Friday, June 21, 2024

Finally Finishing Up On Friday

 While looking back at FB memories the other day a lot of things have happened on June 14th. The first time eating at The Blue Rooster, the beginning of the homes built across the road and the official home day of Mr Mo. Well, the official day not the leading up days bringing him into the house. Soon the pics of GMoey will hit the memories because he came in not too long after that. 

Some of the hardest lessons to teach on Sunday are the lessons that hit me hard during the week. Too many personal memories and stories seem to make it into the the lessons and then I spend a few days aggravated with myself over that fact. Also, in my personal study and reading the topics, while not chosen by me specifically, all have to do with do not become legalistic. It is very easy to step into that trap while covering it over with a false sense of spirituality. Like a description of P Pressler's in the New York Times obituary made by Dwight McKissic, a black pastor in the Dallas area, P Pressler operated under a cloak of control on many levels without anyone realizing there was rot at the root. My paraphrase of the quote. We were at First Baptist Houston in the "heyday" of all this upheaval to bring in all the conservatism. I am not political for the most part so when friends outside of the Baptist church asked me which church I would attend, conservative or moderate, my answer was I am going to a church with a gym. Can you see that strong spirituality in play here. Ha! I am only mentioning this obit because it supports my thoughts on legalism on steroids. We have all participated in legalism at some point and guilty of rule making just for the heck of rule making. Only the obit reminds us that the legalism on steroids hurt and damaged people. 

Haircut, BBQ at Pig and Grits and a few errands. I had planned on going on over to The Find Vintage Market but truly like clockwork, the energy stopped thus meaning no trip to the new place. I was so disappointed but all these years I have learned to live within my parameters. With my heartbeat lowered it doesn't take much to drain me. We got home and Roy noticed one of the youngest kittens under the pallet. Both Cami and BBKitty will put them there if they are nervous for danger. In hindsight this is one that just got away. Later when Roy went outside it had moved out a bit and was crying. Beanie, such a sweet cat, was trying to comfort it as our presence was making the moms nervous. I picked up the little gray and white kitten. Eyes matted shut so I ran inside and got the cream to loosen up the mess. Got his eyes open and the kittens were in a big pile back under the tree, we got him back with the fam. Fed the moms and all the others that eat supper with us. Radley was up on one of the big rocks, so I got a bowl of food out to him. He protects this little family from the gray cat that can be so mean. He is just cranky cause his harem is diminishing. 


I watched something magical from the front bedroom window the other morning. A black bird had two little ones being taught how to fly onto wires and stick the landing. Mom pulled back a bit and let her two kiddos have fun learning and flying. A mockingbird chased mom off the perch but she landed on a spot behind the mockingbird. The little ones became ineffective dive bombers trying to scare off the mockingbird. They have not perfected their style yet. Blackbirds leave and the two kiddos of the mockingbird land on the wire and the whole process is created again by a different species of birds. Blackbird came back and let the kiddos of the mockingbird attempt swarm procedures and like before mama mockingbird sits behind the blackbird. It looked like cooperation between two bird groups that really don't like each other. I felt fortunate to see the learning process for those baby birds who will soon be on their own. We see grownup cats act scared when a kitten arches its back and hisses. 

We picked up our order of Amish beef this week. Also had a dentist appointment and having a crown replaced is my first major dental work for the last three years. So that will begin in August. Again, we are dealing with the Mustang. Roy took it over to a shop that balanced the wheels and the thumping noise we heard was the sound of a tire cupping not the rims that we had straightened. Basically, we have two tires not even a year old, cupping because of the rims. One other issue has not resolved itself but we believe that there is an answer and it will come after the mechanic gets back from vacation.

Another baby kitten got lost but Roy found her. Got some meds in for respiration issue and cleaned out the eye boogers. Saw the orange kitten we helped at the first of the week and eyes are doing better.  

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