Monday, June 27, 2022

Rainy Days and Mondays, Do Not Get Me Down

 The big highlight on this Wednesday morning is the A/C people coming to do our twice yearly inspection. Everything seems to be running right, but it is just a part of the territory, just as it is in Houston. I am so glad that even last and this week with our warmer than normal temps here, it is not Houston hot. Lord have mercy! *** Well, they changed the appointment to the afternoon. All is well but the guy broke the drainage thing and had to replace it as well as turned the attic chain light too hard or at a weird angle thus the light would not turn off. Roy kind of freaked out over it but we texted with Jon, friend and electrician, and he came by last night to look at it and then he fixed it. We are most grateful for him. As for the A/C guy, I kind of laughed about the light thing because he was not raised nor trained to never ever flip a light switch haphazardly, pull a chain too hard and while it is all being mentioned, who could ever forget the door and drawer shutting lessons. Those are things I rarely do unless I am mad and way back in the past slammed a few doors shut. 

Saw a few Japanese beetles while dead heading roses, so it is time to get out the traps before they wreck havoc on all the roses. Some of the transplanted four o'clock plants were a little droopy but they have revived quite nicely. The youngest peach tree didn't make it so this fall we will get another one but plant it in a different spot. The redbud tree that was there died too. The tomatoes are going wild and we hope to see some red ones soon. Our blackberry bushes are abundantly filled and we await the turning from red to purple any day now. So fun to watch all the growth from last year. Apple trees are doing much better than last year as well.   

Big Daddy is still around as of yesterday. His meow is pitiful, almost like he had stroke or something. He will not let you treat him special but wants to eat with the others and they are letting him do that. He does accept treats though. He is pretty beat up from his hard living. I am glad to feed him and talk to him in what might be his last days. 

Mr Mo returned to the vet yesterday for a quick check up for his bottom lip and first set of shots. He was out like a light for most of the day but he has rebounded quickly this morning. He and Roy were out early on the front porch enjoying the morning. We bought Mo a bed that converts from a covered top to a flat bed. Mo has flipped that bed upside down and he sleeps and hides underneath it. Quite a funny thing to see. We are gravitating to brining G-Mo in the house although he is a boy. MoJo is not that friendly and G-Mo runs to Roy when he sees him in the garage probably due to the high hopes that food is involved if Roy is present. But that helps. It is hard to remember Mr Mo acting so wild but he does love the creature comforts. Oh, and not sharing his food. 


Ah Saturday. We loaded up the truck this morning and took a bunch of stuff to Habitat for the thrift store. A high school in the area had a car wash so we came home and brought back the Mustang. Since we were close to Publix, we ran in for a few things and then came on home. 

I haven't seen Big Daddy since Thursday. Don't know if he has moved on across the rainbow bridge or not but if he did cross I am glad he was around here to have a full tummy and soon enough the Feral Fam came around to loving on him. 

This week I finally have some appointments and I am still waiting to be scheduled at the gastric office. filled out all the digital paperwork but if I don't hear anything by Monday afternoon, I will make the call. Everything has such a slow pace to it around here. For the most part I am feeling good but just have little tinges of discomfort now and then. 

This has turned out to go much longer than anticipated so, I will close this to post this. 

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