Friday, June 14, 2024

The Blade, The Cut and The Cats...Blade and Cats Have Nothing To Do With Each Other

 A little excitement was added to the day on Tuesday. Roy was going to workout but on his way he stopped in the nail salon close to the gym. He worked out for about an hour and then went back for his appointment. He likes them to trim his toe nails but he is not interested in the best part of the pedicure, the softening of the feet, massage and lotion but he does let them use a pumice stone on his feet to smooth things out. Thought it was all going well until Roy phoned. His voice was a bit panicked as well as weak. He tells me, they cut my foot and we cannot get the bleeding to stop and then he mumbled something, who knows what, and he hung up. He calls back and says pray. I offered to come over that way but he turned me down. Well, yes I began talking to the Lord immediately. You have to understand this is not regular Roy. Nothing flusters him. In 2008 when he had a possible diagnosis of ALS, he wasn't phased. In fact all his tests were during the time I was on a cruise. He wanted me to go and not to worry about a thing. He didn't have ALS, PTL, but something else that mimics it in the blood. The name is too long and too hard to pronounce. With this, I sent a text on our class group text asking prayer for Roy. He calls again, but it must have been a butt call. So, I call him back. His voice is sounding more normal but he is concerned with the bleeding and now this doesn't make any sense but he tells me he is going to walk over to the Sisters of Mercy Urgent Care. Uh, two bloody towels, bleeding foot, pressure...take the car. I talked him into that. His foot finally wrapped in gauze, bleeding stopped. He goes over to the Sisters of Mercy. Now, he will excel and overachieve there if he happens to run into any real sisters. Raised Catholic and it comes back to him in a heartbeat. He was a tad embarrassed. It was the tiniest cut. The nurse cleaned it up and put a little bitty round band aid on the cut. Then the doctor came in to see it and said she would need a bigger bandage cause the little dot would be too difficult to remove the next morning. The doctor did say the bleeding was more than usual in that he was nicked by a vein. I think it is and I will put this in a form of a math question, long leg + short person applying pressure = lots of bleeding.  Once things settled down and he was waiting to be released, I told him that The Joy Class was praying for him. He sounded a little choked up and asked me to thank them. I could not help think of one of the funniest stories I have ever heard and is told by Lisa P. The time she was given a gift certificate for a mani/pedi in a not so like normal place. The conversation she had between...and see, I cannot remember the name of the nail tech nor can I remember some of the things that happened, but I do remember this. Lisa P being asked if she wanted the blade. I asked Roy if they used the blade on him cause even about ten years ago salons still used the blade here. When the blade was applied I could not stop laughing thinking of the story that I remembered better back then than now. The Blade story is one I never thought I would ever forget and I haven't. It is just so many of the details and how those details come together to make one of the funniest stories. 

Keeping in mind Roy's cut and blood, I practiced precaution and didn't take my blood thinner this morning. Nor my horse chestnut extract. The lab opens at 8:30 and we arrived just about at that time. The lady that takes the blood and such is a great vein finder. So no incidents. We went to our favorite breakfast spot. Tried the California omelet and it was delicious.  Comes with pancakes, so what's not to like. After brunch, we made a quick run through Sam's and it truly was quick. Onward back north but it is called west, up the river road into Marshall where we pulled right in to park in front of the tag office and didn't have to wait in line. No entertainment this year by the hordes of people with title transfers etc... Once we hit the driveway I felt the tiredness hit. Like I had been drugged. Know it is the stress of things, driving and all but I did get a little bity nap out of it all this afternoon. 


Each group of kittens over the years have a distinct personality yet very similar in growth cycles. This week the kittens are venturing out a little in the backyard. Of course, most of the time, under Cutie's vigilant watch. In the mornings when I serve a plate, a buffet of beef, chicken and seafood the little ones know when the sound of a door unlocking that most probably food will be presented soon enough. Now the two most reluctant kittens are not taking their time in approaching breakfast. Because we are trying to help these little ones, most of the time the plate is served with the big cat tunnel shielding their meal from other cats. We are working in more pate rather than flakes or grilled cat food. They are at that fun age and two of them are letting me get closer, especially when food is involved. 

After the two week break it feels good and right to be back studying for a lesson. We are back with Joseph and we find him in prison. Soon he will meet the butler and baker. Sounds like a law firm. Anyway, butler has a good result of his dream being interpreted, the baker...not so much. Anyway, Joseph asks to be remembered once the butler begins in Pharoah's service. But, the most supernatural and divine thing that ever happened in the butler's life doesn't even become a memory...he forgets Joseph. Two years Joseph does his job, well I might add, in prison maybe even wondering why he hasn't heard anything. Kind of like back in the day when packages were mostly delivered without tracking, you wait and hope but never knew the arrival. Joseph had that attitude...still serving yet still hoping. This time around studying Joseph, I am seeing how the wisdom he received from the Lord as well as natural talents got him the job overseeing the collection and then distribution of food for the people of Egypt as well as others in the world. It takes both parts all which unite in God's glory. Pharoah saw God was with Joseph. It took the miracle of telling what the dream meant to Pharoah and those God given natural, everyday insights on how something should be done or ran. Believe me, I am married to a plan man. My planning is more on the common sense side but Roy sees and within a magnitude and range with the tedious. I cannot remember if I have ever heard anyone teach or preach on this, it took both miracle and talent. Some church leaders don't like plans or programs, some church leaders say the days of miracles is over...some church leaders are high and dry stuck in the middle. 

I have found that I am studying in the front bedroom with the double windows that a huge hawk and I are on the same schedule. The hawk is looking for something for supper and is out floating on the wind currents to do so. The wind must be a rather consistent ride cause the patterns look to be the same. There are times the shadow of the hawk is what gets my attention especially if it flies closely to the window when one of The Boys naps close by. I think Cutie knows the timing of that flight each day because she will pull those kittens out of their full on play underneath shrubs and plants. 

One last cat thing. Willie did not want to go into the bonus room last night with his cuz bros. He stayed out all night and out of the three he is the best suited for that. He never came into our bedroom until 3:30 am and he didn't stay long. He wanted one of us to get up and let him in the bonus room but that was a no go. We shall see how things go this evening. It has been a while since one of the boys doesn't want to go to bed and be fed. 

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