Thursday, July 14, 2022

Dear Diary

 Dear Diary,

It isn't even 8:30 am and already the morning has been a full one and an early one. Got up at 3:30 am to get Roy to church for their early morning departure. Had a difficult time getting Mojo to give up the comfy confines of sleep underneath the car. Finally, with that chore done, we headed over to church in a thick, misty fog. It was a slow go but a safe one. Upon returning home, there was Mojo sitting in the middle of the driveway waiting for her house to return. She wouldn't budge and since it was a little after 5:00 am, I didn't want to honk a lot to wake up those who still slept soundly in their homes. I hoped I had pulled in enough not to get hit by the gate closing. Whew, made it clear but only by an inch or so. Got inside the house and made coffee. Looked over notes for tomorrows lesson and then began the separate porch time for Mr Mo and then G Mo. Mr Mo, full of energy threw himself into all that involves play. Climbing up the tower, chasing an impudent stuffed animal, and generally getting all the ya yas out. Put him up and gathered their bowls to be filled later. The Feral Fam gathered and waited on breakfast which began service around 7:00 am. In the midst of the frantic wait for bowls, a very familiar face entered the garage, Radley. Radley looked a little rough around the edges as if he had been fighting. He did something uncharacteristic for him, he hissed. I talked to him like always, cause he is always a joy to see and he is HP's brother. I didn't go near him because we have been on polite distance terms, but when I went toward the cats waiting for breakfast, he hissed at me. Oh my spidey sense told me to close down the service line and get inside the house and that's what I did. Went out a little later and he had moved on. Now, it was time for G Mo to get out on the porch and he climbed up the tower to the next level. He's a growing boy. We moved into together time which went well. G Mo is getting a little more assertive in standing his ground and even initiated some of the scuffles. By this time, mama is tired, brought them inside, served breakfast and now they nap. Yes! Now to have some breakfast myself. 


Dear Diary,

First night of VBS done and day three of being a single parent to two wild boys. Again, this morning, I find myself getting them fed and hopefully played out on the front porch. In a bit I will go feed the Feral Fam and then it is my turn. 

With extra activities this week as well as too many appointments, I am working on this Sunday's lesson earlier this week. We covered Asa as well as the background of Elijah being prepared by God for the big showdown on Mt Carmel. Some of my favorite verses on the brook, ravens and the widow. Asa, well his heart was loyal to God his whole life but he didn't finish well. For his life and study, when he and Judah had rest in the land for ten years. Seeing the things that Asa confronted and then restored, well, I wish we could have given more time to that. 


Feeling the VBS hangover this morning especially in my feet and legs. Last night, I was so tired when I went to bed, I tossed and turned. Woke up around 1:00 realizing I had not taken all my meds, so it was a tip toe kind of descent downstairs as not to wake the boys.

I have seen Radley two more times. Once, he seemed like normal Radley but the next time he was hissing at all the fam but not at me. Got him fed but makes me wonder if he returned just like Big Daddy before crossing the rainbow bridge. Radley hasn't made an appearance since Saturday. I also think little Mojo might have crossed as well. She had a habit of sleeping out in the open on the driveway, she is more white than black being easily spotted by a hawk. Broke the news to Roy last night that it has been several days and Mojo was not one to miss a meal. 

There is much to be done before going to VBS, so with that thought I will close this post. 

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