Thursday, November 3, 2011

Stress Shows Itself in so Many Unbecoming Ways

Stress is a like one of those lizards that changes color.  Not like the Boy George song, but I'm comparing the continued changes and shapes stress takes on ones body.  And you'll notice I had to give a description because between my misspelling and Blogger spell check, we could only come up with comedian.  A couple of weeks ago a stress related rash rocked my neck, upper grandma arms and hid in the cellulite on the back of my legs.  That rash was annoying.  Stress manifests itself with a rapid and racing heart beat.  Even at times the heart that beats to a different drummer with the regular beats and then a long pause before the beats resume.  That's always a lot of fun.  My latest manifestation of stress...vampire pimples.  On my chin, my 57 year old chin so this should not be happening, I have too big ol' zits perfectly spaced and resemble the bite mark of a vampire...  Now on Halloween night handing out candy to the little children, the look came in handy.  Now that I am back to ordinary life, the vampire zits are annoying and they are annoying on so many levels. 

I love all the thankful blog posts and the FB status'.  I am thankful for many things, but today with the lingering vampire zits and as "twilight" hastens, I am thankful for Perricone MD tonic that dries up zits.  It has taken a while, but the stuff is finally beginning to work. 

I'm just hoping that any new stress related symptoms don't result in connect the dot zits or a big ol' Bozo the clown zit resting at the end of my nose. 

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