Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Chronicles of Hairnia and Re-experiencing Junior High School

The self distancing potion of life which I misnamed self distraction although that seems to fit the definition of the past weeks. The time began when I never heard the refrigerator motor run and had concerns. I've heard it a lot in the past few weeks and now I'm concerned it runs too much. Little things are such a distraction or blessing.

I began a post and never posted it but I might, is about how this time at home has felt somewhat familiar to me. It dawned on me last Saturday at the produce stand when it was so awkward placing and paying for the produce to the cashier behind the plexiglass. There is a whole new set of etiquette to experience and learn. Then, I know I shouldn't look at this but at the grocery store most wear a mask...but at the produce stand, hardly anyone did. Was I going to go along with the crowd or was I going to put myself in the safe but nerdy way of wearing a mask. These so familiar feelings, but from when? It came to me, these feelings in the past few weeks is feeling very much like when I was in junior high school. You know, uncertainty, bad hair, restrictions due to age... being grounded, bad hair styles, bad hair color, hair not cooperating. Just like junior high, I'm getting a lot of talkings to...not from teachers or parents but from younger people who might be taking issue with a trip to the grocery store or hardware store by me. That's pretty much my excursions of late. I don't think mentioning to them "but Inez and Velda get to go out!" will do any good cause I knows the response...if Inez and Velda jumped off a bridge, would you? I feel pretty safe in knowing that Inez and Velda wouldn't jump off of any bridge much less walk onto a bridge.

My hair, well, I was hoping gray hair was growing in so I can convert but the roots of my hair are black! Even in my most natural of color days, my hair was never black. It started out blonde, went dishwater blonde, then highlighted blonde. For years I have parted my hair on the opposite side of my natural part, but my hair is so heavy, it has gone back to my natural part. There is a little hope there is something to work with there. Tomorrow, I have an appointment and wearing a visor, bandanna or headband isn't going to work. Yes, I bought headbands yesterday at the grocery store. Texas opens up Friday at 5:00 for hair salons and barber shops...hmmm...the talk is for June openings in salons I could drive as far as the Texas border, get a haircut and return home. But South Carolina, TN and Georgia are opening up faster than NC. Someone posted a pic of I 10 in Houston, with the 10-12-24 lanes across of traffic and said, North Carolinians heading to Georgia for a haircut. I've taken a couple of pictures of my hair in various states...not actual states but conditions or styles... top ponytail, tiny ponytail, visor hair, bandanna hair and hat hair, I don't care hair. Maybe this would be a good time to have Bethlehem Head. Practice wearing biblical pageant Bethlehem head pieces for hopefully the coming pageant Christmas season ....truly these are My Chronicles of Hairnia.

Yes, the history of the world, America, Texas, and North Carolina these days, has always been overshadowed by my hair. I didn't pay attention to Watergate, elections, hanging chads, oh too many to name, but now my experience with or lack of experience with Covid-19 is once again being overshadowed by my hair. That is consistent and predictable. I'm looking into converting some of my masks into Amish headgear...cause for right now, those masks would cover roots.

This self distancing time is causing many to almost make bad decisions. My friend Laurie R put on FB, she was this close to ordering a pair of jammies from the Vermont Country Store. Y'all, she is young, young I tells ya. Reason, I don't know from a scientist or not, prevailed and she did not order. Those denim jumpers they have are so very tempting...but I'm staying away from any catalogs except for gardening or Keen shoes. The denim jumper is a bad decision just like looking at Nordstrom's website...that has fashionable and trendy clothes isn't a good choice. After going through spring and summer clothes, I have enough. It is difficult to envision even wearing some of these clothes, to go anywhere other than the post office, grocery store or hardware store. had a huge sale this winter and at deeply discounted prices, I got a few new things back in December. I am hoping to wear some of those clothes one day soon. Sadly, not for tomorrow's appointment because the high is going to be in the 50s.

Since it is feeling very junior high schoolish around here, it's probably for the best not to return to those strong sarcastic words, or roll my eyes or do a heavy sigh of disagreement. I'll try not to pass notes. Instead of not remembering my locker combination, I cannot remember password combinations. No longer do I have to worry about being able to traverse across the whole school in five minutes to get to my next class...although, I have to worry if I can make it from upstairs to the driveway in time to get packages off the porch. Back then, I couldn't wait to shave my legs, now, I can't wait not to shave my legs. May 2nd, I broke my nazarite vow for my legs. Funny, I don't feel so strongly about the nazarite vow for my hair...I just know I cannot be trusted with a pair of scissors and my hair. No raging hormones like junior high, but rage at not having enough hormones to keep my skin from wrinkling or experiencing some kind of hot flash. Although, it is just not right that wrinkles and pimples can exist at the same time on someone's aged face. Occupation with the phone in junior high is almost the same thing now...only we can do so much more than talk on the phone...and really, it's not about the call anymore...texts and pictures, FB and Twitter....keep me much too occupied. I need to record someone yelling at me in a parental voice, "get off that phone! Have you done your homework?"

In the eighth grade we began our four year plan...what classes we would take? What direction was my life heading? That in between time from elementary to high school so full of contradictions. We were too young to go out but we were old enough to plan our lives for the next four years. My best thing I did back then was to get all the hard stuff out of the way thus making my senior year, rather carefree. So turning 65 is kind of like making the four year plan on which medicare thing or supplement are you going to choose. Did you make wise decisions early on in life so that the senior years of life can be carefree? I'm kind of thinking I hit pay dirt once again. Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina...well, except for that cute boy I've been dating long distance, to get up here finally. Uh, for those whose minds went someplace they shouldn't, the boy is Roy.

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