Monday, May 20, 2024

Thoughts and Dead Heading Roses

 In the midst of several projects this week. My attention span for such is usually limited, so I try my hardest to limit distractions and as they say, keep my nose to the grindstone. Yes, and that is why I am blogging this morning, cause you know...distractions. Roy has gone to workout after having his workout cut short yesterday. Since we have schedule conflicts with his workout in the next few days, I suggested he go and then do the Wednesday shopping at the Publix. I know those rude people are going to miss me. He is a much better shopper than me, I just come along for the ride, mostly. I did make a quick list for him beyond the usual purchases. 

After several days, we had our first sighting of Beanie, a long standing member of The Feral Fam. It is not unusual for him to be absent for several days, but he had been gone a night longer. Roy said Beanie ran into the garage when he opened the door to put out dry food. Yay, happy to know that Beanie is back in the fold for a while, I hope. We also have a young black and white cat hiding out in the garage. I think it is Boo Boo Kitty. She always looks like she wants to trust us but at the last minute her feral ways come into play and she runs. Like a vet told us several years ago when a feral cat wants to come in and find safety and you rarely see them, it has been traumatic experience that will put them in. Long ago Riley was that way and didn't come out for seven days. 

Sometimes when pondering deep thoughts and such, I think about how life comes full circle in so many areas. Studying and teaching Genesis might do that to a person. Watching the ups and downs of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, although they knew, saw and believed God's faithfulness and the bad decisions of Lot, Esau and a few of Jacob's sons might bring that attention to those thoughts. Maybe it's due to the fact that we are purchasing our final resting places tomorrow. Just happy that although we won't be here, being in heaven, we will have our places in the grand state of North Carolina, but more specifically in the mountains of North Carolina. And we are near the softball field, so that's kind of fitting as well. I always loved playing softball and when we were first married Roy played on the church team. He enjoyed the friendships and fellowship, mostly. Let's just say what Excel is to me, is what softball is to Roy. We both had doctor appointments this week. Nothing bad, mostly good but the whole medical system is so different now. Roy needed a tetanus shot. Last year I did too but they gave it to me in the office. This time for Roy he had to go to the pharmacy downstairs, fill out more paperwork, they had to go through the system online to see if he had one in NC before, uh no. They looked at Texas but gave up cause we had been waiting for almost 45 minutes for him to get a shot.  


I told a friend yesterday that this past week I have really felt old. Many reasons for feeling that way. The highlight of feeling old was backing up when I thought I was going forward. At least it happened at home and the big container that holds hoses and outdoor junk took the brunt of the hit. So no structural damage to the house. We will have to get the truck to a body shop and get an estimate. All last week I kept thinking, we need to move that container. Yes, the wonderful gift of procrastination paid off. 

Yesterday, and now his name escapes me, but he and his family are missionaries. He grew up at Newfound and when they are home on furlough or break, he usually preaches one Sunday. That one Sunday was yesterday. I love to hear him speak because he is so honest with his thoughts and feelings yet he is so honest and enthusiastic in the work that they are doing. God is doing something special with them and their outreach. Most missionaries I've heard throughout the years are boring and stick to a script. Hey, he showed their churches with lots of tambourine playing. Has anyone ever been called to serve just for the tambourine playing? 

I finished reading The Swamp Kings a week or so ago. Wow! The legacy, if you want to call it that for crime and shenanigans, is almost unbelievable. The downfall of this generation for not getting away with everything that their ancestors did is, social media. I had to quit reading it before going to bed. It kept me from sweet dreams and a good nights sleep. I am finishing up a Mildred Budge book. I have read all the books out of order, mostly, but the plots aren't that difficult to follow. The beauty of the books is observing the ways that Mildred grows, letting go a lot of rigidity and realizing that legalism rather than relationship has governed her life. It all fits in with the readings from Charles Swindoll on legalism as well as the insights garnered from the book by Chad Bird, Limping With God. Thanks Sandy for posting about this book on FB. I mainly got it since it deals with Jacob but the layers on this story has been most rewarding and edifying. We can live in a joyless circle, even when we know that joy is a strength, a fruit of the spirit and doesn't come with happiness but can be experienced in some of the lowest times in life. Years ago a friend told me about her pastor who was the most joyless pastor she had ever seen as well as the least thankful. He rarely if ever thanked his congregation for participating or initiating, or anything associated with growth. Not in numbers but in spirits and hearts. She realized this influenced her attitude. She finally left knowing if she didn't that she would go down a road she didn't want to travel. She wanted to be joyful approaching her quiet time or Bible reading plan. She wanted to be expectant in the Word and sing praises to the Lord in joy, not in duty. When she left her church she also had to leave her job...there at the church. She lived in the Chicago area and we lost touch soon after making her move. I think of her now and then because I thought she was so brave. You didn't see people making those kinds of decisions like that back in the olden days. 

Yesterday, I read about a Houston friend that is going into hospice, at home. I thought about our friendship and her influences on others, me included. Sometimes the blessing of working at a church is the people who become friends. Talented in design, presentation and artistic endeavors, as she volunteered those gifts at church. She was so helpful when we built our home in Cinco Ranch. I loved those times as we went to look at furniture, or talk with the builder reps and then usually wrap up our time with lunch. Lots of laughing for sure mixed in with the serious business of home decor. Her specialty, French country, my taste rustic chic, with a touch of arts and craftsman. Her patience is to be commended. She and her hubby came through the Asheville area early on in the adventure of the mountains. We all had lunch together and a wonderful time. We both began heart journeys around the same time. I always laugh and tease about the apple picking ladder she bought on our behalf to hang in the entry way of our home. That ladder never made it to the wall and lived nearby the fireplace in CR. Since there are many apple orchards in our area, we brought it up here. Lived by the fireplace for a while and now located in the dining room. It is a proud apple picking ladder that holds some of the finest sock monkeys and a lumberjack, for that dining experience ambiance. 

Dead headed roses this evening. Didn't really make a dent but it is a start. Spot came over for dinner so I had to help guard his bowl from the others so he could eat his supper. 

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