Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Herding, Securing and Watering

 Oh these warm days but thankful for cool mornings and evenings. The other night we put the top down on Mustang Sam and took a ride through the country. Just so beautiful taking in the sights and fragrances. Saturday morning the Women's Ministry had a canvas paint party and we had a blast. Came with breakfast, devotion and planning. Such a joy to be around friends on a summer Saturday morning. 

Once again I saw birds in training from the front bedroom window. A hawk and a much smaller hawk enjoying their ride on the wind. Circling and floating all the while keeping an eye out for something moving on the ground that could become supper. Hawks don't really teach their young to hunt but the kiddos learn by watching their parents hunt and soon learn it is better to perch in an area to find accessible food. While the hawks glided in their circular pattern two of the young blackbirds were training and developing skills to keep hawks away from nests. Mockingbirds and blackbirds will chase hawks in the sky and it seems like the hawk should be the one in control and not being bothered by this distraction. 

Cutie is in the process of getting in the last lessons for the four kittens before releasing them to make it on their own. She is taking them near the gravel road and showing the escape route under the fence. She sits back and waits for the kittens to start eating at the dish of food in the morning and evenings. They have grown and they are healthy from the looks of them. Before leaving for church yesterday, we were treated to a front row view of the BBKitty and Cami litters. Oh my, that's a whole lot of kittens. Two orange, a calico, two black and white, one gray...maybe two and a black kitten. Some of them are nearing four weeks and the others look to be three weeks. Cutie knows the lay of the land and uses it to the best situations because she grew up in our backyard. She learned her motherhood tips from Punky. Camo just dropped off kittens when she was tired of raising them. Such is the case of the two sisters...they don't know the crannies of safety but they have done rather well with what they see. I don't think any kittens have died under their watch...well, we helped a couple of times with the wandering ones. There seems to be something outside that is bothering The Feral Fam. Coco doesn't really want to leave the garage. The vet told me long ago with Riley, if they want to stay in they have survived a traumatic experience. Of course Fido comes and goes but he has wanted to be in the garage more than usual. Beanie is here for a few days and then he is off to wherever he goes for several days. He wanted in the garage this morning as well. Nimbus, our neighbors intact male cat is causing some of this trauma, I think but there could be wildlife in the mix too. 

It's kind of funny, well not funny, but I saw that a girl I went to jr high and high school with passed away last September. We didn't talk or anything in school nor did we ever after. She was popular and in all the popular things. She married her high school sweetheart and have been around the Houston area all this time. No obituary that I can find and not much about her. But, it makes me always wonder how it all turned out for her. Well, I know the ending but before that. 

We are still in Genesis studying the life of Joseph. After a 20 year period of time the brothers meet the brother that is no more, well in their minds. Joseph is second in command in Egypt. One description I read was this, we are in a unique position to see all that makes up the story in these chapters. We know Joseph is safe and the Lord is with him, Jacob and fam have probably had not the greatest of twenty years, we see God changing the brothers, and we know the plan that was for good. 


This morning we have been herding kittens. The sisters are having trouble with a couple of the happy wanderers. One of the kittens on the run has the eyes matted shut problem so I was able to get him and get his eyes cleaned up and get some meds in him. The Camo III kitten has that wild streak that comes with their cat family line. We have discovered if we put the kittens we capture and recapture in a box that mom or aunt will come get them and go back to the pile. Except they are lively and don't want to be fenced in. Roy tackled the big tomato plant that needs more support. We did minimal work on it last night but today got everything secured. Now is cooling off and resting from herding, securing and watering. He had to finish out the last little bit of watering this morning cause we ran out of daylight. 

All in all, we are punting our plans for the day which is fine. Roy has leftover BBQ for lunch since 6 Pigs was in our area yesterday instead of Wednesday. Getting a few more boxes ready to take to Habitat. Another hot day is forecast but the evening should cool down. 

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