Wednesday, June 27, 2018

What A Day Holds

The sounds of summer fill the air as Mike the Mower Man mows the yard. The fragrance of summer will fill the senses of cut grass mingled with the aroma of cut hay, which seems to have a sweeter scent. Mix the two together, what a lovely bouquet. With what seems to be an army of lightning bugs in the evenings, colorful splashes of blooming flowers...higher temps and thunderstorms, summer has certainly taken up residence here. Also an aside, with the Feral Fam keeping up regular visits to the backyard, the squirrel visits are more sporadic and yesterday the first chipmunk of the summer showed up for a quick minute or two before Mama Cat made her presence known. Cali hasn't been around for several days and since learning of her expanded territory, maybe she prayed the prayer of Jabez, she might be otherwise occupied. Still, she might be otherwise in another world, since she doesn't look both ways before crossing a road. MJ and Camo are around this morning though.

The past few days have filled with a busier schedule or disciplined time at home to study and to read to where I needed to be for book club. Happily, I got book club reading done last night. By God's grace the Philippians 1 lesson came together for Sunday and even had it typed out by Friday which I stayed up too late. Saturday morning meant finishing up studying and adding some new notes to the lesson. Then I found the song the choir sang Sunday on You Tube and practiced with the tambourine a couple of times. Our Sunday School class had a party Saturday night and Vivian asked if I would lip sync a song with back Ain't No Mountain High Enough got played several times to hear the words and think through choreography and additional actions that conveyed the message, we do not think we are Diana Ross and the Supremes. This kind of comedy usually falls into two camps, making sure no one thinks we are the artist or we perform with an audience knowing we are simply horrible but it is up to us on the stage to exude confidence and think we are the best that ever came down the road. When Peggy and I do our Christmas Dance, would be an example of the later category.
A quiet Wednesday morning with all the Feral Fam kiddos greeting me as I served breakfast to them. Cali was asleep on the deck when I came downstairs. It is so good to see that little wanderer. The weather forecast is rain beginning around noon. We had several good showers yesterday complete with lightning and thunder. The first storm that passed through moved more to the south but our area received lots of lightning. The rain let up enough to make a safe drive to book club and got home with threatening skies and rain.

I love book club. Not only did we semi discuss the book, cause there is so much else to talk about but we were treated to two of the pie recipes that the author came across on her road trip across the country. We meet in a couple of weeks to discuss the rest of the book.

The lesson for Sunday has been a harder one to study for. The quarterlies of today are so much better than of yesterday. While teaching in the student ministry those examples in the lessons were from the 1950's-1960's and were unusable. We just took the verses and discussed them in our teacher's meeting on Wednesday nights for the lessons. Studying for Philippians 1 was a great diversion to get away from overthinking this week's lesson. Yesterday while studying, I came across a devotional that was never completed because the author passed away before finishing it but his commentary and style of writing on Colossians was just the thing to open my eyes to the verses we are studying. It is too bad with a quarterly that we don't get to spend much time on background and the whys of what is written. That certainly helps me see why Paul wrote what he did. So for this week, we are going to look at the background of what was going on with that little church that Paul never visited and then we can understand why he then wrote on the preeminence of Christ in the universe, in our relationship to God and in our relationships with one another. So many of my study aids are still in Texas because you know, I thought the Lord asked me to lay down teaching...and I added the forever part but it was for a season. This could be a short season or a long season of teaching, I don't know but to be ready and willing seems to be the lesson for me in the here and now.

Yesterday, I was fixing a glass of ice tea. I used a lime squeezer to squeeze juice from a lemon and then a blood orange. The blood orange must have been too big to use in something meant for a lime and some of the juice flew out of the top and to the side instead of in the glass. I saw a few spots and of course cleaned them up. Last night I looked up and there on the wall and ceiling were more blood orange juice squirts and it did look like blood splatters on the wall...this fact I know from watching too much ID TV in the past. So last night I cleaned off the walls and ceiling only to see this morning some that I missed. That was a juicy orange.

Well, this day's adventure hold vacuuming and folding laundry. Oh and probably some rain. 

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