Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Over Priced Conferences and Life

 I am fortunate that The Joy Class lets me take two Sundays off from teaching by helping prepare for VBS. We cut out lots of paper decorations and the fellowship around those tables is priceless. On the second Sunday I usually prepare a devotion but didn't this time. Our subtitle as a class might be willing workers cause we got things cut out in record time. This morning refreshed and ready to once again prepare lessons. We will return to prison with Joseph and his soon release. 

On FB I looked at one conference, actually didn't really look at the conference but the comments. That is where I learned the base price of this weekend conference was $825.00, next level $975.00 and for an extra $300.00 you could do a Q and A with the leaders. The conference is walking in your calling which looks to emphasize doing podcasts, writing and speaking events. My opinion has always been when you go to a conference to learn how to do those things, they are already played out. That is a rather steep fee for a weekend. Many commented that the conference must be for the wealthy. I mean really, as far as the speakers for the conference goes, I didn't recognize too many names. So FB decided since I read the comments and then looked at the post, that I want to attend lots and lots of conferences. So I now can become a woman of excellence, a woman highly favored, a Bible based coach or counselor, I can run 40 miles with Jesus, Over I can find out who my biblical twin is, and the list goes on and on. I was telling Roy about this and I am especially laughing over finding my biblical twin. Mentioned to him that I must think this is a bunch of hooey cause of my age. Roy deadpan response, even when you were young this would be your reaction. It was so tempting to put in the comments, "I have found my biblical twin, the fatted calf!" But you know some Christians don't respond well to humor. For those into running you can also do a 40 day run with Jesus that incorporates running and Bible study. Also looking at most of these studies and conferences, there mustn't be any women worship leaders, haha, cause almost all the worship leaders are men. I would also add that most of these conferences are all white women. My views on this might be a little extra because of reading the book Churchy by Sarah Condon. The book published in 2015 holds up rather well and although many of the experiences she writes on is about motherhood, I totally could relate in other areas of life. She is spot on how we'd rather deal with the mess than the why of the mess or this is my mess, come join me, give an opinion but never resolve the mess we'd rather stew in. Oh yes, she was raised SBC in Mississippi so she gets this even in her role of Episcopal priest married to an Episcopal priest.  

Hope Mike the Mower man gets here soon cause our yard could almost be mown for hay. We did have a brief shower but no storms last night. We were concerned for the two mamas and the babies under the wood pallet. We pulled out an old patio table and a blue tarp. We covered the area with the tarp so that they wouldn't have to battle rain from above. Thankfully, it wasn't a deluge so we don't think they were washed out from underneath. We will check the Mustang again but that has become a habit since we first discovered their rainy day hideout. Cutie and her kittens are getting a little more adventurous in exploring the backyard. Soon enough, will be the gravel road test for those little ones. I hate that but so far Cutie hasn't lost a kitten due to the gravel road test. Other ways yes...


Mike came late in the afternoon and cut down our hay field, I mean lawn. We were out there last night doing fruit and veggie inspections. All winter long putting egg shells in the compost and dirt looks to be paying off. After a non crop of apples last year, we have two trees with small to medium apples growing. 

I talked with a friend last night who has a whole lot going on, her whole family does. I am reminded now that people don't want you to say oh yes, I have things too, but they just need to talk it out. Decisions are made easier or maybe not easier but with more direction when it is all laid out in conversation. You as the friend also get insight in how to pray more specifically for the people and situations. 

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