Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Cool Days in the Mountains

 The strangest thing last night. I had finished up writing my blog post and when I tried to copy the address for FB, a message came up that I was trying to phish. What? Guess I was in Google jail. I was trying to figure out what I said that made them think that. So, I filled out the form telling them why I wasn't a dangerous site. This morning, they must have agreed cause they allowed me access to Monablog and we are all happy together once again. 

That gorilla yard cart was one really good purchase! I took another load of two bags of potting soil mixed with compost down to the container garden and bada bing bada boom, it was ready for zinnias. Got those planted and watered. It was a good stopping point, so that's what I did. With the heavy lifting and moving of dirt, I think the smart thing to do is, work on that every other day as to not hurt my back. Believe me, there is enough other stuff to keep me occupied. 

Roy is at the Toyota dealership getting a light on his car fixed but he is looking through their offerings and he likes the Tacoma truck. We had heard there wasn't much headroom, but he says its a good fit. 


It's Tuesday and the plans are to stick around the house and finish up a couple of projects. My dentist appointment went well yesterday morning and soon I will have another implant completed with a crowning. He found a fixable right then and there problem with the tooth that is next to the implant crown, had the impression and I was on my way. 

After the dentist, I did something I have not done since last year, I went into a Target. Not really a stop I wanted to make but dang, they carry a product that I find difficult to find elsewhere with as good as quality as Target. Funny thing, my usual habit pre-Covid had been meandering around the store, looking in all my favorite departments...I pretty much shopped what I came for, got a few other necessities and headed out the door. At least they did away with the pre-line to be in to be assigned a checkout lane. I hated that and never understood its relevance. Well, outside of a need to control. 

Stopped at Ingles for a few groceries and saw that they had a couple of their pumps open for gasoline. Not in dire straights needing gas but I considered getting in line. Looked at Gas Buddy and saw that maybe the Exxon station I like had gas. Y'all, I approached the station and there were cars but there was an open pump. No line, nothing. Filled up Mustang Sam and by the time I finished, there was a line and a little confusion in the lot. Wow! I was pretty dang excited to go that without a long wait or see people getting into fights over the lines and gasoline. 

Over the weekend I had been putting stuff for the yard sale at church in the truck and once I returned home, it was off to church. Here is the surprising thing, I was the first to bring stuff and it was Monday afternoon, after 2:00. I probably have a few more things to take over later this week. 

Sunday afternoon and evening for background noise, The Titans of the 20th Century played on. While my attention span is limited for some reason, well more so than usual, I would pick up key points here and there. They looked at the time after WWI and went through the years profiling world leaders and placing the events that began the rumblings and sure journey to WWII. I had never seen anything like this. This history buff found it so interesting. This afternoon with my late lunch I watched a PBS thing on Elizebeth Smith Friedman, The Code Breaker. Fascinating. 

Today, I planted flowers, pulled the never ending supply of weeds and weed like vines, and watered. No rain for the foreseeable future. I have to take water to the plum trees because they are out of hose distance. We lost both of the plum trees that were here when we bought the house and I felt it to be a good thing to plant two more, mainly in memory of my Grandma B. She had plum trees and I helped her make plum jelly in the summers. I need to get the dahlias in the ground and do another round of sunflowers. I also worked on the dead hydrangea but I think I am going to have to call in the professionals to get it out of the ground. 


Well, I didn't finish this up like I had planned but will do so this morning. Buddy has been treated and she is napping. The Feral Fam is eating breakfast and that sounds like a good idea for me. I am using the last container of Bailey's Irish Creamer and since they don't make it anymore....I'll have to resort to the real not really...well???? No, but I did see a recipe to make it. Another challenge in the kitchen. So for now, my post is done. The sun is out and grocery shopping awaits. 

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