Tuesday, June 5, 2018

It's All Cool

A little cool front went through the area last night and today has been fabulous! A breeze, low humidity and temps in the lower 70's. It was pleasant enough to do some work outside, in the afternoon. I will finish up this evening by watering the front flower bed. Three days without rain and the ground is already dry. Because we had so much rain last week, the new sod never needed watering but today, it got a good soaking.

Mike the Mower Man made it here today as well. So all that high grass has been cut and he did some of the extra weed eating today. It can be like an overgrowth of a jungle if you don't keep up with things. The birds got their feeders restocked and Cali got a special treat of getting to eat by herself. She must not be a morning cat cause she missed breakfast but everyone else was present and accounted for. She was exploring the garage when I came back from getting the trash can from the road. She stuck closer as long as she could see food in her future. Probably, since it is such a pleasant day and sitting on the front porch is delightful that Mama Cat is sitting on the back deck waiting for supper. Maybe even Camo will be around.

I really like our interim pastor. He is a professor at an local seminary. The choir sang a favorite, Thou O Lord. The worship just builds with each repeat of Thou O Lord art a shield for me, the glory and the lifter of my head. We also have a new pianist and for Houston friends Rob is like a Jill pianist. Of course I always love Sunday School. We almost had everyone there yesterday...just missing a few.
Well, our downstairs is cooling like a boss! Today Haynes came and installed a new downstairs HVAC unit. It is bigger and since the other one was loosing freon, this one is more efficient. It took them much longer than I had anticipated but the trouble was the new thermostat, so once they got that figured out, they were able to get that going and move on. It is hard to do anything constructive or even not constructive when you have people in and out of the house. Before the A/C guys got here, Nathan and Andrew were her early putting in a few sunflowers, but mostly sunflower seeds. The new sod is looking good and he seed sodded right be the light pole. We went over some flowers for the new flowerbed and I am excited at the possibilities. So I went out and watered the new seeds and plants after the sun had gone down behind us. MJ and Cali were hanging in the backyard. Cali got brave and explored the garage so I might be able to rig something up to catch her in there. The garage intrigues her. Tonight is the closet yet I have been to her and also she doesn't run every time I get near.

The little female cardinal still can't figure out the image she sees. All the birds are happy with full feeders in both the front and back yards. We are all happy campers around here tonight. Cool happy campers.

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