Friday, June 17, 2022

Computers, Kittens, Breakfast and Danger

 Called yesterday to get Mr. Mo a follow up appointment at the vet for next week. What a difference a happy little kitten makes on the heart. I loved Buddy and she was an excellent pet for us but she was a bit cranky for everyone else, especially at the vet office. The tech asked how Mo was doing and she scheduled him for his appointment to be at the time when she was working so she could see him. I love that! He is recovering nicely and is a fun and morning energetic cat. Oh the adventures that await when he is older and doesn't sleep in the playpen. I'll enjoy these nights of rest. 

With computer issues and WiFi being noncooperative, I was finally able to submit my digital work to the gastrologist office. Even the submittal of history and paperwork did not go smoothly. Several questions were just yes or no but it felt like I needed some space to explain because it was not a yes or no answer.  

Had a Costco day this week. We are trying to gear our trips for once a month. As the fruit season shifts, so does our shopping list. A TN shopping trip will be next and we will do these until we cannot afford to do so because of the gasoline prices. Because the oil and gas industry put food on our table and to some extent still does, everyone ganging up on the big oil companies is nothing new. Like our friend Solomon said as he grew more cynical as he got older, there is nothing new under the sun. There are many years that cuts are made all through the oil and gas industry which means people lose jobs and their livelihood. After the 80s, it seems a lot of companies ran lean and mean hoping never to cut back on all the jobs they did. Even as a non math loving person, one can look and see if there was more production and refineries coming back online, people could be working and give the credit to this administration in charge. It reminded me of a situation when I played softball. One of the best players defensively in the field and a force to reckon with at the plate missed most of a season with an injury. We other players were united in how much we disliked the preferential treatment that she received. If we made mistakes, we were punished someway, lack of playing time etc...but in her slumps, she never bore a lick of reprimand or punishment. So that season she missed? It was one of the worst seasons our team experienced, but not because of her lack of presence on the field, no we were not united in whom we focused on with disdain. Now that there wasn't one person to direct that to, we were all over the place with ununited blame at foibles and mistakes.  That kind of feels like what our country is dealing with right now. The one focus isn't there to unite a majority. I feel sorry for those who are required to tow the company line when it seems so counterintuitive even in the fact their lives have been affected financially. I also feel sorry for those who have the slim advantage now and seem to over do it with pounding out their mantra and with energy just experienced from those there are differences with. It is beyond my comprehension all that is going on right now no matter what side we lean toward. I'm here in my usual spot, the middle.

We had a profitable TN jaunt. Got groceries, walked through Academy, had a delicious lunch and topped off the journey with a stroll through Barnes and Noble. We look at such different subject matters. Roy checks the sale books, then business books. I look through fiction and nonfiction first, then through the journal section looking for deeply discounted notebooks that would be great for putting Sunday School notes in. No such luck but did find a book that I had contemplated ordering a few weeks ago and Roy found a book on Technical Assets. Well, he saw the book and came home and ordered a different book, same subject matter on Amazon. Next week I hope to get a lot of reading done since we are having church wide gathering for Sunday School. But for today it is getting the lesson for Sunday in outline form. Solomon is one interesting King that's for sure. 

This morning Mr. Mo got to wander through the downstairs for a bit. Last night he and I sat on the front porch. Let me correct that, he ran all around the front porch and I sat until I had to chase him down and bring him inside. His sister BJ was under one of the rolling carts napping on the front deck. They saw each other. I tried to get her to come inside the porch but she wouldn't. Last night before we shut down the cafeteria, we did a looksee for a couple of our bunch that didn't show up for supper. Our presence scared a gray cat, not Frankie, out of the garage. MoJo and Tab Hunter are usually around because they are so little. Benny and Beanie are regulars that don't miss a meal, not in sight. Later just as dusk began overtaking the sky, Sweetie and two of the black cats chased off the gray cat from the backyard. They had been sitting with the little ones on a large flat rock, encircling them as in protection. We don't always know what is going on in cat world but this morning MoJo and Tab Hunter were present for breakfast as well as Beanie and Benny. Something certainly was up last evening, the sense of danger hung in the air.  Thankfully this morning that danger seemed to have vanished and the normal hunger for breakfast returned. 

We finally have a morning to be able to ease into the day. I've been waiting on this all week long. 

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