were delicious! We eased into the morning and then took clothes to the Salvation Army and stopped in at The Twisted Laurel for lunch. Then onward to Publix, in the rain and then the rain. Roy took a nap once we got home because he is still recovering from all the yard work he has done and even with all that work, made a tiny dent in all the flora and fauna that covers, no takes over everything here if left to its own devices.
Well, it is Monday evening and I am exhausted. Now the decision to reschedule Auto Butler till September has really paid off. So tomorrow instead of fighting early morning traffic to the dealership I am hoping to sleep in. Taylor and I are back to our normal hour on Mondays again. Came home and Inez came over to help me with Buddy. She has to have a chill pill before seeing the vet. Supposed to create less stress on the animal...uh yeah, there at the office...getting it down her at home provides stress for everyone. Finally with the pill down her throat I was able to relax a bit before taking her to the vet. Then I did something stupid, I ventured from my regular routine of getting ready and realized about half way to the vet I didn't have my phone with me. I remember the last thing I looked at and felt I had put the phone down in the house. Upon our phone. So I called my number looking for the sound but I heard a man's voice. He was saying I hope you are the owner of this phone because my son and I found it. Yes, I had placed the phone on the car and it had slid off onto the road. We decided to meet at the Moose Cafe parking lot. Nicest man, owns a roofing business. Not a bit of damage to my phone so the protective cover works. Wow! I was so thrilled that my phone fell into the hands of a honest person...through the course of conversation he and his family go to Biltmore Baptist and I told him I go to Newfound.

Buddy is facing some tough challenges that come to all of God's creatures when the aging process is happening. She is beginning to have some neurological issues and you can see some tremors and shaking. A little dementia has set in and she is probably in more pain than she lets on. Dr says dogs are so much better at letting us know a problem. She is doing ok but now will have to take some extra meds that are mainly going to slow her down even more. Hopefully, she takes after her human mom and responds to meds. Buddy has become a cranky old lady cat which isn't as bad as being a hangry cat. I felt like the Dr was preparing me for the inevitable decision that is to come when it comes to pain and quality of life. But, I can't let myself go down that road just yet.

I've got to read my book for did I put my phone?

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