Saturday, November 11, 2023

Dogs, Internet, Grief and Breakfast

 The morning has already provided excitement and it involves dogs. Early, early this morning I could hear dogs barking. Thought they might be above us at the horse farm, then it seemed the sound might be coming from around Josh's house. The barking was intermittent and we thought that Josh's dogs might have cornered a possum or something. When Roy went out to feed The Feral Fam, our neighbor Nancy was out there with a dog that had been part of a duet of sorts but the other dog had left. Anyway, between Josh, Roy, Nancy and me, we finally got the owner called and she came and picked up the dog. The other dog that left is hers as well but he had returned home. So throughout all of this, at one of the event facilities that seems to be cropping up around here, this weekend these two dogs plus another dog, pit bull, wrecked havoc in one of the houses used for wedding prep while the wedding was happening. I asked Roy if all the regular morning fam was in attendance for breakfast cause we've had dogs come through before and kill a few kittens. That's why we got the fence, oh and as well, decorative too. 

We arrived back into the twenty first century on Monday afternoon. Spectrum tech came, checked the signal and was able to get us reacquainted with all things internet and TV or streaming. We were kind of happy to make it back to the present and now. This week also had HVAC check up and we are set for the winter, heater-wise. Roy cleaned the water filter for the house while it is warm, so that is checked off the list as well. 


The rain this morning is quite welcomed and it could even leave a bit more. Wild fires to the south and west of us, not close by and the fire fighters could use the extra help. Our grass could use some help as well. The frost and freeze stopped growing season for the tomatoes. We had a good veggie season this year. 

All week I have been reading and studying Mark 14. It is one of those chapters that should be approached reverently and aware of the sacred hollow ground. There is just so much in the chapter but I will narrow it down to one or two garden happenings.  Love reading everything and then pondering and meditating on meaning but with a short amount of time it is usually the words that I can get my brain around as well as my heart. 

Twelve years ago on November 8th, my mom passed into the arms of her Savior. A day doesn't go by that I think of her, but rejoicing we shall see one another again. So already with a tender heart I learned of a friend's passing on Monday. She, the sister of one of my best high school friends Marty, was away at college most of the time I was over at their house. When Roy and I joined HFBC, many years later, Vicky took the time to welcome us and help me get involved in activities. One of the first things she invited me to was the annual women's ministry retreat. Something I wouldn't normally go to unless some of my best friends were there as well and since we were new and no best friends at church, I reluctantly said yes but I told her no many, many times until I said yes. Great persuader. What a sacrifice to give up one of the four spaces in the hotel room to a moody, don't want to be here at all friend of her sister. I don't remember much of that Friday night and Saturday, but I do remember we had to dress up for the Friday night dinner. I came from work so I had on my business suit complete with Kathy Whitmire tie...if you know, you know. Don't remember who the speaker was, probably Marge Caldwell and some kind of evening extra was a fashion show. Ugh! Then we went back to our rooms and changed into comfortable clothes for the rest of the retreat. The hotel had an atrium and the next morning as I looked down to the main floor from the room, there was Beth Moore teaching aerobics to those who dared to get up early after going to bed late. At that time I thought, she should have taught the Word not aerobics. Her time was coming, paying those women retreat dues. I wish I could report that my heart was drastically changed and from then on I went to women's ministry events. I didn't. But, I will always be grateful to Beth for bringing in Bible study, not inspirational thoughts to these things and fashion shows and the like were ditched. Through the years Vicky and I served in various capacities at the church and while working there, she would come into my office for a chat or to blow off some steam. Oh yes, there can be a lot of steam blowing involved. Vicky's daughter, Catha, worked at church at the same time and we had lots of fun conversations as well, and maybe a few lunches. 


I was just able to watch Vicky's memorial service on You Tube. Wow, every speaker and friend brought Vicky back to life in the stories and tributes. Thinking back to those long ago days of having to change cardiologists in Houston, Vicky gave me some wise advice that was tremendously helpful. 

With that tremendously helpful advice, hidden there in my mind, I had a cardiologist appointment. It is the every six month thing and I felt this appointment would be uneventful and it was. The PA reminded me he had seen me before the pandemic and I responded back, yes, I remembered him and I was happy that we both made it through. I was just about finished with the appointment before the original time scheduled. The good news is I am maintaining and haven't moved into the moderate portion of the diagnoses. I even weighed less, always a win. I've realized at my age they don't care about that too much. I also realized that the swelling in my feet and ankles is like a game where I am always trying to do better. They were rather shocked how much the swelling had reduced. Make it a game and fun, I always do better. Yesterday was misty and cool, overcast and I was anxious to get back home. I think the emotions and the grief from the week hit me once I parked the truck. I took a short nap and was in bed by 8:00 pm.  

Roy is helping fix breakfast at church this morning and bless him, he fixed eggs for us before he left. 

Roy left Fido in the garage so I better go check on him. Have a lovely Novembery day. 

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