Saturday, May 1, 2021

Outdoors is Calling And I Must Go

 I went to bed last night at 9:00 pm, not as an old person but as a person who is a little frazzled by things here and there. Hopefully, a little more gets settled down today. I've noticed since getting this mouth guard to wear at night, I do a lot of clenching of my jaw when I am awake. It is probably from having to find a different way than before to deal with things other than the way I did before 2008. My anger and smart alec mouth got me into deep waters, with the Lord and with others. Lot of apologizing and repenting going on back in the day. Being raised and taught that anger was the only good emotion to emote isn't an excuse but it did make working through these issues a little tougher. It feels like I have gone from anger to apathy. There are a lot of things I used to fight with and fight for, but now instead of the call to rally or fight, I'm more inclined to react with, well, if that is how you want it, so be it. Not talking about the good fight of faith, here. For example years ago I tried to keep up with friends from high school and college and really work to keep the friendship established and not let it be lost to distance and time and space for such things. Now, it is easier to keep in contact because of social media. That has become Pablum and it masks the need for know cause we are Facebook friends now.  Facebook does provide good memories. Also, I had more time to devote to such efforts and maybe back then not so much by friends because of family and work. 

Maybe I am thinking this way in these days because we are in the process of deciding what to keep and what to pass along as we sell the house. Hopefully, I won't have tons of regret over some long loved furniture and accessories going on their merry way. Really, my thinking leans toward if I haven't missed it the last six years, then it shouldn't be difficult to let go, but in the back of my mind, I knew it was in Katy. 


In this age of social and phone communication, Roy and I are using Google Duo. Roy has an Android phone so facetime is out. For a man who knows the ins and outs of computer programs, math and such beyond things for me, he could not figure out how to turn the screen toward things. Finally, when we got that figured out for him we began in earnest going through kitchen stuff and deciding what stays and what goes. It mainly is going which is good but oh those sentimental memories over some of those things. Like the first set of dishes and glasses I bought when I was in college and these clear bowls made out of glass like they make test tubes from. Beautiful presentation of any kind of soup. Roy has accumulated quite the collection of food storage containers. We have more mugs than I ever thought possible for two people and the amount of dishes designed for entertaining, wow, got used maybe once. 

Roy picks up the key to his condo he's renting at Bayou Woods this morning. He is really happy with his choice. At first he was leaning toward Post Oak Lane, but this condo has a view and he said the living room and bedroom are huge. I think we both feel good about getting that done and now he needs to be looking for movers. 

While Roy was recovering from the semi-mess the AC inspectors left at the house and Roy debated since they turned off the house surge protection, if he could just turn it back on, I was out mostly in Madison County buying plants. I have driven by The Farm Connection many times and being in the truck, with room for plants, I stopped. They had plants that everyone else has run out of, like phlox, blackberry bushes, service berry trees, plum trees...well, that is what I bought. I am truly excited over the service berry tree and the history it has in this area. They are a beautiful spring blooming tree and vibrant color in the fall. The one I bought is little but planting to hopefully see it to maturity but if not, it will be a joy for others. I also added to the flame azaleas we have already and two gardenia bushes. When I got home late afternoon, I went ahead and dug the hole for the gardenias and azaleas since it was cool and breezy. Had a fun conversation with a lady, about my age or so, as we looked over bedding plants. Had a great time talking about our planting plans. She was going to plants some veggies, but I have decided I am not responsible enough to plant veggies. The attention span gets me once again. When leaving the parking lot, she was two cars ahead of me and had ample opportunities to pull out onto the road. She did not and it was then I was glad we weren't really friends, cause her lack of spunk to get out onto the road would drive me up the wall.  

Just talked with Roy. He has loaded the car and is getting ready to head over to the condo to pick up the key, etc...  You can hear the relief in his voice. I wonder if he regrets not wanting me to try and get there to help him. We pray about it all and I do background work for him, like locating bubble wrap at Lowe's instead of making a trip into Costco and then over to Lowe's, and he is doing the leg work and packing so far. 

Well the outdoors is calling and I must go. Stopped in at Leicester Supply yesterday for more potting soil. At some point the inside of the house needs attention, but it is supposed to rain on Monday. 

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