Thursday, October 12, 2023

Carts and Queso and Other Observations

 This morning the victory of helping The Feral Fam is, Roy caught Spot, Fido's brother. He named him Spot because he has a dark nose and that is about the only way you can tell the two apart. Their markings are identical. Radley has one less competitor to chase about.

The traffic yesterday, at just about any time of the day, was challenging and sometimes just downright horrible. We had to go a much different route for Roy's bloodwork appointment and once we conquered the first round from the backup of a wreck, we also encountered a few backups on the freeway. Roy got his blood drawn and we went for a delicious breakfast. Hit the road again on our way to the Costco. Lots of road and bridge work. We finally arrived and got to shopping. Rarely do we go to Costco on a Monday and just the amount of people reminded us why. Roy found some deals on fleece jackets. I'm pretty set with flannel shirts and such, so nothing really appealed to me. We got some good deals on other necessities and such. I wasn't hungry after a huge breakfast, but Roy was so he got a hot dog meal and I got a strawberry sundae. Traffic on the way home due to construction which is progress but sometimes in the midst of it, one is only able to think of the immediate. Thinking back on our day, it came to mind last night that maybe something had been going on at the gas pumps there at Costco. Most people are patient in line and if a vehicle finishes at pump 1 before pump 2, most just wait till both clear and the next two cars pull up. That was not the case yesterday. A car pulled in and backed up to the pump, a little too close to us. The truck behind us moved in very close. The attendant came over and stood watch with his radio in his hand. The truck behind moved back away from us when the attendant drew near. We finished up but the guy in front of us had not. The attendant directed us out of our spot, thank goodness for the open lane at the ends of the station. I don't know if the thought of assault or robbery was in the attendant's mind or just aggravated that the guy kind of broke protocol. It is a good reminder to always be alert. 

I felt like I did my queso duty on Friday at a produce stand. We buy the medium salsa that Lou Lou cans. It is delicious and can be used in other food prep. We like it for our sauce that we make for spaghetti. A lady who works there started talking to me about the salsa and I shared with her how good it is for making queso. With a questioning look from her I said, cheese dip. Even the Mexican restaurants call it cheese dip here. So I gave her the recipe and I think she will like it the next time she has chips and dips, I mean cheese dip. 


Roy got his bloodwork back and there is improvement in the areas of concern. We will rejoice at that good news. To celebrate after getting our haircut, we went grocery shopping. In all truthfulness, we would have gone grocery shopping whether he had his results or not. The music in the store was particularly good yesterday. While we were shopping in the cleaners and laundry aisle I heard a muted guitar rift. Muted cause we old people were filling that aisle and a lot of loud talking going on. Roy and I were in deep discussion if we needed to get a new Swifter handle, yes I know, we are such a wild, fun-loving couple. I had the extender Swifter in my hand to place in the cart (buggy.) I can't call it buggy yet since it is the description of choice for what you push up and down the aisles here. The muted guitar rift, so familiar to me...Bryan Adams and Tina Turner's duet of It's Only Love. Yes, right there in the Publix I played the Swifter guitar complete with the choreography. Did some Tina dance steps in response to Bryan Adam's part. Better than embarrassing Roy was this, I made a young person smile, really smile. I choose to think that she thought, I hope I am this rocking when I am 69 years old not the thought of some old lady was dancing, playing a guitar while having a stroke. In the past I have written that it is all I can do to not dance to Fame, which is played quite a bit around here but I could not refrain from Tina and Bryan. 

The color of the trees along our everyday roads are so beautiful. Full of color and red is truly popping. Roy harvested the last of his tomatoes on Saturday although he said some still have blooms. It was a very good tomato season for us and since this was our first attempt at bell peppers, I think that was good too. We pulled up the sunflowers and cosmos. Next up zinnias. 

After being gone a good portion of the day and coming home to an empty downstairs, The Boys, I went upstairs to see where they might be. All three were asleep on the daybed in the front bedroom. I was able to grab a pic. 

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