Saturday, June 8, 2024

One Week Cars, One Week Cats

 Operation get Fido in the carrier went well this morning. Roy and I have been praying and asking the Lord for wisdom on this cause there is so much that can go wrong. We decided that Roy should go out to the garage just like normal and I stood by in the kitchen waiting for the assistance call. Got it and we got Fido in with relative ease. Is he happy? No, he isn't but once Roy gets home with him, Fido will get to spend time with Roy to help with that as well. The past few days Fido wasn't eating much. He has so much fur it is difficult to tell until you pick him up. We discovered some chicken and salmon shreds that he has scarfed down. He will get his shots and a look inside his mouth to see if he has stomatitis like GMoey. 

I am almost finished with Churchy. Love the topics and how she tells her story, mistakes and all. There are many who like to cover over flaws, especially the little ones...that trip one up at some point in time. The chapter on seminary was especially interesting. Seminary, it was of the Ivy League variety. Each year early on in the semester each student told their story. First year she is sharing she lives in NYC, but is from deep south  Mississippi. Covers her ministry in life so far. Sarah mentions she did all this in a calculated move, urban, but from the country, first in family to go to grad school and married to a Episcopal priest, saying that she was the real deal and rounded in ministry. As the semesters and years go by she notices what she shares at the beginning each year as well as her fellow classmates, the story changes and it is honest so that they are getting down to the foundation of who they really are. 

Don't know why this thought came to me last week but I believe my mom would have been content to live life in their hometown. She enjoyed the simple things of life while my father wanted to enjoy the finer things but he sabotaged his efforts, then blamed her. Mom was comfortable with good friends but uneasy in groups, especially at church. I have no evidence except for what I experienced with father, but I think he made her feel inadequate and less than other women in the church. She would never be good enough, well none of us would ever be good enough... It is a tenuous journey where you're not quite on the mountain top nor are you in the depths of the valley. You have to find the road where both confront you but doesn't defeat you. The normal things that parents want for their kids was an up and down experience for my brother and me. If we were successful, our father would find some way to disrupt and then when we failed of course he was there to tell us we weren't good enough. While I think her choice would have been to stay close to family the outcome emotionally would probably be the same. 

Roy and Fido are home. The vet office couldn't believe that Fido is a feral cat, so well behaved and friendly. He does have a problem with his teeth but not to the point of having them extracted. There is a process that we will have to do to let him become a member of the inside cats. He goes back in a month to get the second shot and his bloodwork should be ready this week or next. GMoey isn't feeling well and we might take him to the vet instead of Mr Mo. We shall see. GMoey looks like he is feeling better but we will make the determination in the morning. 


Mr Mo got to go to the vet this morning. We think GMoey had a reaction to chicken cat food. Chicken has never agreed with him and since he has been doing so well...let's just say a good reminder not to give him chicken, again. It was a relatively easy catch and carrier with Mr Mo but the one we are dreading is in November when Willie has to go to the vet. He has not shed all his feral ways but he is moving forward in wanting pets and attention. 

I just went out to feed Cutie and her kittens. Right by the back door I hear tiny kitten meows but couldn't find any evidence of tiny ones. On another trip to the garage saw Cami with an orange kitten in her mouth. I almost thought she had a mouse so good thing I didn't scream. I quickly closed the door so as not to interrupt her process of moving kittens from under the front porch to the back. When I went back out a tiny black and white kitten is meowing his head off. I put him on the base of the cat tree and then I saw Cami's face underneath the pallet. So, I put him back so that he/she would find their way to mom. Hopefully, that is not where she is going to keep them for a while but no rain is expected for the next few days. Well, we found them again and this time the kittens were in the front bumper of the Mustang. We rescued the three and searched just in case there were anymore. BBKitty and Cami have had kittens. I think the orange one is Cami's and the other two will be a week old tomorrow. Good thing we did a search cause Roy didn't see the three at first. The sisters watched us place them close to where they had them before and we are hoping for the best. It is just so hard to see this kind of thing. Cutie and Mama Cat and to some extent Punky are great mothers. BB and Cami are babies themselves. We start back with getting the cats fixed on Monday. Most everyone is except for these young ones one of which both Roy and I thought was a boy have been fixed. 

Last week was a hard week dealing with cars and this week is a hard week dealing with cats. 

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