Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Cats, Reading and Other Stuff

 The brief heavy rain shower yesterday, convinced BBKitty to move her babies but we don't know where yet. Mamas move their litters often in the early stages of life. Well, she might have lost room service privileges but gained a sense of security. Over the years I have learned so much from The Feral Fam.  

There is high anxiety in the house this morning. Don't know if it is extended from last night when the three got into a ruckus. Nothing like tubes of squeeze cheese, treats, to calm a situation. I thought things had calmed down and when Roy came home from deacon's meeting, they all followed him to the bonus room for late supper and bed. This morning though, I could hear Roy coercing Willie to come out of the room. That is not a normal routine. I got up to help and spent a little time with Willie. It was as if he saw something we could not see and was afraid to go out the door into the hall. At first, I thought maybe he had hurt his leg and he let me pet him a little. Finally, Willie left but it was his exit, he jumped over the threshold like a horse jumping a fence and continued down the hall. He is eating and has come over to me for a few little pets but there is a tension. Roy has gotten everything into a routine for The Boys and it works flawlessly, except for when the routine is disrupted. We get teased about our cat's routine but truthfully it makes our lives much easier. ****we found the problem. Willie had gotten a hold of a bottle and his sharp little claws let some of the water out. Nothing bad but the sound is probably what got to him**** 

I am reading two thought provoking books and enjoying reading them as they complement each other. Churchy, by Sarah Condon is really worth the read. Her style of writing and my way of reading do not complement each other but I am powering through because in each chapter there is a nugget or a treasure load of truth. Also some rather funny insights into situations, especially at grocery stores. E tu Publix?  Looks like she and her husband are no longer in Houston. She was on staff at St Michaels and a chaplain at Rice University. Her husband was the rector at Holy Spirit Episcopal Church. Hmmm....I once dated a boy that went to that church. He broke my heart but that's okay, I can't even remember his full name. Looks like the Condon family is now in Nashville. Her insights into women's ministry are voiced by being a minority of most women's ministry women. She sees through the gunk and the show. Since our church just now has started once again women's ministry after nothing officially for five years, I am out of the loop in that area. Also a small rural church does ministry a little different than bigger or mega churches. Much simpler but oh so meaningful. One of the things she brings to light is while the message of the church is don't strive, trust Jesus, in every life except in women's ministry. She mentions so many Bible studies for women that are about more. More spiritual, more organized, more fit, and the like. Just like the famous Marsha, Marsha, Marsha line from the Brady Bunch, More, More, More is the theme of so many studies which in turn means more, more, more work and self improvement, less time for all those needful things to be a Proverbs 31 kind of gal. Yes, this is a very broad brushstroke and her book was written in 2015-2016 but it provoked me into looking back at a frustrating time of life. I have looked at what I could have done differently, how could the frustrations come to nil and things like that. Funny, while reading about the trap of being more, I could not help but think of the trap to be Moore. Beth Moore. Back in the long ago when people were looking to develop "speaking ministries" the tried and true approach of doing what someone who is moving up the ladder, so to speak, does. Beth taught Sunday School and somehow so many women at First Baptist thought that Sunday School would launch them into the Beth Moore realm of ministry. They would be discovered. I foolishly offered to sub for a new class that began in Life Bible Study and my offer to help was unfairly looked at as a jump to more or Moore. Nope, just trying to be helpful cause it hard to find subs sometimes. It is not like that now where I live. No platform building, although a guest preacher a few months ago talked about developing his platform...what??? Oh, he borrowed some mega church plan for his life. Ha!  Platform building is hard work, constant social media presence, presenting questions just to get some clicks and pounding the internet to see if your name shows up somewhere. If I could remember the guys name, I would mention it but I don't. Chad Bird, the author of the other book I am reading, writes from experience of taking a simpler approach to life after achieving his dreams and then his dreams broke him. If you are a big dreamer and visionary, you are needed but just as much are those who minister in obscurity on the platform of life. Just some thoughts on this foggy Tuesday morning. 

LSU Baseball is out of the tournament but they gave it a good run. They weren't expected to go far this year as it is a young team and they are rebuilding. Sunday was a fun day to watch them, last night not so much. 

I was on hawk duty this afternoon. They circled and searched. Cutie got her babies into the cleft of the rock and I took the big black cat tunnel with four tunnels and waved it in the air like I just don't care. I felt like one of those figures that are blown by air in front of car dealerships. Thankfully, this was in the back and not in the front yard. 


Sam's. Publix and was a good morning. I am thinking that we have the best fed and taken care of Feral Fam in the area. Roy is taking Fido in to the vet in the morning. Please pray that it goes smoothly to get him in for shots as well as an exam to see if he too, like GMoey, has stomatitis. I think we will begin to transition him to becoming an indoor/outdoor cat. Oh boy, I never ever, ever saw us with four cats inside. Surely there can't be any more cat fur to clean up than there is now. Daily vacuuming is also another thing I never thought I would do. 

We watered a few plants and chased off the mean cats this evening. We are tired but content. 

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