Thursday, April 20, 2023

Hoping Problems Are Resolved

 Happy Easter Monday! It is a coolish, sun-filled morning. After a Friday and Saturday of rain and a cool beginning to Easter Sunday, this continues to be a banner week weather wise. The sound of a small pinecone rattling against the floors is the background noise of the morning. The Boys are playing nice and I hope that continues until the second morning nap. 

Roy arrived at 6:30 am to help fix breakfast after the sunrise service yesterday morning. I only made it to the last few minutes of breakfast being served. Only wanted eggs and bacon and they had some left. Ate quickly and then got upstairs to our room to prepare for Sunday School. I did something I rarely do, use music in the lesson. Weeks before Easter, I play grand Easter hymns and one in particular caught my attention this year. So, we ended class with Christ the Lord is Risen Today, full out organ with the little frills and trills. I don't know what that means to y'all but my interpretation is all the extra notes playing along with the deep rumbling of the bass. Reminds me of the organist at Grace Presbyterian for many years. At the end of the service she would play something grand and we would move forward to watch her make those beautiful sounds with her hands and feet. Most people talked through the epilogue of the service, but it sent me out into the world filled with the Word, both in scripture and music.  Easter deserves and has earned organ music as a thankful and sentimental look of Easter's past. With the cool temps of the morning, a slight adjustment was needed as not to be really cold. The adjustment came with a change of shoes, flats, but had to add socks and boots to complete the pink, black and white outfit. 

Following the quarterly, we jumped to John 20 for Easter Sunday. Mary Magdalene, Peter and John, their reactions to the news of the resurrection. The phrase for after Peter and John had been in the tomb...John believed but then they went home. That struck me as an odd thing to say but yet, it isn't. Did they go home wondering or home not to be falsely arrested r go home confident?  


Well, a beautiful yesterday called us out to the yard. We moved some raised beds as well as doing a few other things yardwork wise. The tulips are just about played out after they brought bright colors this spring. Now it is time to get the flowerbeds ready so they are ready for planting after Mother's Day. Think we had dogwood winter over the weekend and soon we will have blackberry winter, then we should be good to go. 


I haven't been blogging because of neck issues while sitting at the computer. It's a boring story but I'll just say we have been looking to resolve the issue with screen and distance and we might have found an answer. So this morning, this is the experiment and we shall see if our new set up helps. 

Of course when you cannot sit down to write on the computer all kinds of things enter my brain to write about. Now that I am sitting here, nothing comes to mind. Oh well, I am sure in the coming days something will develop. 

With yesterday and today getting into the 80s, we will probably not continue our raised garden bed work until tomorrow. We have cold returning briefly over the weekend and then things will get to hopping plant-wise. We stopped to pick up strawberries yesterday afternoon and the produce stand people said next week we could see more availability in flowers and veggie plants. We are still holding to the after Mother's Day planting schedule, but we are getting the planting spaces ready. 

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