Friday, May 31, 2024

Rims, Spark Plugs, Zinnias and Books

 After several rainy and stormy days it looks like the next six or seven days will be nice with moderate temps. It was downright hot yesterday afternoon. Well, not in the mountain term. Friends in Houston living in those feel like temps of 115...well, yes, that is truly hot. 

The open pasture across the road and behind the houses is being prepared for hay baling. Something I didn't think we would see again. Lots of fields are preparing for hay cutting. Since these days this week are relatively rain free. The fragrance in the air is so sweet. 

We dropped over at some friends last night. Had a great visit with wonderful people. 

One thing I know is this, I don't like car issues. We took the Mustang to the guy that all recommend to fix or straighten the rims on the Mustang. At first we thought we could just buy steel rims and replace the aluminum ones. Ha, no can do. Yesterday, we were in downtown Asheville two times after not being there for about nine years and worth the trip. All four rims were bent and the guy performed miracles on the back right passenger side rim. He said that's where you put the worst one when getting tires, so that makes me think that this was a known problem but no one said a word. We have been looking for solutions for over a year. I would think if a mechanic knows his stuff, they know what causes the problem. Where we have gone since 2017 should have said something. Last year it all began over a diagnosis that we got a second opinion on and had fixed elsewhere. Two months later calling to let us know the part was in, we told them it was fixed. Wanted to know where we went and we withheld that information. After taking the Mustang for the rims when Roy started the car the check engine light was on. Dang! In everything give thanks, repeat 100 times. This morning he was able to take it over to our new mechanics and they are replacing spark plugs and a starter coil. It has been misfiring. I had noticed that but what do I know? Well, not much but I can usually detect the not normal in the Mustang. 


And what a difference spark plugs and ignition coil make. Last September is when this all started but we had been hearing the tire noise for much longer than that. Of course the former automotive shop had us down for a total replacement of very expensive parts but didn't address the issue. To start the journey of Mustang healing, a friend's husband trusted and long time mechanic did the initial work...then when knee replacement indicated he might retire, another local shop was recommended. They did the oil change and noticed the rims were bent. In joy we put the top down late yesterday afternoon and took a drive. It was the first drive in a long time that was totally fun. For this we give thanks! 

This week has not gone the way I anticipated. We are working on VBS stuff in class on Sunday so I am not preparing a lesson. That takes so much pressure off to enjoy the week. I should have had three books read already but sadly I am close to only finishing one. Yet, having a few mechanical issues resolved is so welcomed. 

The highlight of the week is with cooler evening temps, we have opened windows upstairs much to the delight of The Boys. I could not help but think of those long ago and treasured summers at my Grandma B's home out in the country. Those plastic curtains whirled with the breeze. In my bedroom I slept at the end of the bed to keep my eyes on the neighbors. I've written about this before but I never really knew people who drank beer every evening of their lives. I felt certain I needed to be ready in case they came over and bothered Grandma. She assured me they wouldn't and they never did. Beside my watch duty, I always loved the fragrance of the outdoor air at her house. So these past few nights sitting on the daybed with the windows open have been so restful. When it is dark I turn out the light and just watch the big fir trees move in the gentle breeze. 

While it was cool this morning, we put some zinnias in an old stump. I had read about how to do this, like it was really complicated, ha. Now, we need to add some water to the plants and the seeds. Then we shall see how this really works. 

Nice cool evening so I put on my garden flannel shirt. Roy and I dead headed roses and pulled a lot of invasive vines and weeds. Fed the Feral Fam including the kittens that Cutie moved while Mike the Mower Man was here. 

Think I'll go upstairs and start a new book. Finished up with Miss Budge for the time being. I love some of her writing and other times I am skimming cause too many words. 

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