Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Wrapping Up a Blog Post and Elijah

 The long day of riding and waiting marked time till about 1:30 am when we both fell into bed exhausted. The thoughtfulness of Judy C being much appreciated because after dropping the truck off at church for Roy, they took me home. I was happy not to be out on these rural roads after dark thirty. This past week the state or county has been patching up our well traveled road but in the midst of the patches, the white lines on the edges of the road have been covered. 

Roy has made it downstairs and he is having his quiet time with the boys on the front porch. I love his telling of adventures this week. He did get to take a few pics of the area to share with me. Just so beautiful.


Sunday morning. The coffee is brewing and the boys are stirring. Roy is still in bed. That's good that he is taking care of himself. Hopefully in this morning's lesson we will get to the part of Elijah under the broom tree, again with the theme of God using the miraculous as well as the ordinary, we just need to be aware of His workings. God knew he needed rest for the journey ahead and Elijah slept and God sent an angel to wake him and provide food and water for him. Since Lifeway didn't use a lot of last week's lesson to show how Elijah learned with the brook and ravens and the widow, I covered that and today we look at Mt Carmel and as much as we can with the aftermath of the big moments/big ministry times and such. If we have to go into this into next week's lesson, that is fine. This time going through the life of Elijah, I am seeing how much God's grace and patience is shown. The other times, the first time though while studying in CBS my eyes were opened to the very human side of Elijah. When we studied him in 2019 using The Gospel Project, I was halfway miffed with him. 


It has been tougher than usual to sit down and write. I need to get back to my regular writing as well as blogging, if nothing else but for me to think through thoughts and prayerfully approach things I don't understand. 

I slept in a little this morning and it was much needed. Roy and the boys were already on the front porch and wrestling between the boys in full swing. Roy reading his Bible verses in between breaking them up when turning a little too vicious. I joined them on the porch for coffee drinking. We got the Fam fed. Dean hasn't been around for several days...thus you never know in their wild lives what happens. Truthfully, I don't miss him as he was a bully and a scardy cat at the same time. He picked on those smaller than himself. Now Blazey was gone for several days and I sure was happy to see him show up last night. 

The weather and my health has kept us from doing the day trips we had planned this week. I am hoping we can get another trip in. We are thrilled for the rain that's for sure. The trees were suffering a bit. We picked more tomatoes yesterday and a good amount of blackberries. Brenda said yesterday now y'all are fully entrenched in WNC life and there is no turning back. Yep, I reckon that there is some truthful words. I keep thinking of friends dealing with the hot temps back in Texas. The week forecast called for temps over 100° for seven straight days and the lows are in the 80s. Don't miss that at all. 

We will wrap up Elijah on Sunday. I didn't get as far as I wanted last Sunday. There is just so much with his life and experiences with God that we can learn from. 

This could go on longer but since time hasn't been made recently to blog, I'll go ahead and post this. 

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