Tuesday, May 12, 2020

To Know The Heights and the Depths of Lint Traps

Buddy had an up and down kind of night so that means sleep was in bits and pieces and hard to come by. I let her sleep a little too much during the evening. Since the cold morning had turned into a pleasant afternoon, I worked a little outside. I got more soil in the raised flowerbeds and uncovered all the plants. I didn't plant anything because there was a slight chance of frost and this morning the flowers look like they survived and maybe we didn't have frost after all. Now that Mother's Day is behind us, let the planting begin.

Last night our pastor did a Facebook Live sermon as he continued where we had left off, in Mark 3, on the last Sunday we met together in person. While joining with friends online and hearing his familiar voice and most importantly hearing God's Word, when he signed off, I was tremendously at peace. I felt a joy. Through this social distancing time I have had a difficult time sitting down and listening to sermons or teachings from TV or online church. I could not pinpoint why. Nor was I using the time to study, to get ahead on lessons. It seemed like a time to just read the Bible and I have been listening to the Psalms on the Dwell app at night. Several Sundays I started to listen to our church in Houston, but I'm not in Houston. I listened to other churches in Houston, but again...it just seemed like futility, not with God's Word, but with the knowledge, I wasn't a part nor planned to be a part of that community of believers. Nationally known preachers, that felt the same too. Something was missing and after last night I knew what it was, gathering with friends known and unknown as we listened and experienced last night's preaching from Pastor Bradley. He has been our pastor for a year and I am so glad that God sent him and his family our way...out here in rural North Carolina. Our sanctuary, with stained glass windows, the familiar green hues of the pews and carpet. It was home. Where we belong and serve. It was seeing home last night. Now I am not going all Scarlet O'Hara this morning, having fallen to the ground and making the neither me nor my family vow while holding dirt in my hand, but more of a peace-filled heart knowledge that I am where I need to be and belong, to serve, to worship and to be still and know in these uncertain times.

I went downstairs last night to take meds and saw Punky and Edee out back. Punky will still chase the laser light around the yard. As she and Edee chased it and hunted it down, I saw the little black kitten. It came out from underneath the house and when Punky realized I had seen it, she rushed it back out of my sight. She has it up on the gravel road this morning. I really felt like it had died, because she was hanging around without a care in the back but yesterday afternoon while dead heading roses, I suspected that the kitten might be hidden in the tall grass and weeds. Punky was up there and she was meowing that meow that she has for her litters.
Now, they are saying last night was our last frost for this season. Sure hope so. Woke up and saw a notification on the phone about light snow showers. Wow, 2020 has sure been a crazy year.

Punky has let the black kitten wander about more freely yesterday and this morning. I was thinking last night about the many that have come through for a bit and those who are able to remain. Buddy has taken notice once again of the ferals. She had a much better sleep night and that means I did too. She has found a spot of sunlight on the floor and is oh so happy and will be happier when she can go out onto the front porch.

I had an adventure yesterday afternoon. It was a fun morning cause I got out and went to Mars Hill to a produce stand there. Bought a few plants and will make a return trip for sure. Came home the long way through Marshall. After lunch, I leveled out the ground on the other side of the back porch. Then lugged the ladder to the newly leveled sod, which wasn't leveled enough and with rocks slightly below the soil line, beyond my capability. So, I placed the ladder like I have seen Roy do so many times, only I didn't have anyone to hold the ladder. One leg on a brick and the other on the porch step, the front two safely on the ground. It had come to the point that something needed to be done about the lint gathering in the dryer duct. First tried a vacuum cleaner...nothing... extendomatic brush...nothing..got out the Appalachian spider broom, helped a little but not enough to make a difference. Called Roy to consult on the next step and what professional to call. Then, the thought of using a wire hanger came to me. I was able to manipulate the compacted lint to the side but knew once the dryer ran, the lint would cover up the grate again. So I gathered every bit of courage and prayed for God's blessing and I climbed up all the way to the fourth step on the ladder. Using the hanger, freed up the lint and then I was able to pull a good portion of the lint out. We are going to have to get back up there and better attach the mesh grate, but for now I feel confident in running the dryer and not worrying about starting a fire. Tested out the dryer last night, shorter drying time, so success! Then I went out and covered plants on the front porch and that was it for me. Ladder climbing, lint release and only moving the ladder back to the porch wore me out.

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