Monday, June 3, 2024

Some Weeks

 Some weeks are harder than others. Some weeks are pleasant. Some weeks hit right in the middle of the road. Most weeks chores, projects and even fun things take up all your attention leaving little time for reading or watching TV or just sitting on the porch and watching The Feral Fam. This has been one of those hard weeks but what is making it not so hard is remembering Joseph. Yep, he had hard years. I am remembering Joseph not because I am so spiritual or devout, it's because that is where we have been on Sunday mornings. With this break in the teaching schedule, I get to spend time in where we have been. So, here I am. Remembering that the Lord was with Joseph and He is with me too. Just keep looking forward and being thankful. This has been one of those harder weeks for many reasons and mostly issues not related to each other. Put them all together and I am fighting off a mood. I told Roy I am weary and he encouraged me, didn't tell me what to do or think about. ...I was telling him thing by thing of these unrelated things. Sometimes you just have to say what's bothering you out loud because it helps sort thoughts. 

Roy and I teamed up to dead head roses last night. Our first work, the rose bushes close to the house that haven't been dead headed yet. He also pulled some weeds while I trimmed up a few shrubs encroaching onto tomato and bell pepper spaces. We pick pick up the yard debris tomorrow after it has dried out and is easier to gather. A couple of rogue trees got into spaces where they cannot and do not belong. Mostly mimosa trees which are counted as invasive in this area. The tomatoes and peppers are growing in leaps and bounds. 

Since finishing up The Bride Room, Mildred Budge series, I began Churchy. Memoir of a woman pastor/priest along with her husband pastor/priest in the Episcopal church. She is telling her story of growing up Southern Baptist and how she became a minister in the Episcopal church. I loved reading Leaving Church, Barbara Brown Taylor and so that persuaded me as well as it qualified as a free book from Thrift Books to try Churchy. I have another book I am itching to get to and that is one recommended by my friend Betty. The Frozen River. 

I am trying to build a routine with The Boys. We have discovered the treats that squeeze out of the top of the packaging. At first Mr Moe didn't want to participate but once he got the full taste of deliciousness for cats, he is all in. The three of them sit on my lap or the arm of the chair and share two packages. We also put a little bit of medicine that is difficult to get into them in at least one of them and that would be beneficial. We call it squeeze cheese and they know how I say it to call them. Most of the time it only needs to be said once.

My new love of ordering is from Thrift Books and this afternoon I have loved reading bits from each book. Not as fast as Amazon but many times much cheaper. It is ordering ahead for anything that might help in our coming series. 

BBKitty let me put food in her little box. When I just came in her sister has taken over watching the flock while mama gets a little bit of away time. 


This morning in Sunday School we helped cut out different things for VBS. We had fun and got everything done. Billy, baker extraordinaire, made blueberry pound cake for us cause cutting out things burns up the calories. Lots of laughter and conversations around those tables and of course always prayer. 

BBKitty is trusting me a little more, at least for food. Got some into her little hut. She was a hungry girl. Cami leaves when I come near. She is so like her Camo mama. Got food out for Cutie's bunch and all four came to the plate. 

We've had LSU baseball on in the background today. Lost their first game and beat UNC in the second. They will play tonight against UNC. 

Today being the beginning of a new week. Hope it is one of those some weeks that are delightful. 

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