Saturday, September 10, 2022

Rain And Nancy Drew

 The rain continues this morning. It looks like we got rain overnight and the flowers, trees and sadly the weeds are rejoicing. It could be due to a faulty memory but rainy days here that begin in the morning are few and far between. Afternoon into early evening seems to be the time of choice for most rainfalls. Roy and The Boys have been on the back porch. Looks like the winter bedjacket I wear is being slowly but surely claimed as a possession of the MOs. 

We are at the end of chicken tortilla soup that we made and froze in the winter. Soon it will be time to prepare it. That is lunch today. Roy had planned on going to the gym but he is in a wait and see mode. On Mondays the time spent of the lesson for Sunday is usually reading over the lesson in the quarterly, then praying, reading and thinking on these things. Amos 3-4 this week and yes, the favorite snippet of a verse, you fat cows of Bashan. With his agrarian background, this is a complement from Amos to the women in Israel. It seems if one was overweight, one was seen as prosperous. Little late to that dance party, but living back then without running water and electricity does not interest me. 


Good Wednesday morning. Life hasn't let me get back to blogging this week. I am trying to grab a few minutes this morning. Most of us around here think the back breaking heat is done and we look forward to the fallish days ahead. Nice breeze this morning so have the front and back doors open. 

There must be something in the air that has The Feral Fam and The Boys excited. I was treated to the most unusual entertainment yesterday morning. All the cats except for Mama Cat were playing like kittens with each other. Chasing each other around and such. These grown up cats rarely engage in this type of kitten play. This morning The Boys are a wrestling up a storm. Just fed them a second breakfast. 

Saw another unusual situation yesterday. Roy had gone to the gym and I was reading on the back porch while The Boys played. I saw a silver car, Audi, go up a ways on our road, then backed into our neighbors yard, off the gravel but on the grass. I am reading a good, I mean great, great and good book. Two of the main characters, love Nancy Drew books and they are trying to solve a mystery but life keeps getting in the way. So, with that fresh anointing of Nancy Drew thoughts, I switched into Nancy Drew mode. Went upstairs to take pictures. Called Ned Nickerson...oops Roy, he was almost home and told him of the situation. As he pulled into the driveway, our neighbor Nancy, not Drew, pulled on to our road. Parked her truck at her gate and called Donna, Mary Joyce's daughter to apprise her of the situation. Nancy went and talked to the man in the car while Roy and I had her back. Long story short, he was with Spectrum as a sales person trying to get Mary Joyce to return to Spectrum under the new government program of getting internet coverage to rural areas. Nancy called to confirm his story with Spectrum. Donna, Nancy and I had texts going and we've decided we have one good community watch program on our road. A side note, Mary Joyce has dementia and has conversations outside all day long with people we cannot see, but she does. Last night the group added another player, the cable guy. Mary Joyce knew enough not to unlock her door when he came a knocking. 

Looks to be a few days respite from rain although we have needed it. 


Another foggy beginning to the day. If I don't have to go anywhere, the fog is always welcomed. There is a rhythm to the week days on the back porch. Our neighbor left on time for work and the new family left on time for daycare. The Feral Fam decided the driveway was better than wet grass, so their option kept The Boys to a calm morning, with both of them taking naps. Mr Mo on Roy and G Mo on me.  

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