Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Holding Onto Hope

The trees are beginning to change color. Mainly yellows but a few red and orange leaves peek through. Although it feels like the last gasp of summer, there is a feel to the air, that the temps are going to be changing soon. We were spoiled last week with October like temps but our area is back into the 80's which if fall in Houston but here...still feeling like summer. There is a wild onion fragrance in the air and it mingles in with the fragrance of fresh hay and grass being cut. The mowers have been working the roads around here and the huge heavy equipment to cut down small trees that sprout up overnight along the bigger highways are working at a faster pace because fall then winter will soon appear. A parcel of land nearby the post office was cleared out this summer. Wooden stakes and yellow and orange construction tape dotted the land. Then in just a few weeks time it seemed, that cleared land was once again overgrown and unrecognizable as having previously been cleared. A couple of weeks ago, they must have cleared it again, everything cut back. Seems to be a lot of activity along the river road of houses being renovated and property for sale. Houses aren't on the market too long these days and it makes me wonder when I look on Zillow or what's the matter with houses that drop their price on a regular basis, even if it is just $100.00. Knowing what I know now about the area, I think some of these houses are surrounded by sketchy neighbors or areas. Shocks of shocks, some of these homes are so overpriced to begin with especially if one needs to tear out all the 1960's touches. While we were looking for a home to buy I saw some of the wildest colors and wallpaper. Thankfully this home and the home we put an offer on didn't have any wild colors or wallpaper that needed to be replaced.

The vet called this morning concerning Buddy's blood and lab work. All in all it was a pretty good report. Not diabetic, no kidney problems have shown up but she needs to eat something. The Dr said even though she did a good amount of, uh, business, yesterday, she needs to do more "business" before Buddy is considered out of the woods. Buddy has drank a lot of water and nibbled at some treats but not interested in her food. She is such a finicky eater. She doesn't like wet food or soft treats. She will play a little and I am trying to have her do that to maybe help her out. I know when I would have knee surgery and come back to tennis I would remember the pain when I moved a certain way on my knees. It took a while to convince myself that the pain wasn't going to be there like before. Even with the knee replacements last year, in rehab I thought the same thing. The pain was surgical pain and when that was more night, no more pain. I am too much of a realist though to think that Buddy is going to go back to the cat she was. In cat years she is 64. There is still a hint of sadness in my spirit that these days are few and need to be cherished and enjoyed with her. I hope my spirit is wrong on this one but as Roy said, we have been given more days with her and that is a gift.

There is a ton of stuff I need to get done but writing these past few days has been so therapeutic. There are several ideas running through my mind and I have put those to paper, yes really wrote them out, not on the computer. Another coping mechanism is reading. Every once in a while a book review grabs me and grabs me out of the usual genre that I find myself reading. So this morning there was a review on a book about Bette Davis, written by her ten year assistant who worked for her until Bette passed away. So, after reading the review, it was off to the Google and there I read several interesting articles about her life, about her tumultuous life. Much of that tumult was self induced and because of these wild, dramatic mood swings, she was persona non grata  in many places around Hollywood including studios. I watched a few episodes of Feud, the story between she and Joan Crawford and a Vanity Fair article this morning gave a little more background to that story.
As per Monablog habit, many times one days post goes into the next day. It was a rough night and I was so happy to see the morning's light and have Buddy still with us. She took a downhill journey yesterday afternoon and evening. So weak, won't eat, hasn't pooped, has some tremors and being strange. She couldn't be found in familiar places. Her reactions and actions were not Buddy-like. Last night on TCM Good Morning Miss Dove was on. I remember reading that book in my grandmother's Reader Digest Condensed book one summer. Then I saw the movie years later. So it set a nostalgic tone for me while watching. When it was over I went to our bedroom and Buddy was sitting in the spot where she sleeps on our bed. It was like she was waiting for me. She has NEVER EVER done this. I thought she knows...her time is limited...she laid her head down immediately on my arm, which NEVER happens and I sobbed. She had those little tremors going on which doesn't seem like it is a good thing. But then during the night she did something she hasn't done since last Thursday, she got up and left. She did this several times during the night and I chose on the side of hope that this was a good thing and not a she's going to hide thing....  This morning, she was not by my side. She didn't come greet me like she normally does in the mornings when she hears me stirring. While coming down the stairs I heard a little weak meow. As I came toward her she moved into the kitchen, where her food and water reside for her dining pleasure. She had eaten half the food in her dish. PTL! Hurriedly, I made my way to her litter box hoping to find poop, not yet but I have hope. She has asked for treats and she is back to drinking a lot of water.

I felt good about her prospects today so I even left for a bit to run a couple of errands. Now it is evening and she still hasn't done her business, but I am holding hope.

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